FAQ - Pelger-Huet Anomaly
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Can a woman with a hormone production anomaly drop a second egg after conception and get pregnant again?

Suppose a woman , who is normally expected to have a sudden increase in progesterone levels that prevent conception is afflicted by a medical anomoly or illness that temporarily causes a misfire of the hormone production normally accompanying conception, due to some medical reason, could she thus have the abnormal effect of concieving twice in the same ten month period?
This question assumes the answerer knows that women have all their eggs in supply alat birth and do not actually produce just one a month. One is supposed to drop but sometimes two or three do and you get fraternal twins or trips. identical twins come fom same egg that splits for some reason. all women are not equal and all hormonal and biological processes are perfect or complete everytime. things go wrong. I do not ask if this is a normal thing, only if it is medically and biologically possible for it to occur under certain circumstances. Not asking does it USUALLY occur or is it normal. This would be ABNORMAL

Yes, it can and does happen. Occassionally, a woman will conceive a second pregnancy during the early stages of pregnancy. This generally results in a still birth or premature delivery of the second child.  (+ info)

what is disjunction?why it cause an anomaly in baby whose mother is old?

I have a situation that a woman who is 36, became pregnant and the doctor told her that there is an anomaly in the baby for the number of the chromosomes were different from that it has to be.what can be problem?
I think it should be a disjunction on chromoses
I need more knowledge please

I think you might mean nondisjunction. This is when a cell does not divide properly and the resulting cell ends up with either too many or too few chromosomes. If that resulting cell is an egg or a sperm, then the fertilized embryo will have too many or too few chromosomes, too. The effects on the embryo depend on which chromosome is affected. Down syndrome (too many chromosomes) and Turner syndrome (too few chromosomes) are two examples. There are many other possibilities, some of them more serious than others. The risk of this kind of a problem increases as the mother's age increases. The source below has a lot more information about nondisjunction, although it is pretty technical.

I hope everything turns out all right.  (+ info)

19 weeks pregnant and had an anomaly scan,baby's femur is too short?

I had triple test which revealed abnormal results for spina bifida, the docs have ruled this out. My chances of downs is 1 in 7700 low risk. Baby's femur is 21mm, humerus 22mm. they want to perform an amnio in 4weeks to rule out downs which im very reluctant to have. could the baby have a sudden growth spurt? Anyone ou there who can put my mind my mind at rest?

My sister in law went to her 20 week scan and they told her that they baby was the size of a 12 weeker, and that he had spots on the heart and the brain that they couldnt explain and they wanted her to have an amnio, she refused to have it, as she wouldnt terminate anyway, and she went ahead with the pregnancy and she delivered a healthy baby boy with not a health problem. Docs make mistakes as well, and they arent always right, take the inofrmation they give you, and think about it though, on the chance that they are right and the baby has something wrong with it would u terminate the pregnancy? If you would then get the amnio....
goodluck x  (+ info)

will my next child have congenital anomaly?

my first child was born premature,7mos gestation and have a congenital anomaly called tracheo esophageal fistula. when i was pregnant with my second child, the ultra sound tests revealed that she had a bilateral cyst on both kidneys but thanks to God that when she was born the kidneys are alright and in good condition.(we prayed a lot) . She was also born pre mature, 8 mos gestation. will my next chid also have a possible congenital anomaly and will he/she be premature also.

This is simple genetics and probablities. You need to look at your family tree (or family history) & your husband's, how often on either side has this occurred, and how close to you (ie father is closer genetically than great grandfather).

also, keep in mind that each birth is mutually exclusive from any subsequent one. So, just b/c your first child had that anomally, it will in no way reduce or increase your chances of having a 2nd child with the same disorder. It's like flipping a coin twice, the fact that the coin was heads the first time will have 0 effect on the 2nd coin's flip.

Basically, the more instances the disease occurs in your family, the higher your chance is of any child having it. All you can really do is pray =D  (+ info)

hello.How can i apply for medical assistance and disability for my son who has a rare congenital anomaly.?

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I have my anomaly scan (detailed scan) on 1st dec but i will be only 16 weeks pregnant at this time?

will they still be able to tell what sex it is at this time?

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I have a small crater like skin anomaly on my cheek, possibly form a pimple. Is there anyway to correct this?

I have had this small recess in my cheek for years now, just wondering what I can do about it.

Probably nothing, see a dermatoligist - only he/she will know for sure.  (+ info)

What should I expect from my 20 week (anomaly) scan?

I have it tomorrow and am slightly anxious. Did anyone get called back for a second scan?

This is just to check the development of the baby the size, internal organs etc they can depending on the position of the baby tell the sex they also check the fluid and the function of the babys kidneys as they swallow the fluid and urinate it back into the amio fluid good luck and just enjoy seeing your baby on the screen its so exciting you only get called back if there is somthing wrong i did with my 1st child as there was a cyst on her brain but this is normal in some cases and it went before she was born  (+ info)

What is 'Laryngotrach anomaly' ?

I have been approved for coverage for 'Laryngotrach Anomaly Nec' under the CSHCS program. I know it has to do with laryngeal papillomatis but I do not know the exact def. Can anyone help?

Sounds like an odd growth or object in the area of your larynx.  (+ info)

I have conginital heart disease { Ebstein anomaly } this is consider as dissability?

Yes. I have heart disease as well. I was fine until I began working around communication towers for a long time. The electromagnetic frequency coming from the communication equipment has actually burnt the nodes in my heart and they do not communicate together like they are suppose to. I have a condition now called SupraVentricular Tachycardia in which the top chamber of my heart runs away with itself while the lower chamber cannot keep up. It took a while to get it rated as a disability due to it being the first case of this kind that was logged into medical study. They originally thought mine was Ebstein due to the similarities of the SVT and heart arrythmias.

People with Ebstein’s anomaly may have a rapid heart rhythm called supraventricular tachycardia (SVT). An episode of SVT may cause palpitations. (You feel your heart racing.) Sometimes this is associated with fainting, dizziness, lightheadedness or chest discomfort. If you have these symptoms, contact your doctor. If your symptoms persist, seek immediate attention. Recurrent SVT may be prevented with medicines. In many cases, the source of the abnormal heart rhythm may be treated by a catheter procedure called radiofrequency ablation. See the Arrhythmias section for more information.

We tried doing the ablation but it did not work. My doctor wrote up the letter to the disability board stating that I could not perform any type of work due to the fact of the fainting could possibly cause a major injury. I ended up having to have a pacemaker placed to help regulate my rhythms.  (+ info)

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