FAQ - Pemfigus
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I have the autoimmune disease Pemfigus. I was wondering if i can still smoke weed?

sure but it would be a really bad idea.  (+ info)

what is the treatament for pemfigus (a.k.a. pemphigus), at persons suffering from diabet?

what is the treatament for pemfigus (a.k.a. pemphigus), at persons suffering from both pemphigus and diabet

pemphigus can be treated successfully by skin specialist. dont panik for diabetes it increase in pemphigus patient who were not known diabetic.so be positve and go for traetment.  (+ info)

i've been having a lot of saliva, can it be because i have Pemfigus?

Pemphigus is an autoimmune disorder that attacks the basement membrane of your skin's epithelium. I take it yours manifests near your mouth?

If so, the pain from the pemphigus could be making your salivate more. I know when I have canker sores, I salivate like crazy.

If not, then blame your parasympathetic nervous system -- it controls the parotid salivary glands, which secrete watery saliva. The parasympathetic nervous system is at work when you're resting and chilled out.  (+ info)

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