FAQ - Pemphigoid, Benign Mucous Membrane
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can anyone tell me anything about Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid?

I have just been diagnosed after two years of unexplained blistering in my mouth and eyes. GP has prescribed allergy eye-drops and a steroid mouth wash. But I would like to know if there are any preventative actions I can take. He seems to know little, and I know less! Would like some info, and to talk to any other sufferers if possible.. can't find any forums or support groups.

Mucous membrane pemphigoid is an autoimmune or "self-allergy" disease in which a patient’s own circulating antibodies become altered so that they attack the fibrous attachment of the skin and membrane epithelium to the underlying connective tissues. Women are more commonly affected than men and the disease is usually diagnosed between the ages of 40-60 years. The typical lesion is a small or large, clear-fluid blister which breaks fairly rapidly in the mouth to leave a flat white, somewhat tender ulcer with a thin red line around it. The gums are especially likely to be involved, resulting in sloughing during eating or tooth brushing ("desquamative gingivitis"). Usually patients with oral involvement will lack major skin involvement, but the eyelids and genital mucosa are quite susceptible to the blistering phenomenon. There is no cure for this pemphigus vulgaris look-alike disease, but lesions frequently respond well to topical or systemic corticosteroids. Death from this disease is extremely rare, but scar formation of the eyelids and eyeball surfaces may lead to blindness if the eyes are not closely monitored by an ophthalmologist.  (+ info)

who knows the latest trends in RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS and mucous membrane pemphigoid diseases and treatment?

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Is it normal to loose brown mucous for 2 days after a membrane sweep and have period-like cramps non stop?

Please help, I am 5 days past due and already went to hospital twice with false alarms, but after this second membrane sweep all this brownish mucous is scaring me because it is non stop. Now I have had cramps for about 8 hours, could it be contractions?

The brown discharge sounds normal after sweep. If you suspect contractions I would go get checked out or at least call the advice nurse for advice. Good luck!  (+ info)

what are the little bumps in my vagina where the mucous membrane meets the regular skin?

I also have them where my lips meet my facial skin. It's NOT any kind of STD.. they've been there for as long as I can remember. Does it have anything to do with the transition from mucous membrane to regular skin? Or is it hair follicles? or what?
it's not like they appear and disappear.. they're ALWAYS there on both my vagina AND my mouth.

the one near your lips is totally differnt don't worry everyone gets them.(not sure what they are though ) i don't exactly get what the genital ones are though sorry! ask a parent they won't be mean or rude or make you feel bad they're there to help!  (+ info)

why are the labia minora considered to be skin folds and NOT mucous membrane?

In essence, what makes the labia minora classified to be skin folds, and NOT mucous membrane?

because they don't secrete mucous....

The Bartholin glands do.

As for the answer to your email: For the same reason the skin in your armpit isn't classified as a mucous membrane. Mucous membranes have multiple goblet cells interspersed within the tissue itself. These goblet cells secrete mucous.That's what makes them mucous membranes. Glands are completely separate from the tissue, therefore does not make the surrounding tissue a mucous membrane.

If this were true, then the sweat glands in your armpit would automatically make your armpit a mucous membrane....  (+ info)

Is a cut considered a mucous membrane?

My cat just scratched me on my arm and I was going to put some self tanner on but it says on the bottle not to put it on mucous membranes.

External mucous membranes help protect the body from infection by trapping foreign particles with mucous. While some of these are attached to the skin (eyes, ears, nose, lips, anus and genitals) the skin is not, as a whole, a mucous membrane; it is our largest organ.
The self tanner you're using possibly contains oils and other chemicals which could damage or irritate mucous membranes, and in this situation your cut can be looked at as a passage into your body. Because of this, I would recommend you put something over your cut (bandaid, liquid skin, etc) before applying the tanning agent. The chemicals could irritate the scratched region, leading to infection. If you are concerned about this, I would recommend purchasing a hypoallergenic tanning lotion which is water based.
Good luck with the tanning! :)
-peace  (+ info)

What exactly is a mucous membrane in layman's terms?

Specifically, is the chin, or the area above the lips and below the nose, a mucous membrane? Thanks.

No, just the moist tissue starting just inside the lips on back.  (+ info)

what can I do to neutralize hot spicy pepper that got into a mucous membrane?

I got some habanero oil after making fresh salsa on a mucous membrane by accident and now it burns like hell. What can I do to stop the burn? I've heard of using rubbing alcohol, but that kinda scares me to put it on there... can anyone give me another option?? Please help! this is torture!!!

I gather this is in your nose orrrr ouch not below the belt? Well, never mind where it is try soda water, that's baking soda in a glass of water or make a paste of it with water and kind of cake it in or on the "hot spot." I know this really must hurt. I drive my friends to distraction by eating wasabe fresh from the pot without the raw fish. It makes their eyes water and burn just eating it, but it has not effect on me at all. Baking soda will neutralize battery acid on a car battery. Battery acid will eat through clothing and skin. So it should give you some relief. If this is below the belt you should use a good size box of soda to a coulple of inches of warm water. If in your eye or eyes flush with losts of water, ask a doctor about putting soda in your eyes. It shouldn't hurt using it just inside you nose if that is where it is buring you up at. I am sorry you had to learn this lesson of "wash your hands Roger," but I have a feeling if you were lax for any reason about throughly washing your hands with lots of soap and warm water, your thoughts have drastically changed because of this terrible incident. Just remember, wash your hands after making food of anykind, especially if it will peel your skin off like habanero oil. Make sure never to cook in the nude and rub the wrong area. Sorry, but I have a feeling that I had better cover all the places/bases just in case. Keep a clean cloth for wiping sweat from your eyes or a drippy nose so you won't touch those areas with hot stuff either. And wash, wash, wash your hands carefully after touching any thing on or off of you. And the same goes for after the bathroom. I mean what if your hands weren't clean and you put them in your mouth or some other place that you would't want to have ecoli germs hatching out. Hope this will bring you relief and soon. But do be careful what you do when around hazardious fluids habanero oil. jalepeno peppers and other hot things that can cause terrible physical pain. Smoke up a room with your cooking or smell it up with fish or a nasty kitty litter pan? It will kill the odor. For smelly fish or smoke odors, dip a towel in soda water, wring it out and swing it around the room. Pour or sprinkle over smelly litter box to cut the odor while you take it to dump it. Bath a dog or cat in it to help pet odors. Use it and cornstarch together to freshen and soak up oil in hair you can't wash for what ever reason. Like a broken arm or hand, that keeps you from being able to wash your hair. And it can be used on pets if they smell but it's dangerous to bathe them because it's storming outside.  (+ info)

Has anyone ever heard of doctors thinning the mucous membrane?

Has anyone ever heard of doctors doing this while women are in labor to speed the delivery? Is this unhealthy? My sister's OB has a reputation for doing this and I want to warn her if its not a good idea to have a doctor doing such a procedure. She is due in December.

They did this with my first pregnancy, but they did it two days before my due date. I was already 2cm dilated, and was having minor contractions.  (+ info)

what is the mucous membrane lining the nasal cavity called?

also reinforcement of the trachea with the cartilaginous rings prevents the collapses during ___ changes that occur during breathing. The fact that the rings are incomplete posteriorly allows a food bolus to bulge __ during its transport to the stomach.

C'mon Molly this is homework. But I will help a little. The lining is made up of epithelium.Opposite of posterior? I would think the changes would be having to do with pressure first negative then positive. Should do it.  (+ info)

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