FAQ - Periapical Granuloma
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Has anyone ever used silver nitrate sticks on a wound, pyogenic granuloma, or hypertrophic granulation tissue?

Did it successfully clear it up? How often did you use it and how did you apply it?

I have used Silver Cell on a surgical wound and it healed much quicker than regular dressing.  (+ info)

What does a calcified granuloma in the region of the right 1' rib mean?

i had a chest x-ray due to chronic fatigue and this was found. I also had blood test checking my thyroid and was told i had an elevated something in my blood that could be associated with the beginning of lupus!!!! I do not remember exactly what it was called(the elevation).

Just wondering, why ask the yahoos on here when it's your doctor that can give you the answers you need to know? There is no way at all someone on here is going to speculate about something that serious. Especially when you can find out with a phone call.
God bless and help everything turn out alright.  (+ info)

What to eat and drink to prevent skin sickness called GRANULOMA ANNULARE?

http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000833.htm  (+ info)

Methods of getting rid of granuloma annulare?

When I bend my finger it kills. I've already been told not to touch it by my doctor, and he said it would go away in a coupe of years it hasn't. I play the piano and guitar so this is a bit of a problem.

Any clue??

Cortisone injection into a solitary deep granuloma annulare usually will work quickly. Hopefully, your doctor will do this for you.  (+ info)

where can i find the prevalence of periapical disease for each country in the world?

i am looking for the latest data. for my final assignment.
thank you so much

Go through the CDC web site.  (+ info)

I have a skin condition called Granuloma Annulare its a small circle on my chin should i use liquid nitrogen?

Im just wondering if i should use common off the shelf liquid nitrogen to freeze it off :)?

I mostly have GA on my legs/ankles but did get one on my face. One thing that worked to calm it down, I discovered by accident: Revlon Colorstay liquid blemish concealer with Salicylic acid, I believe it is 0.5% salicylic acid. After about 3 weeks the spot had calmed down and is now just a reddish dot on my face. Something you may want to try on your face.  (+ info)

Can anyone give me any information on Crystalized Granuloma Disease?

My 17 year old Daughter was just diagnosed with this after a abnormal chest xray.
The Dr. found this in her lungs.

I don't know anything about this disease sorry.
I would suggest you get another opinion from another doctor. Have more test run. Blood work, nuc meds, MRI on her lungs if this is where this is found. etc., etc.
This can be caused by a number of things. The important thing for you and your daughter is to make sure this is what she has....Never trust one doctor in serious medical problems.
You did not say exactly what or where this disease was found I am assuming the lungs?
PS: If your doctor did not suggest other test to confirm this he should have.  (+ info)

Can anyone compare the difference between granuloma and granulation tissue.?

Granulation tissue a specialized tissue created by the body as a response to injury. It is exceedingly rich in tiny blood vessels. However, Granuloma has the suffix, “oma” which means "a swelling" and "granule" meaning a small particle. In this case the "small particle" is tissue composed largely of capillaries and fibroblasts. Typically it is an unhealing inflammation that can develop a scab, or crust, but never really heals.

Hope this helps
matador 89  (+ info)

Granuloma around piercing that keeps coming back?

I've been doing hot sea salt soaking and it would go away until almost unnoticeable and it would just get bigger. Then it would go away again, and come right back. I don't stop the sea salt soakings and I don't change my routine. Any advice? Should I just take it out?

Soak a clean paper towel under hot tap water, making sure that it’s not so hot that it burns your skin, but hot enough to penetrate the wound. Leave on till the heat dissipates. Continue this remedy twice a day.

If the hot compresses don’t work, the best course of action is to remove the jewellery for a short period of time to allow the wound to recover. When the lump goes down (usually 4-5 days) the jewellery may be reinserted. If the lump inflames again it’s best to remove the jewellery, leave your nose to heal and have it re-pierced at a later date.

If this fails then call for an appointment with your health care provider if you have a skin lesion that bleeds easily or that changes appearance.

Call for an appointment with your health care provider if you have a skin lesion that bleeds easily or that changes appearance.  (+ info)

I've had granuloma annulare for about 6 years... nothing has worked, what has worked for you?

I have tried cream after cream after cream. none worked. I am now about to start phototherapy but dont want to waste the time or money if it wont work. I have it all over my legs and feet, and some on my elbows. one night i spilled energy drink on my foot and it dried and the next morning it was better... should i try soaking my feet in it again or could that be dangerous? any home remedies that worked for you?

When I was about 15 I got really bad GA all around both of my ankles. I went to lots of doctors and lots of them didn't even know what it was. I finally got it diagnosed and was prescribed a cream that cleared it up completely in a few weeks. It's been gone for about 10 years but just started to come back. I went to the doctor to get the same stuff he gave me then. I have it right here and on the bottle it says:
Betaderm 0.1% Cre (Tar)
Betamethasone valerate cream 0.1%
If you haven't tried that one before, It works really great. And it's affordable.
I know before when I had lots of GA, some days it would be really bumpy and dark, and other days it would look smooth and light like it was going away. But it never did. It's probably not the energy drink that had any effect on it, just "one of those days" Although if you did want to try, I'm sure it wouldn't hurt anything.  (+ info)

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