FAQ - Personality Disorders
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Why do you think that health professionals wont diagnose children with personality disorders?

What do you think about this subject, it is very common in todays world for children to have these disorders and they wont treat them.

Great question, I think it is because as children we change alot and a diagnosis one week will be invalid the next week. In PD's drugs are not always used therapy is and sometimes it may be too much for a young person to handle trying to change their personality plus if you tell a child they have a personality disorder it may send them over the edge. Personally I've had BPD since I was 14 in my opinion I wish they had helped me then rather than diagnosing me in my late 20's when i've been set in my ways for 14 years. If they had helped me get things under control then i wouldn't have spiralled  (+ info)

Are personality disorders acquired through genes or conditioning?

Or Both? Are they reversible. maybe some of them? How are they different from pathological disorders?

Personality disorders are on Axis II of the current DSM. While all mental illness is understood to have some genetic and environmental factors through the diathesis-stress model, disorders on the Axis II are generally regarded to be more environmentally driven, and less acquired through genetic vulnerability - though I doubt anyone could completely rule out genetic factors in anything as complex as these disorders.

As for reversible, no, not really. They can be managed, but this usually requires long-term therapy, rather than medication. Personality disorders tend not to respond well to medications, and the use of medication is usually only to control symptoms - like self mutilation or suicidality.

By pathological disorders, I'm assuming you're referring to what we usually think of in terms of mental illness - Major Depression, schizophrenia and so on, disorders that are on Axis I. These are regarded to be more biologically driven - that is there's a dysfunction of some portion of the brain.

Hm. Here's a couple Wikipedia links that seem to be pretty good at explaining it. They may be a little rough to follow if you don't have much background in psychology:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fixed_fantasy <- This is the important one, and one of the major features of personality disorders vs. Axis I.  (+ info)

Is taking shrooms, LSD, or peyote for the first time really safe for people with personality disorders?

My girlfriend and i recently split, she is 17, and told me she is planing on taking shrooms, LSD, or peyote for the first time. I think this is a bad idea as she most likely has borderline personality disorder, as well as recently contemplating suicide.Which would be the least likely to cause problems?
Or is it just a very dangerous idea?

LSD has been used in treating schizophrenia and other mental/personality disorders but my experience is that you should be well grounded to take hallucinogens.  (+ info)

If schizophrenia and psychosis aren't multiple personality disorders, what is?

I've been asked many times to define schizophrenia and i really honestly don't know. I asked my dad and he said psychosis is a multiple personality disorder. I honestly don't know, can you help?

There are a "ton" of different psychoses. Type DSM IV TR into Yahoo! web search for a manual giving criteria for all disorders. "Schizophrenia" is not "split personality". Many schizophrenics (which is not a single disese but a spectrum of disorders) live a fairly normal productive life after the initial shock of onset and with TLC and Medications.

Multple Personality Disorder, MPD, or "Dissociative Identity Disorder," DID, as it is now called, is a rare and quite different disease; it is not a psychosis. Type the words in quotes into Yahoo! web search for much info and description of this condition.

Good luck in your research, good mental health, peace and Love!  (+ info)

Are women more diagnosed with personality disorders than men?

On some boards I am in some women complain that they are more diagnosed with personality disorders than men. On other boards - the reverse: men are complaining. Who's right?

Ever since Freud, more women than men sought therapy. Consequently, terms like "hysteria' are intimately connected to female physiology and alleged female psychology. The DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, the bible of the psychiatric profession) expressly professes gender bias: personality disorders such as Borderline and Histrionic are supposed to be more common among women. but the DSM is rather even-handed: other personality disorders (e.g., the Narcissistic and Antisocial as well as the Schizotypal, Obsessive-Compulsive, Schizoid, and Paranoid) are more prevalent among men.

Why this gender disparity? There are a few possible answers:

Maybe personality disorders are not objective clinical entities, but culture-bound syndromes. In other words, perhaps they reflect biases and value judgments. Some patriarchal societies are also narcissistic. They emphasize qualities such as individualism and ambition, often identified with virility. Hence the preponderance of pathological narcissism among men. Women, on the other hand, are widely believed to be emotionally labile and clinging. This is why most Borderlines and Dependents are females.

Upbringing and environment, the process of socialization and cultural mores all play an important role in the pathogenesis of personality disorders. These views are not fringe: serious scholars (e.g., Kaplan and Pantony, 1991) claim that the mental health profession is inherently sexist.

Then again, genetics may be is at work. Men and women do differ genetically. This may account for the variability of the occurrence of specific personality disorders in men and women.

Some of the diagnostic criteria are ambiguous or even considered "normal" by the majority of the population. Histrionics "consistently use physical appearance to draw attention to self." Well, who doesn't in Western society? Why when a woman clings to a man it is labeled "codependence", but when a man relies on a woman to maintain his home, take care of his children, choose his attire, and prop his ego it is "companionship" (Walker, 1994)?

The less structured the interview and the more fuzzy the diagnostic criteria, the more the diagnostician relies on stereotypes (Widiger, 1998).

Quotes from the Literature

"Specifically, past research suggests that exploitive tendencies and open displays of feelings of entitlement will be less integral to narcissism for females than for males. For females such displays may carry a greater possibility of negative social sanctions because they would violate stereotypical gender-role expectancies for women, who are expected to engage in such positive social behavior as being tender, compassionate, warm, sympathetic, sensitive, and understanding.

In females, Exploitiveness/Entitlement is less well-integrated with the other components of narcissism as measured by the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) - Leadership/Authority, Self-absorption/Self-admiration, and Superiority/Arrogance- than in males - though 'male and female narcissists in general showed striking similarities in the manner in which most of the facets of narcissism were integrated with each other'."

Gender differences in the structure of narcissism: a multi-sample analysis of the narcissistic personality inventory - Brian T. Tschanz, Carolyn C. Morf, Charles W. Turner - Sex Roles: A Journal of Research - Issue: May, 1998

"Women leaders are evaluated negatively if they exercise their authority and are perceived as autocratic."

Eagly, A. H., Makhijani, M. G., & Klonsky, B. G. (1992). Gender and the evaluation of leaders: A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 111, 3-22, and ...

Butler, D., & Gels, F. L. (1990). Nonverbal affect responses to male and female leaders: Implications for leadership evaluations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 58, 48-59.

"Competent women must also appear to be sociable and likable in order to influence men - men must only appear to be competent to achieve the same results with both genders."

Carli, L. L., Lafleur, S. J., & Loeber, C. C. (1995). Nonverbal behavior, gender, and influence. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 68, 1030-1041.  (+ info)

Is it common for 2 sisters to have different disorders such as narcissism and borderline personality disorder?

I have a freind who has just been diagosed with borderline persoanlity disorder.She is on medication but seems to be losing it.She constantly talks about committing suicide and that she hates life.She has a wonderful husband who she says she wants to divorce.How can i help her?
She is living with her mum and sister while her husband is away as she can not be left alone.I think her sister is a narcissist and her mother could also be.Her dad is hated by her mum and sister and they are divorced.My friend still tries to get along with her dad.
Her mum and sis do not show to much emotions and the mum was away alot while the kids were small.
Do you think that 2 kids could come up with a narcissism and borderline personality disorder and if so do these condition seem conductive for this?Also do you think the narcissism is making things worse for her?

Yeah, mental disorder runs in families... actually if you really look at the stuff we all have some sort of mental disorder, but some just have it to an extreme... in other words the extreme of mental disorder runs in families... did I make any sense to you there?

I have BPD, and I would have to say all of my siblings have something... they just don't want to admit it. It shows though.

Well the Mom being away a lot would help to explain the BPD... fear of abandonment...

To help her, show her that you love her... and if she has the tendency to be manipulative don't allow her to manipulate you, because it will hurt. But don't stop loving your friend...

By the way, if the meds are making it worse... they are not working! call the doctor who prescribed them, and tell him what is going on. (That is if she will not call the doc... he will not be able to talk to you but you can get a message to him about your concern) If he is any good he will get in contact with her and get her off those meds and on to new ones ASAP. (If they are ones that have to be tapered off then he will do so)

I'm not sure if there is anything worse than not knowing that a medicine is messing with you and not having anyone to tell the person who is managing that medicine. Good Luck!
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Can both psychiatrists and psychologists diagnose personality disorders?

Which is better to go to to get a diagnosis?

Both can give a diagnoses, however only a Psychiatrist can prescribe medication. Furthermore, Psychologists are allowed to practice even though if they do not have a degree or higher. My opinion is that a psychiatrist can give a more informed diagnoses  (+ info)

What are some medications that are used to treat Borderline Personality Disorders?

I have an appointment to see a Psychiatrist to see what kind of medication they can give for my BPD. What kind of medication do they give to people with the disorder?

Psychotherapies and medications form a part of the overall context of mental health services and psychosocial needs related to BPD. The evidence base is limited for both, and some individuals may forego them or not benefit (enough) from them. It has been argued that diagnostic categorisation can have limited utility in directing therapeutic work in this area, and that in some cases it is only with reference to past and current relationships that "borderline" behavior can be understood as partly adaptive and how people can best be helped.[104]

Numerous other strategies may be used, including alternative medicine techniques (see List of branches of alternative medicine), exercise and physical fitness, including team sports; occupational therapy techniques, including creative arts; having structure and routine to the days, particularly through employment - helping feelings of competence (e.g. self-efficacy), having a social role and being valued by others, boosting self-esteem.[105]

Group-based psychological services encourage clients to socialize and participate in both solitary and group activities. These may be in day centers. Therapeutic communities are an example of this, particularly in Europe, although their usage has declined many have specialised in the treatment of severe personality disorder.[106]

Psychiatric rehabilitation services aimed at helping people with mental health problems, to reduce psychosocial disability, engage in meaningful activities, and avoid stigma and social exclusion may be of value to people who suffer from BPD. There are also many mutual-support or co-counseling groups run by and for individuals with BPD. A goal may be full recovery rather than reliance on services.

Data indicate that substantial percentages of people diagnosed with BPD can achieve remission even within a year or two.[43] A longitudinal study found that, six years after being diagnosed with BPD, 56% showed good psychosocial functioning, compared to 26% at baseline. Although vocational achievement was more limited even compared to those with other personality disorders, those whose symptoms had remitted were significantly more likely to have a good relationship with a spouse/partner and at least one parent, good work/school performance, a sustained work/school history, good global functioning and good psychosocial functioning.

Alternative medicines: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_medicine  (+ info)

What kind of personality disorders make people become Republicans?

The leaders are unhinged. It makes the wingnuts and teabaggers even more dangerous

Repugnicans suffer from sociopathic tendencies. They sometimes are acutely paranoid and hallucinate such things as death panels and terrorists hiding under the booth at Luby's. They are mistrustful of governments and believe there should be no government at all unless it's them! They don't like the idea of feeding poor people. They use God as a crutch and blame their personal failings on the devil.They watch guys on TV that claim that they talk to Jesus all the time. These people are messed up!. Unless they are a close family member or Loved one I would steer clear. They are not worth saving!  (+ info)

How are anxiety disorders and personality disorders classified?

It's not me, I just need an answer...

They are classified under two separate categories in the DSM IV. Anxiety disorders encompass things like social anxiety, agaorophobia, panic disorders you know panic attacks. Personality disorders are considered by some to be a lack of development (by some authorities remember) but they are a bit more resistant to treatment and consist of borderline personality disorder which is quite serious and can cause quite severe impairment, narcissistic personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder and there are others. Look up things on wikipedia, it is a good source for symptoms.  (+ info)

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