FAQ - Personality Disorders
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My dad has both Borderline and Narcissistic Personality Disorders. How should I deal with him?

I bought the book "Stop Walking on Eggshells". But I'd like to find out out how people who are in the same situation are dealing with such a parent. Thanks.

I read that book because my mom has Borderline Personality Disorder.

I cut off contact with her.

I don't think there is a satisfactory way to deal with someone like that, honestly. But I can't decide that for you. Only you can decide that.  (+ info)

What makes a personality disorder different from other disorders?

it involves the personality  (+ info)

Shouldn't we just gather everyone with crazy personality disorders and leave them stranded on an island?

Shouldn't we just gather everyone with crazy personality disorders and leave them stranded on an island? Just leave them there stranded with no food and water. And just let them live their crazy lives until they died. Wouldn't this make civilized society more of a better place, maybe no the best, but wouldn't society be just a tad bit better if we did this?
I'm sorry for asking this question ... I'm just really fed up with meeting girls with personality disorders that keep breaking my heart.

Patterns aren't coincidence. If you are continually meeting girls who are all similar in one way or another, you are either drawing them to you or subconsciously looking for the thing that they have in common. The girls are not responsible for your heart continually being broken. You are making these choices (even if not consciously). If you want things to change, you need to give up the "victim" sanctuary and face whatever it is in yourself that is prompting you to present yourself the way you do to women and to make the choices that you make.  (+ info)

What are the symptoms of bipolar disorder or other personality disorders?

Symptoms of bipolar disorder involve intense mood swings between:
Abnormally high periods (eccstatic, joyous, reckless, hyper) where you begin to talk really fast, sleep less, and do reckless things (drive too fast, spend money you don't have, etc.)

Abnormally low periods (depressed, lethargic, intense sadness or anxiety) where you slow down, sleep more, eat more/less than normal, or practice some form of self harm.

Your mood can change within minutes, hours days or even weeks.

If you have any of the symptoms of bipolar disorder it is extremely important to go to your doctor right away, as you will need to be put on some form of medication. People with bipolar disorder are at a high risk of suicide.  (+ info)

Is This True of All Clinical and Personality Disorders?

I was reading about different clinical and personality disorders and it seemed like there was one common theme. For anyone with any sort of psychological disorder, something about them, whether it be their thoughts, their affect, their mood, their behavior, their perceptions, just something about them is not grounded in reality.

For example, someone with an anxiety disorder has fears that are not grounded in reality, someone with a mood disorder has thoughts and feelings that are not grounded in reality, someone with a somatoform disorder has percieved medical problems that are not grounded in reality.

Is it correct to say that every single clinical and personality disorder out there causes someone in some way to have to lose some contact with reality?
I'm not saying that the person loses all contact with reality, just that some aspect about them is not looking at things in a realistic way. Someone with an anxiety disorder has fears for no logical reason or is stressed out for no logical reason.

I'm not saying that every aspect of them is out of touch with reality, just some aspect of them is not.

  (+ info)

Anyone who knows anything about personality disorders help?

so ever since I can remember, i dont sleep much,i get stressed and overwhelmed easy,i have an addictive personality(pills,alcohol,etc.) I get emotionally attatched easily. I lose interest just as fast as i gain it. I cant concentrate. I get depressed and get suicidal thoughts. I scare myself at times. anyone knjow anything about these feelings?

manic depression perhaps? look it up on google. its sounds alot like it  (+ info)

Is it distressing for those with learning or personality disorders whose doctor or psychiatrist fails to?

diagnose them for years...so they just feel stupid and like a loser, because they don't have any proof there is something wrong with them

Yes actually. I have dyslexia but I wasn't diagnosed until I was 11 or 12, so for years I had really low self-esteme because everyone told me I was too stupid to read :[
I remember one day at parents evening my teacher told my mother that I was mentally retarded.
But to be honest, I don't feel like there is anything "wrong" with me. Now I'm proud of my dyslexia because amazing people like Leonardo Di Vinci and Agatha Christie also had it. I think having dyslexia makes me special :]  (+ info)

Why do so many people choose to take meds for so-called personality disorders instead of dealing with life?

I know of at least 2 men who are married to very controlling women who dictate almost every aspect of their lives. Both are taking meds, one for bipolar and the other I don't know the diagnosis.

The wives are happy to see their husbands medicated for 2 reasons. One is that they are more controllable and the other is that the onus is off them. If hubby is taking meds, the difficulty obviously is with him.

Is putting chemicals into one's body a better solution than dealing with the core problem?

The answer to your question without even reading further is:

We have created a victimized society and the pharmaceutical companies discovered a way to turn a quick buck by trying to offer a "cure all" for things people learned to deal with through simple coping skills years ago.

I honestly believe there's a lot of disorders (including physical ones) that have been fabricated by drug companies...playing off of the fear and gullibility of the population.

It's also very true that being with the wrong partner can lead one to despair...as is hanging out with people who are constantly creating drama.

If most folks removed the negative element in their lives, they would find they are in fact happy and stable people without a need for a chemical crutch.  (+ info)

Are people who have boderline personality disorders also stupid? DO you know anyone?

I cut, misinterpret things, can be incredibly slow, people get the wrong impression of me ALL the time. I have the LOOK of an intelligent, confident, attractive woman, but underneath all of that I am something completely different. Once they get to know me, they back off and are greatly disappointed. Never set your expectations too high. For a long time I can be this wonderful person, and it is real, but then the other person comes to take control.

Having BPD has nothing to do with your intelligence. I know of several people who struggle with BPD who are extremely intelligent, far above normal.
The problem with people who have BPD is that they have not learned how to manage emotions - an early, early childhood thing that didn't happen. So, they can function very well in structured environments (like at work), but fall apart when emotions become intense (like in a relationship). Basically, when an intense emotion is triggered, it takes over, and the rational mind has no ability to intervene. People with BPD also fear abandonment, which probably also comes from something in early childhood.
People can heal from this. It's all about learning to work with emotions in a way that's constructive.  (+ info)

Will doctors in the future be able to cure personality disorders with brain surgery?

I'm very shy and introverted. I only have like 3 friends and they are all girls I met online. I have been to counseling 5 times and all the meds and advice in the world have never worked. I'm 30 years old and I had my first girlfriend at 25 because of my extreme social phobia and depression.
No. What's that?

I have S.A.D., too, so I know what you're going through.

I don't know if doctors will be able to treat it with surgery, but I'm not sure I would trust one to. Too easy to make a mistake.

Out of curiosity, you said you've tried meds and therapy. Have to you tried CBT?  (+ info)

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