FAQ - Pneumonia, Atypical Interstitial, of Cattle
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How can someone in a coma get pneumonia?

My family has a friend, who tried to kill himself this past saturday. He overdosed on pills. He was unconscious that night, and had to put him on Life Support. He has been in a coma since then but on Monday, they took him off it, with him surviving 24 breathes a minute. They discovered later on that he has pneumonia. I was wondering, out of all of this, how could he have got pneumonia?

I'm sorry. He could have aspirated when he was unconscious on Saturday or later. Sometimes people take pills that make them unconscious, but they vomit and it goes from the esophagus (food tube) into the mouth and down the trachea (wind pipe) because they have no gag reflex because of the medications. Sometimes this happens even with saliva. If he was on a ventilator, he still could have aspirated (inhaled into his lungs) either vomit or saliva because even though the tube in the trachea has a balloon that is blown up to prevent this and to deliver oxygen without it leaking out through his mouth, liquid can still get around it. People on ventilators are heavily sedated and have no gag reflex. Also, pneumonia takes a day or two to show up on a chest xray and develop after this happens, because the chemical reaction or bacteria take a while to grow. It is no one's fault and happens. Also, people in his condition, aren't able to cough and clear their secretions like you or I do on a regular basis, so secretions settle and set him up for an infection. Unfortunately there are nosocomial (hospital aquired) infections in the hospital that can be passed from patient to patient which is less likely, however you or I being healthy, would not be likely to develope a pneumonia from it. This is less likely. Thankfully it is usually able to be treated. Take care.  (+ info)

How serious is double pneumonia in a toddler?

My daughter is 3 and has been diagnoised with double pneumonia. Her grandfather smokes and she receives the second hand smoke when she visits. She had the flu in September and never really got well. She visits them every weekend. Did this contribute to her being sick for this period of time? Also, if you have been smoking for years, you can not get rid of the smell in your house or car overnight right?

your daughter should not be subjected to second hand smoke. if the grandfather wants to see
his granddaughter , he should refrain from smoking in her presence. smoking can irritate her
lungs, making it more difficult for her to recover. you daughter is too young to speak for herself
so you must do it for her. protect her health by not subjecting her to cigarette smoke.  (+ info)

Anyone ever have a small group of atypical moles turn out to be nothing?

I have a group of atypical moles on the top part of my thigh. The main one is a little bigger than a pencil eraser and is light brown with really dark brown/black freckle-looking spots inside and coming off the edge of the mole. It is very irregular in size and there are two more within 1/2-1 inch of that one that are doing the same thing. I also have a mole on my torso (about 2 inches below left breast) that semi-frequently scabs (eww, I know) and bleeds. I am really nervous to go and get them looked at, especially seeing as a family member (not extremely close, but not too distant either) just died of melanoma about 6 weeks ago. I was wondering if anyone ever had more than one atypical mole checked out and it be okay? Thanks!

I have several atypical moles that are nothing but they are checked on a routine basis. However, I have also had many basal cells, a rare multi-focal basal cell and a melanoma. Instead of being scared to go, you need to view a doctor visit as a possible life saver! If you have a melanoma, putting off the visit is only putting your life at risk. If treated early, it is totally curable! My melanoma was in 1983 and I have not had another since but I get checked yearly. Please see a dermatologist asap.  (+ info)

How can you have surgery after starting treatment for pneumonia from micoplasma bacteria?

My 18 year old daughter was diagnosed today with walking pneumonia caused by micoplasma bacteria and also diagnosed with pneumonia. I suspect she has had the mono for a couple of weeks and she started doxycycline for the pneumonia today. The problem is she is scheduled to have all 4 wisdom cut out the day after tomorrow. Will it be safe?
That's how soon?

As a general rule, if you have an infection, you shouldn't have surgery. Your body is already fighting to clear the infection. It does not need the added stress of surgery. If you can, you should reschedule.

It also depends on what kind of anesthetic is to be used.

If she is going to be unconscious during surgery, than it's DEFINITELY not a good idea. Her lungs are already working hard to clear the infection.

It would be better if she were conscious. They could use nitrous oxide to relax her, then use lidocaine. The nitrous oxide might make it harder for her to recover from the infection, though.

If the surgery is absolutely necessary, than local anesthetic like licocaine alone would be the best choice. When I had my wisdom teeth removed, that's what I did. I even had 2 impacted ones, but I did not want to be "put under". I am pretty pain tolerant, though, and had to reassure the surgeon I would be just fine.

Hopefully you can reschedule! Hope your daughter gets well soon!  (+ info)

What is Anemia and Pneumonia and the side effects of both?

i've been getting really irregular menstruation cycles (too often) and my doctor said that if i lose too much blood i can get (anemia or pneumonia or amonia.) I didnt hear what she said correctly because of her accent and i didnt ask what the side effects are. I figured ammonia is a chemical so that cant be right.
by the way i'm not overweight at all my parents are always nagging me to gain weight but i can't.
so the first answer is completely irrelevant.

Description of Anemia
Anemia occurs when blood does not have enough red blood cells or when the blood does not have enough hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the oxygen-carrying pigment found in red blood cells. Anemia can be life-threatening.

Although there are over 400 different forms of anemia, this health profile will only address the three most common: iron-deficiency anemia, vitamin B12 anemia and folic acid deficiency.

Anemias can also be caused by such conditions as external bleeding, chronic disease, pregnancy, alcoholism, bleeding disorders, infection and hereditary conditions.

Description of Pneumonia

Pneumonia is a lung infection that can be caused by many different germs, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

This article discusses describes pneumonia that occurs in a person whose ability to fight infection is greatly reduced because their immune system is weakened and not working properly. Such disease is referred to as "pneumonia in an immunocompromised host."  (+ info)

Can having pneumonia as a child stop a man from fathering children?

Can having pneumonia as a child stop a man from having children? He's had a low sperm count result and was just recently told by his mother that pneumonia as a child is the cause, has anyone ever heard of this?

No, pneumonia will not have any effect at all on sperm count.  (+ info)

Is it possible to have pneumonia or bronchitis without a fever or having a cold/flu first?

Is it possible for a person who is in their twenties to get pneumonia or bronchitis without a fever? And do these always develop from a cold/flu only? Everyone who has had pneumonia or bronchitis that I know has had a pre-occurring cold or flu and had a fever. So if someone has all the symptoms of either do they have to have a fever and have had a recent sickness to be diagnosed or is it possible to be healthy one day and come down with pneumonia or bronchitis the next day, seemingly out of nowhere?

It is called...death.  (+ info)

Why do alcoholics sometimes develop pneumonia and die after heavy drinking bouts? Are the two linked somehow?

This happened to at least two famous people: Calamity Jane and Dylan Thomas. DOES heavy drinking sometimes lead to fatal pneumonia, or is this just a coincidence? Could it have to do with aspirating food into your lungs as a result of the heavy drinking?

What happens is that they get Aspiration Pneumonia, when they are drinking heavily the swallowing process becomes less regulated, so secretions and saliva will go into lungs instead of going to stomach and causes the pneumonia which can be complicated by bacterial infection.  (+ info)

Can you get pneumonia from a child who has just gotten the Prevnar vaccine?

My son got his 1-yr old round of shots which included the Prevnar vaccine. 2 weeks later I got pneumonia and was very sick. Could I have gotten pneumonia because of my son's vaccine?

No  (+ info)

How does it feel to be on a low dose of atypical antipsychotics?

It has been suggested to me that I would benefit from 'a few milligrams'. I didn't like the idea, but I am reconsidering that because my situation is not improving, i.e. my delusions remain very strong and intrusive. I would like to hear from people taking atypical antipsychotics. How did low doses affect you?

Well it is different for everyone but when I was on low doses of risperdal, Seroquel and Zyprexa I felt about the same except for the increased hunger drive the medicine gives you. You really have to be on a higher dose for a long time in order for it to take affect. Sometimes it even takes months to take full effect. So whatever decision you make be patient!  (+ info)

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