FAQ - Poliomyelitis
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poliomyelitis`s spreads through?

poliomyelitis`s spreads through___________

It's a highly infectious virus.

It spreads through human-to-human contact. It spreads even easier when there is contaminated water or food, or poor hygiene/sanitation.

There is unfortunately no cure for the disease which usually infects the spine and results in paralysis, but it is easily prevented through polio vaccination as a young child. The polio vaccine is highly effective.  (+ info)

Poliomyelitis??? (polio) i need help with it?

can anyone explain Poliomyelits (polio) to me in in Lamans terms so i can understand it a little better?

It's a virus that infects the nervous system and causes paralysis, and death if it paralyses the breathing muscles.  (+ info)

is poliomyelitis contageous?

my boyfriend has polio and im worried it may be contageous. will this affect our children and how is it going to affect our relationship? his muscles in his legs are getting very week and he will soon be in a wheelchair, is there any way of him getting his strength up again? will this ever get any easier?

No.  (+ info)

pls i want a sample of a nursing care plan for a patient with poliomyelitis. pls lend me a sample..?

Initial painful condition: Hot packs. Later: Physiotherapy.
Bladder and bowel care. Prevention of bed sores.
Respiratory involvement: Maintain posture to prevent aspiration. Keep airway open and clear. Ventilatory support if neded. Maitain fluid and caloric intake.  (+ info)

how did the poliomyelitis get its name?


because it occurs more in children  (+ info)

which president had poliomyelitis?

it's a school related question

FDR  (+ info)

what is 'vaccine induced poliomyelitis'?

in medicine field

In short... It would by poliomyelitis (polio) caused by a vaccine.  (+ info)

how do humans get poliomyelitis?

The polio virus lives in the throat and intestinal tract of infected persons. The virus enters the body through the mouth, usually from hands contaminated with the stool of an infected person. Objects, such as eating utensils, can also spread the virus. Food and water are not thought to play a major role in the spread of polio  (+ info)

what it's mean by poliomyelitis?

Poliomyelitis is better known as simply, polio. It is a viral infectious disease. Polio is now managed with the polio vaccine.  (+ info)

please help if u know! Is poliomyelitis contageous?

my boyfriend has polio and im worried it may be contageous. will this affect our children and how is it going to affect our relationship? his muscles in his legs are getting very week and he will soon be in a wheelchair, is there any way of him getting his strength up again? will this ever get any easier?
my boyfriend has polio and im worried it may be contageous. will this affect our children and how is it going to affect our relationship? his muscles in his legs are getting very week and he will soon be in a wheelchair, is there any way of him getting his strength up again? will this ever get any easier?

but my main question is really is it contageous??

First I would want to ask you how long your boy friend has had polio. Symptoms usually start 7 to 14 days after exposure to the virus. Infected persons are most contagious from a few days before to a few days after the start of symptoms. However, persons with polio can spread the infection for as long as the virus is in their throat or stool. The virus can be found in the throat for about 1 week after infection and in the stool for 6 weeks or longer.

If he didn't just get polio then he is probably not contagious. And he would not affect your children. Also, how old is he? How long ago did he have polio. If it is like 10 or more years ago he could be developing post polio syndrome. The nuerons (cells in the spine) send messages to our muscles and make them work. They now know that 10 to 40 years after having polio those nuerons can start dying off and we develop what we call post polio syndrome.

This means our muscles are no longer getting the messages to the muslces as when we had polio. So many people like myself develope post polio and their limbs start weakening and the have other various problems. But we no longer have the polio virus and are NOT contagious.

I am president of the International Post Polio Syndrome Support Organization (IPPSO) that is based on the internet. If you want to learn more about post poio you will find the information you need on our site.

It is unusual for someone in the U.S. who is young to have polio anymore. What country are you in?

Please feel free to write me if you have more questions.

[email protected]
President, IPPSO  (+ info)

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