FAQ - Porcine Reproductive And Respiratory Syndrome
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What is the pathophysiology of respiratory distress syndrome?

badly need it. its for our case study. infant respiratory distress syndrome. our patient is premature male baby - 30-31 weeks. our patient was noted to have grunting, chest retractions, edema on his right foot, pinkish to bluish in color. hope it help.

it can be in schematic diagram or in narrative. thanks. please answer, asap.

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How does a heroin overdose cause acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)?

I'm writing an essay on how heroin addiction affects the body systems, and I've found out that an overdose can cause acute respiratory distress syndrome but I don't know how or why. I know ARDS is when damage to the capillaries that control gas exchange cause the alveoli to fill up with fluid, resulting in lung failure and stopping oxygen from reaching the rest of the body. But how exactly does an overdose of heroin cause this damage?
Someone help!

Heroin directly affects (among other things) a portion of your brain controlling your rate and depth of respiration. A high dose of Heroin interferes with this area, and the number of depth of respirations slow. As the dosage grows higher, this effect increases until the patient is no longer breathing.

If the patient is inhaling or smoking Heroin there is also a localized effect in the lungs that may cause inflammation or irritation. This can trigger asthma or a fluid build-up. This becomes worse depending on other chemicals that may be in the specific preparation used.  (+ info)

Would you have your Down Syndrome teen Sterilized once they reach reproductive age?

Would you have your Down Syndrome teen Son/Daughter Sterilized once they reach reproductive age?Lets say your daughter doesn't understand menstruation and has horrible pms and you're scared your son might get someone pregnant cause they don't know any better..would you just have them sterilized for safety reasons?or do you think that's cruel?Their intellect level is too low to understand really the consequences of sex or even worse rape..what would you do?

Lord no! They deserve the joys of children just like everyone else.  (+ info)

are Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia and infant respiratory distress syndrome the same thing?

are Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia and infant respiratory distress syndrome the same thing?
if not, how are they different?

Same pathophysiology, different terminology.  (+ info)

Would you Sterolize Your Son/Daughter with Down Syndrome once they reached a reproductive age?

Would you have Your Son/Daughter sterolized once they reached puberty in order to prevent them reproducing?or would you consider letting them have children some day?Your Son/Daughter are depedent on you for everything.

After working with a girl who had Downs and was very low functioning, meaning dependent upon her caregivers for everything, who became pregnant after being raped by an employee at her day center, I would have to say yes. She didn't know what had happened to her, she didn't realize there was a child in her womb, she couldn't even comprehend that she had a womb. Her parents made the decision to abort the child even though there was a chance the baby would be born with no disabilities, they could not conceive of their daughter going through a full pregnancy without understanding what was going on with her body. They had her sterilized as soon after the abortion as possible. An upside for this particular girl, she ceased having periods which for her lasted 10 to 14 days with more then half of them heavy and extremely painful, she was often bedridden for days. After the sterilization she was able to get out and do more things without having to worry about leaking through or having issues related to menstruation.

Anybody can be raped people, just because you choose not to be in a situation where you could have children does not mean that someone else will not choose FOR you.

Also sterilizing this girl made her quality of life BETTER, she was so low functioning that she could not use words to tell us what she wanted, but living period free for the rest of her life made her HAPPIER. Shouldn't that be our goal?  (+ info)

What is the link between surfactant and respiratory distress syndrome?

can some one please describe and summarise the link please! any info wil help! thank you!

Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is a breathing problem that sometimes affects babies born about 6 weeks or more before their due dates. Their lungs aren't developed enough to make surfactant (sur-FAK-tant). Surfactant is a liquid that coats the inside of the lungs and keeps them open so that the baby can breathe in air once he or she is born.

Without surfactant, the lungs collapse and the baby has to work hard to breathe. The baby might not be able to breathe in enough oxygen to support the body's organs.

Most infants who develop RDS show signs of breathing problems at birth or within the next few hours. If they're not given the right treatment, their brains and other organs may suffer from the lack of oxygen.

RDS is one of the most common lung disorders in premature babies. It affects about 10 of every 100 premature infants in the United States, or about 40,000 babies, each year. In fact, nearly all babies born before 28 weeks of pregnancy develop RDS. Full-term infants rarely get it.

A lack of surfactant in a premature baby's lungs causes respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). Surfactant is a liquid that a fetus' lungs start making at around 26 to 34 weeks of pregnancy. It coats the insides of the lungs and keeps them open so they can breathe in air after birth. Without surfactant, the lungs collapse when the baby exhales. The baby then has to work hard to breathe.

Doctors usually begin treating respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) as soon as the baby is born. At the same time, they do several tests to rule out any other conditions that could be causing the baby's breathing problems. The tests also can confirm that the doctors have diagnosed the condition correctly.

Treatment of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) usually begins as soon as the baby is born, sometimes in the delivery room. Most infants who show signs of RDS are quickly moved to a special intensive care unit called a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). The most important treatments for RDS are surfactant replacement therapy
and breathing support.  (+ info)

What exactly is SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and what does it do?

i've already seen the wikipedia page but i am writing a descriptive paragraph on it and i need to know what exactly DOES IT DO. ..Knowing it's a respiratory disease doesn't tell me much
Maybe i should give more details..now that i know what it is, Y IS IT LIFE THREATENING? does it clog up your throat, your arteries? what EXACTLY does it do?


Here is an introductionary few lines about SARS but it sounds to me like you need More details so please read from the attached links below.

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a serious, potentially life-threatening viral infection caused by a previously unrecognized virus from the Coronaviridae family. This virus has been named the SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV).
The Coronaviruses cause diseases in pigs, birds, and other animals. Preliminary research indicates that SARS-CoV may have originated in livestock (eg, chickens, ducks) or small mammals. Chinese horseshoe bats, which carry SARS-like viruses with genetic homology to SARS-CoV, may have also had a role. From its reservoir, the virus may have mutated, allowing transmission to and infection of humans, perhaps facilitated by the proximity in which humans and livestock live in rural southern China.

existing coronaviruses include mammalian and avian viruses, contribute to numerous veterinary diseases (eg, feline infectious peritonitis, avian infectious bronchitis). The coronaviruses can also cause both upper and, more commonly, lower respiratory tract illness in humans (group 1 [human coronavirus 229E] and group 2 [human coronavirus OC43]).

The WHO reported that leaky, backed-up sewage pipes, fans, and a faulty ventilation system were likely responsible for a severe outbreak of SARS in the Amoy Gardens residential complex in Hong Kong. However, an analysis by the WHO, entitled " Status of the outbreak and lessons for the immediate future," on the distribution of cases at this development has suggested that transmission may have occurred within the complex via airborne, virus-laden aerosols.

Good luck ;-)



***********Specific Answer to your last Question***********

SARS initially manifests as a flulike syndrome that may progress to pneumonia, *****respiratory failure(please read about respiratory failure pathophysiology)******, and, in some cases, death. The mortality rate associated with SARS is significantly higher than that of influenza or other common respiratory tract infections.

SARS can result in significant illness and medical complications that require hospitalization, intensive care treatment, and mechanical ventilation.

* The mortality rate of SARS is higher than that of non-H5N1 influenza strains or other common respiratory tract infections.
* The overall mortality rate of SARS has been approximately 10%. According to the CDC and the WHO, the death rate among individuals older than 65 years exceeds 50%.
* The WHO has set the SARS containment period at 20 days. If no new cases of SARS are reported in a given area over a 20-day period, given the relatively short incubation period of the disease, the WHO considers SARS infections in that area to be contained.  (+ info)

what are the best treatments for acute respiratory distress syndrome?

Son is in SICU being treated for this disease.

Sorry to hear about your son. ARDS has a generally good prognosis in the young though it depends on the cause. The treatment is mainly supportive with invasive mechanical ventilation (respirator). Contrary to the previous answer from the respiratory therapist, there is no one best mode for ARDS ventilation. The key principles are:
1 Low tidal volume ventilation (5-7 ml/kg of ideal body weight)
2 Permission of elevated levels of CO2
3 Weaning (lowering) inspired oxygen levels as soon as possible with goal of arterial oxygen level at or above 55 mm Hg
I do agree with the rotoprone bed in patients who are otherwise having oxygenation issues laying supine (on their back). Otherwise the bed makes nursing care more difficult.
In patients who it is difficult to provide adequate oxygen even despite giving 100% oxygen with the ventilator, alternative modes of ventilation such as high frequency oscillatory ventilation (superior to APRV in my opinion) can be used.
My general approach is to provide just enough oxygen to maintain adequate levels, provide adequate nutrition to meet needs but not excessive and be vigilant for complications such as pressure ulcers, opportunistic infections and finally, get the patient off the ventilator at the very earliest possible opportunity. If a pulmonologist/critical care specialist is not involved, I highly recommend it (my personal bias)
I hope everything works out well and hope that helps  (+ info)

How long would Untreated pneumonia take to turn into acute respiratory distress syndrome?

There's no set amount of time. I've seen it happen in a matter of hours or not at all. It depends on the particular pathogen causing the pneumonia as well as host factors including immune status.  (+ info)

How does cocaine affect the parts of body: circulatory, respiratory, nervous, and reproductive?

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