FAQ - Post-Traumatic Headache
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How to deal with post traumatic stress disorder?

Is there a way to deal/cure post traumatic stress disorder myself? I don't have any money or insurance to talk to a lets say counselor, nor do I really think that going to a shrink would be a good idea. I read online and am sure I have PTSD and I know exactly what caused it. There's no way to avoid situations that trigger memories. I can't lock myself up all day/night. What can I do? Are there any free support groups?

You can get some useful information from: http://www.healthmedicalinformation.com/category/mental-health/post-traumatic-stress-disorder

All the best  (+ info)

What's the best way to overcome Complex Post Traumatic Stress Dissorder?

What are some ways that one can overcome the symptoms of Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, such as lack of trust?
I have a workbook at home, but I'm just checking to see if maybe there are some people out there who have used a more effective method to combat the symptoms. Thank you.

Trust is a hard thing to do when you have complex post traumatic stress disorder. I have it to. What I do is I just tell the person I'm trying to build trust with that I have PTSD and I don't trust very well. They should respect your wish and help you to start trusting them. I had one person say that to me and I said ask me any question you want and I will answer honestly. I don't think books do alot for you. I think if you get out there and face your fears it will become easier and easier.  (+ info)

Can post traumatic stress disorder lead to suicide?

I'm writing a story. Can post traumatic stress disorder lead to suicide? And if so, what would one act like shortly before the suicide?
The cause of the PTSD for the character is seeing the love of his life brutally murdered in front of him.

There is evidence that traumatic events such as sexual abuse, combat trauma, rape, and domestic violence generally increase a person’s suicide risk. Multiple factors contribute to suicide risk in veterans.

Some of the most common factors are listed below:

male gender

alcohol abuse

family history of suicide

older age

poor social-environmental support (exemplified by

homelessness and unmarried status)

possession of firearms

the presence of medical and psychiatric conditions (including combat-related PTSD) associated with suicide  (+ info)

Is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder more common in a certain age group?

Is there an age when you are more prone to developing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? and why?

These is not really an established age group where post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) develops. PTSD can develop at any age, including childhood, but research has shown that the median age of onset is around 23 years.

Researches have found that it is more common in migraine sufferers and during adulthood.

However there are certain events where people are more prone to developing PTSD. Whether someone reacts to an event with a post-traumatic stress disorder is largely dependent on the severity of the event, or stressor, itself. Sexual assault, for one, is more likely to produce PTSD than other horrible experiences. The disorder also frequently occurs after violent personal assaults such as rape, mugging, or domestic violence; terrorism; natural or human-caused disasters; and accidents.

For example, some studies have found that PTSD develops in about:

1 in 5 fire-fighters.
1 in 3 teenager survivors of car crashes.
1 in 2 female rape victims.
2 in 3 prisoners of war.

Hope this helps! :)  (+ info)

What is better a better treatment therapy or Medicine for post traumatic stress disorder?

What are the pros and cons for therapy and for medicine when dealing with post traumatic stress disorder?

It depends on where the person is at. If they are experiencing really bad symptoms and a tremendous amount of anxiety you probably want to try medication in conjunction with therapy. The meds will take the edge off and you will be better able to work through the underlying issues. Meds alone will not help much, because you have left the underlying issues unaddressed and they will get worse over time so the meds will become less effective.  (+ info)

Post traumatic stress - how do I live with someone who has it?

I have read plenty about how to deal with post traumatic stress. But how about the people who live with these folks? I am so exhausted, so confused, my self esteem is zero living and trying to cope with this person.
Pls, can I hear from someone else tonite for some support or guidance on how to take all this? The silence, the emotional abandonment, the lonliness, the depression. I feel like I have no life anymore but taking care of him.

Wow! What a purposeful life you lead taking care of a loved one who needs you. I've been there. It's very draining and exhausting - physically & emotionally. I myself became ill due to the stress involved - so be sure to take time out for yourself. Have at least 1 night a week that you take the evening for yourself - to play online, go to a movie w/ a friend, write a letter, watch T.V., etc. And DON'T BREAK THE DATE! Be steadfast on it! If it's a family member, ask another family member(s) to take responsibility for this person every week on that night. Or, if it's a boyfriend/husband, ask his family or friends to take him on this night every week. Not only will it give you something to look forward to all week long, you won't feel like you're abandoning anybody because that person will be well cared for that evening - you prearranged it yourself. It will also take some of the stress off of him, as he must sense that you're becoming mentally drained and may feel like a burden to you. Have a positive outlook, but don't over-step reality. When my father was dying of 2 terminal illnesses, I tried to keep such a 'positive outlook' that I talked myself right into believing that I could cure him w/ my positive reinforcement & optimism. Needless to say, I could not. I'm sure I did, however, bring a bright spot into his day by always remaining positive around him. Negativity worsens any ailment, especially mental health issues. It will also lighten you up - you can't be depressed/bummed if you're having a positive outlook on the situation. Things will get better. Don't lose contact w/ your good friends (good friends - the kind that don't bring you down or constantly borrow things from you) and be open & honest w/ at least one of them about how you're feeling. Or even better - your Mom is a good confidante. Anyone who will keep their nose out of your business and not run 'ratting' on you to this other individual. If you have some extra money, every once in a while go shopping for a little treat for yourself, or even for this other person. Nothing extravagant - just a little token of your appreciation for all you do. Or maybe to brighten this other person's day. I like to shop online becuz I look forward to the package arriving in the mail. And know when to say 'when.' It's okay to say 'no' to people if you are truly too tired or too exhausted to perform another task or run another errand. Just don't take on all of the responsibility for this person - share it with others who love him too.  (+ info)

How do I deal with sever post traumatic stress disorder?

My husband just retired from the US Army and was diagnosed with sever post traumatic stress disorder. A lot of our soldiers are coming home with this. His mood swings are really, really bad. We have been married for ten years and I love him with all my heart so I won't leave him. I just need to know if anyone can give me some pointers on dealing with this or something that might have worked for them. It is not an easy thing to deal with.

This requires professional help. He needs to talk to a psychologist and begin therapy immediately or it can become worse. You may want to see one as well in order to understand his condition and to talk about the effects it is having on you. This condition is just as hard on loved ones as it is on the person effected. Please remember that he has been through a lot, and seen things most of us can not even imagine.. This is just his brains way of coping. Try not to take it personally. Rely on the support of your family and friends. It will take time but this can be treated successfully. Good luck.  (+ info)

What would be a rhetorical question regarding post-traumatic stress disorder?

i need help thinking of questions that will promote discussion regarding post-traumatic stress disorder, any suggestions?

What events in life merit the stress factor needed to cause PTSD?
Are women more susceptible?

At what age does a child's suseptibility to PTSD begin to
What types of personalities fall victim to pstd the most?
Is there a genetic factor?
What coping mechanisims keep a very suseptle person from falling victim?  (+ info)

How to deal with post traumatic stress disorder in kids?

I have post traumatic stress disorder from child abuse. How do kids deal with this and other information. I also know someone with this that is 8 years old too.

Hi, sorry to hear you have been abused, so have I. I am older now and in time life does get better. You need to get away from the abuse first, you can report it to a school counselor. You can also go to a school counselor or doctor to help you get through it. Has anyone taken yout to a counselor. They can give you ideas for your age to help you deal with the abuse issues. Like reading a funny book or participating in a dance class, writing a journal of how you feel, to let out some of the fear, there are games they play in counseling to help you build your self-esteem and trust. Mostly you need someone professional to guide you and your friend. If this is not possible you can call childrens and families to report the abuse or emergency 911. If you are still being abused you need for it to stop so you can get better...if the abuse has stopped you need an adult counselor who can walk you through the activities and support to help you understand the abuse was not your fault and make a plan to have ready if your ever in danger again. Like someone to call and come get you, emergency 911, pack a bag of stuff so if you have to leave in a hurry your prepared, this being done will help you too. Get some help from the people around you who can help and stay strong, you will get well with time.----my prayers are with you-melissa  (+ info)

is propranolol used to treat post traumatic stress?

I heard that doctors sometimes give propranolol to treat post traumatic stress. Like after someone has been raped or a child has been molested. Is this true?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propranolol  (+ info)

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