FAQ - Pre-Eclampsia
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is it possible to get pre eclampsia in my second pregnancy?

about two weeks ago i had and emergency c-section because i was diagnosed with pre eclampsia.i was only 35 weeks.is it possible to get pre eclampsia if i got pregnant later on in the future.

Preeclampsia is most often seen in first-time pregnancies and in pregnant teens and women over 40. Other risk factors include:

* A history of high blood pressure prior to pregnancy.
* Previous history of preeclampsia.
* A history of preeclampsia in mother or sisters.
* Obesity prior to pregnancy.
* Carrying more than one baby.
* History of diabetes, kidney disease, lupus, or rheumatoid arthritis.  (+ info)

How dangerous is pre-eclampsia if developed at 37 weeks?

I have had pretty severe swelling in my hands and feet for well over a month now and the doctor has been monitoring my blood pressure closely to make sure I'm O.K. - Today at my 37 week check-up my blood pressure had gone up a lot so he said I should get blood work done right away to make sure everything is O.K. and that I need to come back in 2 days to check in with him and re-test my blood pressure. He said at that point we could discuss options for speeding the delivery process along if I do indeed have pre-eclampsia....he said the fact that the baby is already considered "full term" is good and that I shouldn't worry too much. Anyone else go through something like this? It's kind of hard not to worry.

As far as the baby goes, they can quickly induce or deliver via c-section if necessary and will do just fine because you are technically full-term.

However in terms of your health, being 37 weeks has no bearing on how serious your pre-eclampsia could be now or could potentially become. It's certainly nothing to mess around with. If your labs are off, if you're putting out a lot of protein in your urine and you're pressures are high, it can easily and quickly turn into full-blown eclampsia, which involves seizures, some degree of liver failure, and possibly blood clotting disorders. This is rare.

The vast majority of the time severe cases of pre-eclampsia are controlled and is prevented from progressing to eclampsia by a magnesium sulfate IV drip and by delivering the baby. But you are still at risk for at least a week after delivery and will need to be watched closely before discharge.

Until your next visit, be mindful of symptoms of worsening pre-eclampsia - floaty spots in your field of vision, increase in headaches and swelling, decrease in urine output despite good hydration, or a pain in the upper-right area of your stomach that feels similar to severe heartburn. Call your doctor's office or hospital at any time if these things happen or worsen.

Good luck!  (+ info)

Is it possible to develop pre eclampsia with your second child and not the first?

This is my second pregnancy and I asked a question a few minutes ago about rapid weight gain in a two week period and migraines and some of the answers included pre eclampsia so I was wondering if you can develop it in your second pregnancy or if its something that you have every pregnancy because I did not have it with my first. I may not have it now, but I just wanted to do some research. Thanks guys and I wont ask anymore questions for awhile lol

Yep, sure is. Each pregnancy is different and can come with a different set of symptoms/diagnosis. Your doctor will let you know if you are at risk for developing preeclampsia (sp?). The first give away is blood pressure and protein in your urine. I'm currently seeing a specialist and being watched for it myself due to having had high blood pressure earlier in pregnancy.  (+ info)

What's the name of the blood test they run to check for pre eclampsia?

My dr. did a blood test yesterday to see if I was developing pre eclampsia, never heard of them doing a blood test for that I just know of the urine tests. I was going to look it up online here but I don't know the name of the test. Has anyone ever had this done?

It was to test your kidney and liver function - to make sure that your blood has a normal number of platelets - the cells that help blood clot.

http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/preeclampsia/DS00583/DSECTION=tests-and-diagnosis  (+ info)

how likely is it to have a full term baby while having pre eclampsia?

any if anyone has any storys about pre eclampsia please feel free to share.

I had pre eclampsia, so did my sister with 2 of her 3, and had all full term babies, none before 38 weeks. I think that you if you have it should be careful to lower your bp if you can, drink teas, take baths, it will calm you down, and take walks. Put your feet up. Eat protein and healthy foods. Lots of fruits and veggies. This makes the symptoms lessen, and milk and dairy is very good too if you have it. I am not sure what it does, but it does work. Are you on a good prenatal?
I have this pregnancy, been off yeast, corn and corn dirrivatives (ie. cornstarch and corn syrup ect.), and lessened my intake of sugar and wheat, and have been AWESOME healthy!! Good luck, Sweety. Preeclamsia sucks.  (+ info)

Where can I find more information on cardiac output and pre-eclampsia?

I am trying to find any research that is available for public consumption on the relationship between high cardiac output and pre-eclampsia. We will be monitored for cardiac output when we conceive but I would like to know what it entails, what the possible outcomes could be, etc.

You will find everything you need at the following website:
http://www.preeclampsia.org/  (+ info)

How do I know if it's pre-eclampsia?

I am 14weeks pregnant. I have been getting really bad headaches, and i do get black spots sometimes but not too often. A couple of people have told me it may be pre-eclampsia. I plan to go to my doctors tommorrow but can anyone please tell me anything more about it and what risks it has to me and my baby if this is it.

Thank you.
I forgot to put that i have a high risk of eclampsia as i have been pregnant with twins before.

It is basicly stress on you and your baby, the best thing for you to do is rest and take it easy until you can see you doctor. Sounds like it might be preclampsia. Good luck to ya!!
Oh ps...try to be calm while at the doctors, getting worried about it will make your blood pressure go up and maybe give them a false reading.  (+ info)

Pre eclampsia- whens the earliest it can be detected/ when are the earliest symptoms start to show?

Am 32 weeks 1st pregnancy, just curious to what others have been through/if you have suffered.

Have protein in urine but no swelling in hands/feet and all else is fine
What are happens if detected? what has to be done?

Hello. Try not to get too worried.
I had pre-eclampsia in my first pregnancy. It came on at around 28 weeks and the symptoms I had were protein in my urine and high blood pressure. I felt fine and couldn't understand what all the fuss was about. I had my urine and blood pressure tested every other day and unfortunatly the blood pressure got worse really quickly. I was admitted to hospital at 29 weeks on bedrest and my baby was delivered by c-section at thirty weeks. She was really tiny but she did really well and she's 7 now and completly fine.
I've had two babies since and the pre-eclampsia didn't come back.
Make sure you get regular check ups and tell your midwife/doc if anything changes. As long as it's just the protein and not high blood pressure too you should be fine but even if you do develop full pre-eclampsia then you are already at 32 weeks which means your baby will be well on the way to being ready to be born anyway.
Hope I haven't scared you. You'll be fine it's really common and the professionals know what they're dealing with.  (+ info)

What are some causes of high blood pressure in pregnancy other than pre-eclampsia..?

My friend is pregnant too - we're due two days apart (July 4th & July 6th). She went to the doctor today and her blood pressure was 162/96 and has never been out of normal range until today. However, there was no protein in her urine and they said that rules out pre-eclampsia and they're re-checking her blood pressure in the morning. So i'm wondering, what else would cause it to jump this high?

Thanks in advance.

What Causes High Blood Pressure - Hypertension

Quite a few people in this world dont know what causes high blood pressure and hypertension. Hypertension is more common in blacks, and the risk increases with age. One-fourth of people in the United States between the ages of 20-74 have hypertension, and three-fourths of women and two-thirds of men over 75 have hypertension.
Blood pressure is described by two values:
- The highest pressure in the arteries when the heart contracts.
- The lowest pressure just before the heart contracts.
When you take your blood pressure look for certain numbers to inform you if your pressure is high or low. Blood pressure is considered high when the systolic pressure is above 140 and the diastolic pressure is above 90.
When a change in blood pressure occurs, the body has a sudden means of returning back to normal. These include changing the amount of blood that the heart pumps, controlling the diameter of the arteries, and changing the volume of blood in the bloodstream. The kidneys can also control blood pressure by excreting salt and water in the blood so that the blood volume decreases.
People who have hypertension, the increase in pressure may be due to a change in the heart, blood vessels or an increase in the blood volume. Other factors contributing to hypertension include an inherited abnormality, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, stress, smoking, excessive alcohol and salt.
Most people with hypertension experience no symptons from hypertension itself, however, once damage has occurred to other organs as a result of hypertension like the brain, eyes, heart or the kidneys. Symptoms of those conditions may manifest themselves as headaches, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, restlessness, and blurred vision. The higher the pressure, the more likely you are to experience a stroke, heart failure or early death.
By: Colon Bolden
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
Colon Bolden is a outstanding internet marketer in the home business arena. He has a gift working with other marketers around the world. Colon Bolden truly devotes his time, energy, and effort into making sure his team of professional marketers experience the success online that they truly deserves.
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has anyone ever had obstetric cholestasis or pre eclampsia?

heya i had it with my daughter and am planning another child but am really really scared i will get it again, i also had gall stones and pre eclampsia with that pregnancy and was induced at 38 weeks and ended up with a c section because of it . if anyone has had more than one baby and had the condition could you please fill me in. also stories of your exp would be nice for both as i just want something to NOT be worried about

yes you can get everything again, you will tend to find people who have never had these problems think they know more, speak to your doctor, they will tell you that with every pregnancy there is risks of everything whether youve had them before or never! I myself had a perfectly healthy first pregnancy, which due to being overdue and baby being in distress, i too had to have an emergency c-section. Im now currently pregnant with my second child (36wks) and iv had every problem there is! Im being induced monday thanks to Cholestasis - But even tho my first pregnancy resulted in a c-section, and the fact that i have cholestasis, there is no reason why i cant try natural! I have the choice whether to be induced and try natural or to go to theatre for a section (i still havent decided what to do!!).
Dont let people or whats happened scare you, if we all let these things bother us we'd never have children. Listen to your heart and if you want more kids go for it... Your doctor will look after you (iv had fortnightly checkups with an obstetrician all thru my pregnancy as well as scans once a month!) SO long as you keep up to date with your apointments, you will be fine. And you will be in the best hands if they were to think something wasnt right.  (+ info)

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