FAQ - Rat-Bite Fever
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Do rat bite contains rabies?

i was bitten by a norway rat 3 days ago and i am afraid that i might get rabies from the rat. are there like any clear cut symptoms that might show that i got rabies. i live in singapore. the rat was not a pet but a wild rat. its quite big in size. and after it bit me it ran away. my wound bled too.
i know that a small small percentage of rats have rabies

Only if the rat had rabies. A bite from any animal should be looked at by a doctor because of possible infection. If you have not had a tetanus shot in the last 10 years, or can't remember when your last one was, you should have the shot. Get some preventative antibiotics...  (+ info)

sting or bite? fever, redness and swelling.?

I stepped outside last night and step on something, Don't know if I got stung or bit by something.
Small spot where I stepped on the something and about 3 inches of redness near the bite or sting. It's not quite been 24 hours yet but I have a fever of 100.3, chills and my foot really hurts. What should I do?

Most likely you got stung by a bee and you are allergic to bees. I am allergic to bees and when I get stung I have the same symptoms. If you go to a doctor they will give you a shot to counter the reaction.

The best home remedy would be to drink some apple cider vinegar. Also try putting some fresh squeezed lemon juice on the bite to head off pain and swelling. Stay off your feet as much as possible and get some rest. If you develop difficulty of breathing, call your doctor immediately.  (+ info)

Treatment of tick bite fever?

I think I was biten by tick while safari'ing in Grobblersdal S.A, got the symptoms a week afterwards (stiff neck and joints 5 days of head-aches, sweats and chills, no rash yet so might also be flu, but too expensive to go to doctor for proper diagnosis and meds.
If it is tick bite fever. Is it possible?

Lyme disease is a tick-transmitted infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi. Symptoms include an erythema migrans rash, which may be followed weeks to months later by neurologic, cardiac, or joint abnormalities. Diagnosis is primarily clinical, but acute and convalescent antibody titers may be helpful. Treatment is with antibiotics such as doxycycline or, for serious infections, ceftriaxone.
Please see the web pages for more details on Lyme disease.  (+ info)

Has anyone heard of a spider bite that causes recurring symptoms of fever,swelling,blurred vision& blistering?

It really depends how long these symptoms have been going on. I was bit by a black widow spider not too long ago, and even with treatment (Bactrim, Keflex, Benadryl, and Prednisone) that the ER gave me, I was still experiencing itching, fever, and throat problems almost 9 days later. Blurred vision and blistering do not sound like a spider bite however the fever and swelling could quite possibly be from a spider bite. Your symptoms are pretty serious, you should see a doctor.  (+ info)

laboratory rat bite?

during experiment on a rat in my university. when i was about to hold a rat to give it a intravanous inesthesa. it bit me on a finger.My bad luck was that i wasnt wearing any gloves. and good luck was that there was no bleeding. just a minor line on the skin. so is there any chances for me to get any kind of infection like rabies or tetanus????
that rat was white with a pink tail. i dont know what to do

if it is an indoor rat u won't get rabies, but u could get a infection if you don't take care of the cut properly.  (+ info)

How long does it take a poisonous spider bite to progress?

Okay, I posted another question earlier because I have multiple red-blotchy bites on my feet. My right ankle became swollen a day after I got bit, then my whole foot swelled up in the next two days.

Most of the swelling is down, but the blotches are really big, and I'm experiencing numbness / tingling in my foot.

It's now day 4.

What is the average rate for a poisonous spider bite to progress?

Also, I've heard fever / muscle spasms / pain are also signs of poisonous spider bites, but I have none of those symptoms. Is it really a spider bite, or something else?

Definitely go to your doctor and ask about a Brown Recluse. My dad got bitten by one of those and it was really nasty. Sound like your symptoms somewhat. Go have it checked out ASAP.  (+ info)

Rat bite from years ago starting to give me hell. Redness, swelling, numbness, tingling?

A friends pet rat mauled me about 4 years ago. It got me really good on my right index finger knuckle. I went to the doctor because the bleeding wouldn't stop and there was stuff hanging out of the wound.

The doc said it was fatty tissue and cut it off, which really hurt and started the bleeding again. I didn't get any stitches. Anyway my finger hasn't been the same since. there is scarring and every now and then the skin goes red and sometimes white on the top. It feels hard and weird, like it's dead. And when i touch it, it's kinda numb but it tingles.

Could I have suffered nerve damage or something? what else could it possibly be?

When your doctor removed the 'fatty tissue', he would have removed anything in the tissue including nerves. You may notice if you have other scars on your body that they have minimal or reduced feeling.

Nerves do regenerate over time, and that might be what you are experiencing now. You may get some feeling back but don't expect it to be like it was before the injury.

Eventually, you will learn to live with it and you won't even notice that there isn't that much feeling there.  (+ info)

What are some of the symptoms of an allergic ant bite reaction?

Is it normal to have a fever or chills from an ant bite?

No its not normal. Ant bites just annoy & itch a bit get to a doctor or chemist I give my kids an anti-histamine for their allergies some get worse the more times it happens.  (+ info)

how does the bite of a dengue fever look like?

This infectious disease is manifested by a sudden onset of fever, with severe headache, joint and muscular pains (myalgias and arthralgias — severe pain gives it the name break-bone fever) and rashes; the dengue rash is characteristically bright red petechia and usually appears first on the lower limbs and the chest - in some patients, it spreads to cover most of the body. There may also be gastritis with some combination of associated abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea.

Some cases develop much milder symptoms, which can, when no rash is present, be misdiagnosed as a flu or other viral infection. Thus, travelers from tropical areas may inadvertently pass on dengue in their home countries, having not being properly diagnosed at the height of their illness. Patients with dengue can only pass on the infection through mosquitoes or blood products while they are still febrile.  (+ info)

What could cause mild splenomegaly without fatigue, fever or anyother signs?

Could splenomegaly be caused by an insect bite? I had a mild fever for 2 days and pain and swelling in my spleen a week or so before my normal blood test, and abnormal ultrasound (still showing enlarged spleen). What could be behind that?

One of the causes of an enlarged spleen is parasitic infection such as malaria. Be sure to bring this up with your doctor.

Enlarged spleen causes vary, including:

Viral infections, such as mononucleosis
Bacterial infections, such as syphilis or an infection of the heart's inner lining (endocarditis)
Parasitic infections, such as malaria
Cirrhosis and other diseases affecting the liver
Various types of hemolytic anemia — a condition characterized by premature destruction of red blood cells
Blood cancers, such as leukemia and Hodgkin's disease
Metabolic disorders, such as Gaucher's disease and Niemann-Pick disease
Sometimes pressure on the veins from the spleen or to the liver cause an enlarged spleen. A blood clot in a vein from the spleen or to the liver can have the same effect."

http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/enlarged-spleen/DS00871/DSECTION=3  (+ info)

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