FAQ - Retinal Detachment
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How risky is retinal detachment surgery?

im 11 years old ( PLEASE dont report me for being under age) How risky is a retinal detachment surgery?
im asking this because I am lately experiencing floaters and specs of light in my vision. I am very worried my retinal is becoming detached. other info is welcomed thx

If you are not myopic, and especially if you are not a severe myope, like you don't wear glasses with thick lenses, then you should not worry.
Get your eyes checked up by an ophthalmologist to rule out any major problems. But the causes of floaters or the specs of light are usually benign, meaning nothing serious.
If one or both of your eyes are undergoing detachment, your vision loss would usually be total in max a couple of weeks, usually a few days. So if you don't see any vision loss then there is not much to worry about.  (+ info)

The seriousness of retinal detachment and how are high myopians prone to get it?

I'm a high myopian.( short sightedness) My one eye is -6 and the other one is -4.5. I'm 20. Retinal detachment is in my family history too. ( An uncle of mine had got it when he was around 50)

!. Am i prone to get retinal detachment?

2. how often should i get my eyes checked?

3. What are the cures for it if i get it?

4. Do they have any side effects?


Hi. I work as an RN for five retinal surgeons and periodically check questions regarding the retina. Because you have myopia your eye is longer and retina is thinner and more fragile than normal and therefore more prone to detachments and tears. Being that you have a family history of detachments, this also increases your risk. We have treated patients as young as fourteen for a retinal detachment so while it is not common at a young age, severe myopia with a family history can definetly increase your risk. I would recommend getting an eye exam every 6 months to a year. The biggest symptoms to watch out for are floaters and lightening flashes of light that occur mostly at night. If a retinal detachment does occur do not worry, you will not go blind if it is caught early enough. With someone who is aware enough of the risks to your retina that you took the time to post this question, you sound responsible enough to get your eye examined and watch for signs and symptoms so that you detect things early. If a retina detaches and stays detached for long periods of time, it can pull off the macula which is responsible for the central vision in your eyes and that can definetly cause a loss of vision that is usually irreparable even with surgery. If the retina detaches and is caught before the macula comes off, there are many procedures we can do to treat it depending on the severity of the detachment. Laser in the office can be done if it's a tear and it's basically using heat to seal it back down. We can also do a treatment called pneumatic retinopexy which is where we inject sf6 gas into the eye with a needle which creates an air bubble that pushes the retina down to place and the gas bubble dissipates over time into the eye. If the detachment is severe, surgery is another option. We have had patients have a detachment and have had surgery and we have restored nearly all if not all of their vision as it was before the detachment occured. Again, early detection is the key! So don't stress about it too much, we are all prone to certain things due to the wonderful genome but do get your eyes checked and watch out for those symptoms. Good luck!  (+ info)

Retinal Detachment: How do you get the sight back into a damage eye urgently?

And do you know any good hospitals in Ireland and the UK that deals with retinal detachment problems?

Retinal detachment is separation of the neural retinal layer from the underlying retinal pigment epithelium layer. Symptoms are decreased peripheral or central vision, often described in the acute phase as a curtain coming down. Associated symptoms are painless vision disturbances, including flashing lights and numerous floaters. Diagnosis is by indirect funduscopy; ultrasonography may determine the extent of the lesion. Immediate treatment to reattach the retina is imperative if central vision is threatened. Treatment includes systemic corticosteroids; sealing the retinal holes by laser, diathermy, or cryotherapy; scleral buckling; transconjunctival cryopexy; photocoagulation; pneumatic retinopexy; intravitreal surgery; and enucleation, depending on the cause and location of the lesion. Most reversible damage occurs early, so once the macula is detached and vision decreases, treatment is less urgent.
The outcome depends upon the location and extent of the detachment and early treatment. If the macula has not detached, the results of treatment can be excellent. Most retinal detachments can be repaired, but not all of them. The unsuccessful reattachment of the retina results in loss of vision.
A retinal detachment is an urgent problem that requires medical attention within 24 hours of the first symptoms.  (+ info)

Can an optician spot retinal detachment?

Im worried that I may be getting retinal detachment. I have an optician appointment next week so I was wondering if they would be able to spot it?

I believe they may be able to spot that but better yet is an ophthalmologist.
the ophthalmologist will just send you to an ophthalmologist anyway. or a specialist. you can make your own choice on that. go to symptom checker and verify that you are on the right track.
be careful and do not wait too long, or go on into the emergency room  (+ info)

In retinal detachment, the client should assume which position before surgery? What about after surgery?

For example, if the client has detachment on the left eye, should he lie on the AFFECTED are or on the UNAFFECTED area preoperatively?What about postoperatively?

the patient doesn't need to lay in any particular position before surgery.

if a gas bubble is used during the surgery then the patient will have to lay face down for a set number of days to keep the gas bubble in the back of the eye where the retina is located.

if a gas bubble is NOT used during the surgery then once again there is not certain position that the patient needs to lay in after surgery.  (+ info)

what feedback from folks who had retinal detachment?

i underwent ephiscleral buckling for retinal detachment 15 years ago. anyone who had the same procedure as i did? any feedback will be great!!!!

  (+ info)

What are the symptoms of retinal detachment?

I had a vitrectomy last week. Now in low lighting situations if I move my eyes in just the right way I see this black blob that looks like the afterimage of a flash from a camera. I do not see it when I look outside, only indoors and it is not always, just sometimes. Again it is like when you look at the sun for a while then you see the afterimage for a few minutes, except I have not been looking at the sun, just had a vitrectomy last week.

I don't think you have a detached retina. The sight suddenly goes. Maybe not all but sometimes a line or half of sight. Usually if not taken care of within 24 hours the sight is gone forever.  (+ info)

Is there any link between statins and retinal detachment?

I recently started Crestor in November, and at my annual eye examine, I have a minor retinal schisis in each eye that requires a minor laser procedure to keep it isolated.

Wow! These are good questions for your cardiologist and your eye doctor. I have never heard of this being so, but you never know!  (+ info)

3-4 times a day, I have a streak of light arching across the top of my eye. Is this retinal detachment?

I also have a shadow once in a while at the very top of my right eye. It's been like this for a couple months, no change. I am nearsighted -5.5 in each eye. Should I be worried about retinal detachment? My vision is fine.

The good thing is that's you have had these problems for a couple of months now and the symptoms are stable. Usually with retinal detachment, things progress fast and vision is lost fast, like in a few days max from what I have read and been told by ophthalmologists.
Vision is fine is a good thing too, but really you should have already seen an ophthalmologist who would have dilated your eyes and done a thorough retinal examination. Go do it pronto!
You are pretty nearsighted so theoretically are also at more risk of retinal problems, like tears and detachments, than normal eyes.
With your lens prescription as high as it is you should make sure you have your eyes checked by a retina specialist at least once a year to catch retinal holes and tears early.
Get to know a retinal specialist, and do it fast!
To me your symptoms definitely warrant a visit to an ophthalmologist, and not optician or optometrist. You need a professional eye DOCTOR to have a look.  (+ info)

Is there a permanent solution to having a retinal detachment fixed?

I believe there are three methods for this type of surgery, and I was wondering if either one of these, or another type of surgery that will permanently fixed this problem. The 3 types of surgery used for this operations are scleral buckling operation, Pneumatic retinopexy, and Vitrectomy.

There is a 70% to 90% success rate with all the surgeries you mentioned. The type of surgery used depends on the complexity of the detachment.

This article goes into detail about the various options:
http://www.charles-retina.com/default.asp?redirect_from=faq&faqcatid=21  (+ info)

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