FAQ - Retinal Vein Occlusion
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What is the difference between an artery and a vein?

All the previous answers for questions related to this have been unsatisfactory.

Please take the time to enlighten me with non-wikipedia copy and pastes.

To be even more refined, I would also really like to know the difference between an artery and an arteriole, or a vein and a venule.

arteries carry blood away from the heart and veins carry blood towards the heart. Arterioles and venules are the smaller versions, like smaller branches on a tree, the further away from the trunk you go.  (+ info)

How do I ensure I do not get Retinal Detachment?

I am at high risk for retinal detachment because I am very near sighted. I have a -12.50 in each eye., and onnly 21. There is a tiny hole in my retina right now. While I don't box or anything like that, I was wondering if I could still ride roller coasters, and do normal things like jog and such.

You cannot prevent most cases of retinal detachment.

Some eye injuries can damage the retina and cause detachment. You can reduce your risk of these types of injuries if you:

Wear safety glasses when you use a hammer or saw, work with power tools or yard tools such as weed eaters and lawn mowers, or do any activity that might result in small objects flying into your eye.
Wear special sports glasses or goggles during boxing, racquetball, soccer, squash, and other sports in which you might receive a blow to the eye.
Use appropriate safety measures when you use fireworks or firearms.
Diabetes puts you at greater risk for developing diabetic retinopathy, an eye disease that can lead to tractional retinal detachment. If you have diabetes, you can help control and prevent eye problems by having regular eye exams and by keeping your blood sugar levels as close to normal as possible.

Treating a retinal tear can often prevent retinal detachment, but not all tears need treatment. The decision to treat a tear depends on whether the tear is likely to progress to a detachment. For more information,
you should always consult your eye doctor because they know your specific eye condition and can better give you a responsible assessment.  (+ info)

How serious is a patching a cut vein?

My friend is having surgery right now and the doctor said they are repairing a vein they got cut while they were removing something else. The vein is in his upper leg or groin area. How serious or minor is this procedure? Thank you!

It's not a serious procedure, it's just a delicate one. Veins, unlike arteries, ooze rather than spurt but they transport waste-rich blood back to the lungs and heart, so they're very important. This vein is obviously needed and therefore requires repair.  (+ info)

How to restore blood circulation in thrombosed vein, that has been damaged due to frequent pricking?

My wife, an ileostomy patient (ulcerative colitis) is often admitted for ulcer pain,followed by intestinal obstruction and vomitting, and she is infused with I.V. drips. This has caused bulging and her venal system is totally thrombosed / damaged, and nowadays, she is not getting vein at all. Is it possible to make the veins normal?

http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic2785.htm http://omlc.ogi.edu/projects/lt/  (+ info)

What is a collapsed vein? What are the causes, symptoms and treatment?

I would like to know what a collapsed vein is, what are the causes, the main symptoms and the treatment\s.

A collapsed vein is pretty much what is says on the tin. It is a vein (a vessel which carries blood) which has lost the tension in it's walls and has collapsed- (or if you imagine veins as tunnels- a cave in). In itself it is not harmful at all as there are always other veins to pick up the slack from the collapsed vein.

It is usually caused by trauma- most commonly repeated injections. So is common in long stay hospital patients who are getting several cannulas put in their veins over weeks and weeks. It is typically little old ladies with very thin and weak veins who are most susceptable to having them collapse though it can occur in anyone that gets needles in them frequent enough!

Another cause is peripheral vascular disease. This would be varicose veins in the leg- where there are valve defects within the veins, the reduced blood flow and increased pressure in the veins will cause them to distend and may make them collapse. Varicose veins are typically unsightly and itchy.

There are usually no symptoms of a collapsed vein but it depends where it is and how big it is. - there might be a bit of pain, or a bruise around the site of the problem and a bit of itching.

They usually dont need any treatment other than avoiding sticking needles in them for a few weeks after the collapse. Veins naturally heal themselves. For vascular disease the best venous treatments involve compression stockings, leg elevation and fluid management. There are a few surgeries for venous disease such as placing stents but this would only be in very severe disease and is quite uncommon for veins to get very bad.  (+ info)

What does it mean when a purple spot appears on a vein running down your arm?

A purple spot that looks like a bruise appeared on a vein on right hand. It is dangerous and what does it indicate?

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Has anyone ever successfully conceived with a tubal occlusion?

I recently underwent an HSG and it was determined that I have a right tubal occlusion. I am 36 and healthy...no previous abnormal paps and I've never been pregnant. I've been off BC for 3 years. We are discussing Clomid with my OB, but I am curious to know how will I know when I am ovulating from my left fallopian tube?
Serious responses only please!! This is a very sensitive subject. Thanks!

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Chicken Breast, how to trim the vein in the middle?

I have boneless, trimmed, skinless chicken Breast. What do I do with the weird white vein looking thing that runs down the middle of the Breast? When I try to remove it, I just destroy the whole Breast. I usally end up left with strips. Am I suppose to just leave it in there? Thanks in advance for any help!

I think you are supposed to use a sharp knife and remove it. I don't buy chicken parts for that reason. They are sloppily ,butchered. If I want to have a nice chicken breast I buy the largest whole chicken and cut it my self.Its is extra work but to me it is worth it.  (+ info)

How much effective homeopathic treatment for varicose vein near testis?

I have varicose vein prob near my testis.From last 8 months i am following homeopathic treatment for this,Coz it is easy for me to do with my job.But still i cant see any remarkable change..Any one tried Homeopathic treatment for this?

Homeopathic treatments on general have no effect on any illness at all.
So I am not surprised it does not work at all
Colors  (+ info)

What happens to the victim after a vein pops?

Recently, I was accidently kicked by a young chld, very hard. My vein buldged and became swollen; do yo know if it will go down again, and what can I do to treat it?

you should see a doctor  (+ info)

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