FAQ - Rhabdomyosarcoma, Alveolar
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What's the longest people tend to live with metastatic alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma?

Are there any stats for this?

18 year old male, 15 at dx

Hey up!

Saw you have asked more questions- and you know what, the best thing you can do is not worry about stats- there rubbish and not helpful!  (+ info)

Who is familiar with Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma?

Excerpt taken from William Baumont Hospital care pages:
"…your biological vitality means very little – having a beating heart and operational lungs does not define you. Your effect on the world around you does. Once you fulfill that service, your shift is done. You’re off work and it’s time to go home." (July 4, 2006, quote from Mile's Levin's care page)

Go to this link to read the blog of this remarkable young man. I have been following his blog for months. My sister, who knows this family, introduced me to his story.

I am familiar with this courageous young man. He has been writing a blog about his disease for months. He is remarkable. I highly recommend to anyone interested to read his journals.

There is a young reporter too who has been writing about her journey with a rare cancer called alveolar soft part sarcoma. She's written a series for her newspaper and just recently left her employment due to the cancer. She continues to write about her cancer on a blog. You can read this amazing series and follow her online blog:

Alicia's Story - 17 chapters

Alicia's Blog
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/contribute/sn/persona?plckPersonaPage=PersonaBlog&plckUserId=alicia_parlette&User=alicia_parlette  (+ info)

How long does it take to destroy your Alveolar sacs?

I've been a smoker for almost 3 years, but I'm quitting in 2 weeks. I want to know how long the Alveolar sacs can hold out and if mine can still recover.

Hey, congrats on being set to quit! Good luck with that. I think that once you destroy them, they can't come back. However, since you've only been smoking for 3 years, i don't think you'd have destroyed too many. On the good side, once you quit your lungs will gradually get into better condition.  (+ info)

Why do you have alveolar wall damage in COPD?

It says, you have "loss of capillaries as a result of alveolar was damage"
Why do you damage the alveoli in COPD & what are capillaries?

Acute respiratory distress syndrome, commonly called ARDS, is a severe and often-fatal condition that occurs when fluid builds up in the tiny, elastic air sacs in your lungs. This makes breathing difficult and deprives your body of the oxygen it needs to function.
ARDS usually occurs in people who are already critically ill or who have sustained massive injuries. Severe shortness of breath — the main symptom of ARDS — develops suddenly, usually a few hours to a few days after the original disease or trauma.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the overall term for a group of chronic lung conditions that obstruct the airways in your lungs. COPD usually refers to obstruction caused by chronic bronchitis and emphysema, but it can also refer to damage caused by asthmatic bronchitis. In all forms of COPD, there's a blockage within the tubes and air sacs that make up your lungs, which hinders your ability to exhale. And, when you can't properly exhale, air gets trapped in your lungs and makes it difficult for you to breathe in normally.

The capillaries effect the final distribution of blood to the tissues. Their soft protoplasmic walls, through which the plasma, the oxygen, and the corpuscles pass into the tissues, have irritability of their own, and they are subject to many other influences, viz. those of the nervous system, of the blood which they contain, of the arteries and the veins at either extremity, and of the activity of nutrition. In COPD, less air flows in and out of the airways because of one or more of the following:
The airways and air sacs lose their elastic quality.
The walls between many of the air sacs are destroyed.
The walls of the airways become thick and inflamed (swollen).
The airways make more mucus than usual, which tends to clog the airways.

Most people who have COPD have both emphysema and chronic obstructive bronchitis. Thus, the general term "COPD" is more accurate.
Take care always! OIRAM
http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/dci/Diseases/Copd/Copd_WhatIs.html  (+ info)

why is the partial pressure of oxygen less at the alveolar level in the lung than in ambient air?

why is the partial pressure of oxygen less at the alveolar level in the lung than in ambient air? Is there more than 1 or 2 reasons?

dont understand the question  (+ info)

What are systemic diseases that cause alveolar bone loss?

I have been slowly losing bone in my jaw over many years. I do not have gum disease. My dentists are perplexed. Despite getting my teeth cleaned 4X a year, they have not been able to control it. I do have a significant open bite, but x-rays do not show evidence of a traumatic occlusion. I have recently seen an endocrinologist to explore systemic causes of bone loss. I have so far ruled out sarcoidosis and osteoporosis. Are there any other diseases I should be screened for? I did find out that I was vitamin D deficient so am taking vitamin d supplements. There are no signs of inflammation on my gums. They are pink and firm.
No, I am not on fosamax. I had a dexascan and my numbers are fine. What type of autoimmune disease causes you to be allergic to your own teeth?

It could be wisdom teeth coming in combined with lack of calcium/vitamin D that could cause the jaw to recede which together cause teeth compression and bite disortions. A bite disortion will cause the teeth to bite down crocked causing jaw resession from the teeth as well as could cause loose teeth or even pockets of jaw bone to disappear around the teeth roots. I had this situation and I am trying hard to save two incisor teeth. 1000mg Vitamin D daily. 1000mg calcium daily. Exercise is most important for your body will only process food that the body demands from continued exercise. Stop drinking coffe or soda. No more candy/sugar. Drink Orange Juice in morning, milk in morning and night. Rinse/Brush after each meal, and before bed. Hydrate your body with water after exercise. Change the pillow case you sleep on at least each week. Might also change pillows for this could be a nightly source or irritation.
Shower before bedtime too.  (+ info)

why would alveolar Pco2 go down with increased alveolar ventilation?

by the way, just so we're on the same page, alveolar Pco2 is the Pco2 in the alveoli AFTER the gas exchange occurred, right?

When you breathe (ventilate) you exhale CO2 that is contained in the alveoli. Remember alveoli both supply oxygen to the capillary blood AND collect CO2 from the same capillary blood as a waste product. Therefore, if you INCREASE alveolar ventilation (minute ventilation) then MORE CO2 is extreted from the lungs and therefore the amount of CO2 in the alveoli MUST decrease because of this increased excretion rate. To answer your second question, yes.

The relationship between normal, resting CO2 elimination by the lungs and CO2 production by the body is expressed as the respiratory quotient (factor "R" in the alveolar gas equation). Normal, resting average is 0.81. You can look up the alveolar gas equation for further explanation. Things which make this ratio increase include raising CO2 production (high carbohydrate meal) OR things that decrease alveolar CO2 elimination (hypoventilation, pulmonary emboli, etc)

Hope that helps  (+ info)

Expired air has a greater oxygen content than alveolar air because?

A)more oxygen diffuses in across the mucosa of the bronchioles and bronchi.
B)newly inspired air is entering as expired as it is leaving.
C)oxygen is being generated by microbes in the upper respiratory tract.
D)alveolar air mixes with air in the anatomic dead space on its way out.
E)some carbon dioxide is converted to oxygen in respiratory passages.

D)alveolar air mixes with air in the anatomic dead space on its way out.

lol, the other answers were so funny!  (+ info)

Where is the best cancer treatment center for adult rhabdomyosarcoma? My father is in stage 4 of this cancer.?

My father was just diagnosed. It's metastasized to lungs from a tumor that developed on his leg muscle (lateral tibia). Everybody in the family is doing research on the web looking for the best options for treatment.

He needs to be treated at a center that sees a lot of this type of cancer. No one hospital is the best.
Major teaching centers such as Mayo, Anderson, Sloan-Kettering, etc are a great start.

Having said that, a patient is stage 4 doesn't have good odds at living very long. Your family needs to talk about this possibility. Depending on what the oncologist (cancer doc) says, palliative care (to keep him comfortable, not cure) may be best,

Hope & pray for a miracle, but also be realistic.

Best of luck.  (+ info)

What do you know about the cancer children get called rhabdomyosarcoma?

My daughter had it 12 years ago, she is one of the longest survivors. She is still showing no sign of it to day. If you needs more information from us please email me. She was 17 at the time pregnant an under went chemotherapy for a year after she had the baby she took radiation Her baby is now12 and doing great  (+ info)

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