FAQ - Ringorm i hårbotten
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my ringorm has now turned into a rash! what can i do?

okay guys i need someones help fast!! please!
i have ring worm and i am treatead it with lamisil. for some reason now i have rashes all over my arms ( it kind of looks like hives). Perhaps I am allergic to something in the medication. I went been taking reactine and it takes the itchyness away but the rash seems to keep on spreading. I have an appointment with the dermatologist on monday but i don't think i can wait that long. Any suggestions?

use cool water to shower, then take oral benadryl 50 mg, this will help with the rash and itching. but becareful because this medicine will make you sleepy. also stop using the ointment for the ringworm. in the meantime don't put anything else on the rash until you see the dr, go to urgent care if it gets worse  (+ info)

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