FAQ - Schizotypal Personality Disorder
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Schizotypal Personality Disorder help?

I don't want to self-diagnose so I was wondering if I should see a doctor about it. The only thing is that all the symptoms which suggest it seem totally normal to me so I don't know if it's just me being silly or if I actually have it. These are what I have matched with the diagnosis symptoms:

Uncomfortable with close relationships
Superstitious beliefs/belief in clairvoyance/sixth sense
Odd thinking/speech/ways of expressing oneself
Lack of close relationships
Exessive social anxiety which seems to be associated with paranoid fears and does not diminish with familiarity

I thought this would explain everything but it doesn't explain my suicidal thoughts, self-destructive and risky behaviour, unstable and intense interpersonal relationships alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation or persistently unstable self-image which are usually associated with BPD. Could I have both? I wouldn't really define Schizotypal personality as a disorder as it is just how I am butwhat does it sound like? And should I see a doctor about it?

The two together are very possible, in fact those 2 are my diagnosis. You can only be diagnosed through a doctor. When it comes to personality disorders there is not much they can do to help (apart from CB therapy which didn't work for me) so you are left to cope on your own. Avoid the pills if you can which they dish out like sweets and dull your brain and feelings making you into a zombie. They are quite useless for personality disorders  (+ info)

Is Having a Very High Type of Schizotypal Personality Disorder Really Considered a Setback?

I've taken a Free Personality Disorder Test in order to have a further understanding of my insides.
'nyways 'ere are my Results...

Paranoid and Antisocial Personality are considered Low.
Schizotypal Personality is obviously Very High, along with Avoidant Personality Disorder--that Test is a no-nonsense Prick. x D Based on experience, I believe I exhibit these Traits of Avoidant Personality Disorder in School in general. However everywhere else, like where I work...I'm comfortable serving my Customers, and all the necessary things in order to help yourself out in the Real World.

Schizoid Personality Disorder is High...I'm very glad that it isn't that High. x P Based of how I behave by Default within a School Setting...I have these "unfortunate" Inclinations that are very difficult to be rid of, or at least Turn It Off when it's especially necessary. > . <

'nyways, everything else is Moderate. I'm sure that's Healthy.

:3 Please Respond, Toss in Your Priceless Two Cents...'ny Recommendations?
'ere's a Link of my Results:
@Kate: Thank you fo' Enlightening me, but unfortunately I lack the required Sources to do so of what you've Strongly Recommended. Primarily it is Transportation Issues 'n small Financial Setback...Are there 'ny other appropriate alternatives out there? o_O > _ <
Setbacks*--Typo, my B. x P

My recommendation is that you stop seeking psychiatric diagnosis from a website quiz. If you feel that you have mental problems, you need to make an appointment with a real professional like a psychiatrist or a psychologist. These are real doctors (PhD or MD) with real skill in the field who can actually diagnose you, if there's anything to be diagnosed at all. These "quizzes" are wildly inaccurate and not based on any real method, they just ask you very general questions and give you a point count based on it. You could get "diagnosed" with virtually anything by tweaking your answers even slightly.

If you are functioning just fine in the real world, then I doubt you have a personality disorder of any type. They are not very common, and when you have one it is apparent not only to yourself but everyone around you. Like I said before, if you feel like you need help, then get it. But get it from a professional, not a website.

EDIT: Are you attending high school? See your school guidance counselor and tell them about what you've been experiencing. If what you describe is severe, they will refer you to a specialist in your area. Cost need not be an issue - you can be seen at a low-cost clinic that will charge you only as much as you can pay. I have heard of people paying as little as $5 per session, with no insurance.

If you're afraid to tell your parents, well, you're going to have to get over that. Better to be helped and live a full life than to hide it and get progressively worse. This is the voice of experience speaking. I kept everything I was experiencing to myself until I tried to kill myself. Talk about family fall-out. Talk to your guidance counselor - they can even help you break it to your parents if you don't want to talk to them alone about it.  (+ info)

Do I have Schizotypal Personality Disorder?

I am really unsocial, I don't like meeting people, I get really nervous about it and think about it for days. I can't wait to go home if i meet a friend, or if someone wants to come over at my house, i come up with excuses and ignore them.
I cant call people either. I am insecure about myself.
I just feel exhausted when i meet people, I really want to spend the rest of my life alone, i never want to get married and get kids or have any contact with my relatives. My dream would to live in a house in the middle of nowhere.

I cant look people into their eyes, i feel REALLY uncomofrtable if i do, i just want to get out of there.
I hate it when people are walking behind me, it also makes uncomfortable, weird and unsafe, and try to walk faster.

I hate loud noices, this is weird but if im listening to my ipod and my mom is washing clothes i get afraid of the sound of the washingmachine, but only when i have my headphones on. Its the same when i hear a motorcicle outside.

I cant express my feelings in words, its even hard for me to write on a message board, thats why this is looking so messy.
I sound really weird when im trying to explain something, i cant put them in word.

I have OCD, its really bad, i wash my hands as soon as i touch something thats outside of my room and i have to shower when i come home after being out. I can hug my mother. I hate it when people touch me.

I do many weird stuff. Sometimes i have to count the words when im wathing a movie with subtitles, sometimes i count the letters too.
I cant sleep if i see that something is in the wrong place in my room and have to fix it or else i will think about the whole night.

And i have serious sleeping problems. I have been addicted to ambien for 2 years now. I usually fall asleep at 5-6 am.

I used to think that I was just retarded, but i did an IQ-test and got a high score.

At first i thought that i had Aspergers syndrom but i dont know now, i think i either have asperger or Schizotypal Personality Disorder.

the key things you need to ask here are

WHY you get nervous about dealing with people
Why you have no interest in having relationships
Do you have odd beliefs hallucinations and or dellusions

If you get nervous about meeting people because you just dont want to bother with them and you dont see the point in having relationships with other people. You do not want them and you do not understand why others do. If you have the above and no hallucinations etc just have no interest in others not because you are shy or afraid of what they will think of you or paranoid simply because you could care less that would be Schizoid.

IF you get nervous about dealing with people and would prefer to be on your own because you are afraid your eccentricities will be exposed and you will be demeaned for them. If you have social anxiety that doesnt abate with time or familiarity and doesnt have to do with low self worth at all but more with the paranoia towards others. IF you have that and you have persistent odd or eccentric beliefs like telepathy or thought broadcasting and bodily hallucinations this would be closer to schizotypal.

If you do not like to be around others because you feel like you dont fit in socially/ you have difficulty understanding social cues and you are more interested in your own narrow interests or sticking to your routine than dealing with others. Unlike schizoids you do see a point to relationships but just are more interested in other things or feel like you are not able to socially deal with others due to the disorder. And you do not have hallucinations etc that's along the lines of aspergers

A number of other things could cause these type of symptoms too such as avoidant pd

And most of the second half just has to do with your ocd wich is likely seperate from whatever else may be going on. Unless your ocd takes up so much time and focus that you would rather stick with it than deal with people and you are concerned that others will judge or ridicule you for it so you avoid them so you can act out your ocd without being bothered by others.  (+ info)

If you have a personality disorder, can you help me with my paper real quickly, please?

I'm doing a research paper for my college english class on personality disorders which include:

Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder

If you have any of these, could you please tell me what it's like living with them? Or like, how they affect you and maybe others? And how you deal with it?

Any input would be appreciated. =)

Thank you very much.

hi. i have borderline personality disorder. and it can be very fustrating. for a long time i would just go crazy. i would get really bad mood swings i would be really happy and then really sad. i would see things in black and white and there was never a grey area. there is a book called stop walking on eggshells and that is pretty much what my family did. they diagnosed me with borderline tendencies when i was 14. then i got borderline personality disorder. i was cutting all the time and i tried to kill myself 3 times. i was diagnosed as having bipolar as having depression they even tried to tell me that i had schizophrenia which i knew i did not. you get this disorder when you have alot of trauma in your life as a kid. and my mother abused me and was a pain killer addict and i was sexually abused. i would always have a cycle there was always a victim a rescuer and a antagonist and every relatioinship i had i would make that happen. you were eigther my best friend or i absolutely hated you. i cant really think of anything else but if you have anymore questions my email address is [email protected] feel free to email me and ask anything you would like.  (+ info)

Schizotypal personality disorder and inappropriate feelings...

When they say people with schizotypal or schizophrenia experience "inappropriate feelings", what exactly do they mean? Can someone please give me an example or two? Thanks!

As in not reacting to a situation within our social constraints. Imagine being told that a loved one has died - you're expected to cry, or look sad or shocked. If you start laughing, that could be described as an ínappropriate feeling'. Basically, the person in question is probably having problems with affect and emotions and finding it difficult to know how to react to situations.   (+ info)

I have a question about Schizotypal Disorder?

ok, apparently i have most of the symptoms of a person with schizotypal personality disorder.

however, people with this disorder are said to have trouble with empathy...but i've always been empathetic!

any explanations?

I have been working in the field of mental health for over 12 years and I have only seen that diagnosis once on a psychiatric evaluation. Trust me I have read a gazillion of them. The thing with personality disorders and most disorders described in the DSM IV is that most people can find that they "fit" the diagnostic criteria for one if not more of the disorders. In the one patient that I did come across with a schizotypal personality disorder, she did not have the insight to look into the disorder, let alone look at her situation in an objective way. Her abilities were so signifiantly impaired that she was not really based in reality. Empathy was not something she was capable and I doubt she could have even understood what the word meant. What I am wondering is if this is your own diagnosis or that of a professional in mental health? If the diagnosis is from a mental health professional perhaps you should discuss this with them further to get a better understanding of how they came to this conclusion.  (+ info)

Did you know that you had a personality disorder before you were diagnosed?

I'm just curious. I've heard that some people with personality disorders like borderline, schizotypal, or schizoid have no idea that they have a problem while others said that some have a little insight into their condition. What do you think?
@ Hope


I have Avoidant Personality Disorder (AvPD) and I think I've kind of known there was something wrong with me since middle school. I've just recently (in January) been able to figure out what it is. Even in middle school, not knowing what it was, I tried to fight against it, and not let it take over. I'm still learning to live with it.

Hope my answer helps!
<3 Ashley H  (+ info)

give me examples of schizotypal personality disorder?

The schizotypal individual develops a fear of, strong objection to, or incapacity for social interaction, due to the sum of their past social experiences being negative in nature. As infants they do not learn how to interact with others, and as children and adults this inability quickly makes them a target for other people. Eventually, the individual learns (most often unconsciously) to see people as harmful and a source of negativity, suffering and ostracization. This leads to the development of "ideas of reference," in which the schizotypal individual believes that events are of special relevance to them or that benign events are somehow related to them (e.g., sees two people laughing and believes that the people are laughing at them). The individual may realize that their ideas of reference are irrational, but maintains them nonetheless. This exacerbates the individuals social anxiety, causing them to skew away from society and withdraw into their own world.  (+ info)

Schizotypal personality disorder?

i seem to fit most of the criteria with this disorder, but there are some gaps: i read somewhere that people with this disorder may be poor spellers, but i'm really quite good at spelling...and i have lots of empathy. i feel sorry for slaves and holocaust victims and people in pain, physical and emotional. why is this? does that mean i don't have it? i do see some things as having special meanings, such as a crow flying near me, and i do see people in shadows, and i used to think i could make people have bad luck in a game by willing it or predict the future with numbers. i do feel socially anxious. i am highly creative. will i become less and less empathetic as i grow older (i'm 18 now)? if i have it, i mean?

do you think i have it or not?

I would only accept a licensed doctor's diagnosis of a condition....

To answer your question, I think everyone is truly different. Some people exhibit some symptoms while others exhibit almost all of them.

Because you already have a lot of empathy, I highly doubt you will "lose" that over the years. It's sort of an inherit trait and something rather internalized.  (+ info)

is it possible to be diagnosed with a personality disorder at the age of 15?

im 15 and sometimes I can feel aloof to other people in thought, and is there a way to prevent these illnesses appearing.
Schizotypal personality disorder, or simply schizotypal disorder, is a personality disorder that is characterized by a need for social isolation, odd behavior and thinking, and often unconventional beliefs.

some aspects of this illness I can relate to like
"Social anxiety that tends to be associated with paranoid fears rather than negative judgments about self"

thanks for all the detailed answers, I think I was being a bit too cautious.....anywayz

Personality Disorders usually begin manifesting themselves in early adolescence but are usually not diagnosed until at least early adulthood. A lot of the symptoms of PDs are very similar to normal things experienced during the teenage years. It's a stressful time when you're maturing, hormones are fluctuating and people are particularly sensitive. So professionals usually wait until this period is over before they make a definitive diagnosis. The social anxieties, negative thoughts about yourself, wanting to withdraw and paranoid fears are very common in someone your age. As you get older you will most likely grow out of these things.  (+ info)

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