FAQ - Sinoatriellt block
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Why does YA have a block system, but the person I have block keep answering my question?

I have block people; but they keeping answering my question. Don;t they have anything better to do?
I am sure the person block.

There are apparently ways around it. I've read a couple of times about how people do it. no idea what the "secret" was. i've never had enough motivation to try and figure it out. i have better things to do with my time.  (+ info)

How do I care for my Rock Maple butcher block table?

I have a commercial rock maple butcher block table in my kitchen. I do cut on it and now where I like to stand the finish is dull and changing. How can I care for this wonderful table? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Short Version: You need to oil it.

Long Version:http://www.125west.com/Kitchen_Butcher_Block_Maintenance.html  (+ info)

How do I get rid of a tumbling mental block?

Last year I threw a back handspring on a competition squad and fell on my head. Since then I've suffered from severe mental block and I won't make my high school varsity squad without a back handspring. Does anyone know how to get past this mental thing?

Things like this are weird. I have the same thing when it comes to a regular cartwheel, which seems silly I know. I can do round offs all the time butI really have to talk myself into it to try a regular cartwheel.
I think that maybe visualization will help. Just close your eyes and see yourself doing it over and over. Then try it. If you still freeze up, then ask someone to be your guide and do them in slow motion with your guide flipping you. Then try one on your own.
If that doesn't help, then I am not sure how else to try.

How many times do you have to walk around a block just to walk a mile?

Sooo, I've been wondering how many times would you have to walk around a block just to walk a mile. Anyone know?

Please and thank you!

It only depends on how big your block is.
Average, about 3-4 times.  (+ info)

How do you block a negative thought?

I have this one thought that keeps popping in my head and I don't know how to get it out. I try to stay positive and think good thoughts but it keeps coming up randomly. How do I totally block it out?

I don't think you can "totally" block out negative thoughts and keep them from coming back.

Can you identify certain things that bring them to the fore, certain people, feelings or events. Better you discover the cause of the negativity and try and resolve that than hope to totally block it out.

If you have difficulty sorting it out by yourself, try get some help, maybe a close friend, partner or parent. If that wont work then seek professional assistance. This is best done now while you actively want to steer away from negative thoughts. If you leave it too long you might not always be able to do it.

Never think that seeking help on any level, including medical help, is a sign of weakness, actually I think its a sign of strength.

I wish you well. In the short term, do what I do, immerse yourself in books and music.

Be safe, be sage  (+ info)

What is the date format for expiry dates on a block of cheddar cheese?

My fiance just bought me a block of cheese from the cornerstore (not a grocery store). The stickers on the package were ripped off a bit, there's moisture and weird white specs near the ends. The expiry says 08DEC07. Does this mean Dec of 2008 or Dec of 2007? (Yes I already chastise him on his crappy cheese selection.)

That looks like the weird way the British would say December 8, 2007. It's much more confusing than the American way of 12/8/2007 or Dec 8, 2007  (+ info)

Can custom ear plugs block dog barking noise of 100 or more decibels?

There is a loud puppy who lives very close by to me and it barks a lot in the morning. Can custom earplugs block out this noise?

Thank you!

Completely block, No

Dull out, Yes  (+ info)

Can sun block really help stop the skin from tanning?

I don't put sun block and after summer I got kinda tan. I want to get my skin back to my original peach color and I have been mostly in the shades but it doesn't work. So I was thinking if I should use sun block more often now. Some people told me that it really works and stops the skin from tanning. Some say it doesn't. :\

People in my family can tan easily so I hope this info helps, thanks.

You have to apply sunblock liberally for a nice protective coating from UV rays. Tans are made because the sun's ultraviolet rays come in contact with your skin, and your skin protects itself by making more melanin, which is the dark pigmentation that causes a tan. By using sunblock, you are protecting yourself from a type of radiation, and radiation causes cell mutations that can lead to cancer. Also, sunblock and sunscreen are the same thing, the FDA changed what was originally called sunblocks to be included as sunscreens because it gives the impression that sunblocks completely block out all UV rays, which is not true. No sunblock or sunscreen can completely block all UV rays.  (+ info)

Can you substitute whipped cream cheese for block cream cheese in a dip recipe?

I have a dip recipe that has softened cream cheese mixed with ranch, chicken and hot sauce and then topped with cheese and baked til bubbly. I have two containers of whipped cream cheese, but no block kind and a party tomorrow...is there anyway I could substitute?

you can substitute, but you need to use more of the whipped cream cheese.
whipped cream cheese is just that... whipped, which means that air has been added into it.
you needn't worry about being exact with a dip recipe, but i would use one and a quarter to one and a half times the amount of whipped to block.  (+ info)

Has Anyone Ever Left a Velveeta Cheese Block Out in Room Temperature?

For more than five hours? Do you think it's harmful to consume?

I went grocery shopping and I realized I'd left the velveeta cheese block in the bag...I'd really hate for it to go to waste!!

Visually, it looks fine. But has it technically gone bad by now?

It's fine, originally those processed cheese blocks were sold in the grocery not refrigerated.  (+ info)

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