FAQ - Smear Layer
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How do I make a several layer cake?

My son's 14th birthday is in 2 weeks and he has requested a seven layer cake. He says it is a yellow cake with chocolate icing in the layers. I am a beginner baker and have only mastered one strawberry cake from scratch and of course the Duncan Hines varieties. I would love helpful hints with the layer thing.....

Try making a cake from scratch because box cake doesn't have the support you need for the cake. Make the cake before and freeze it, trust me it is much easier to handle when they are slightly frozen and it will still tast fine. Make the cake layers thin by slicing the layers horizontally. Just assemble like any other cake and when you get the last layer on insert straws cut down to size into the cake to stablize it and so it won't slide. Ice the whole thing and make sure people know about the straws before you serve. Hope it turns out.  (+ info)

What is the best eyeliner that doesnt smear?

Every eyeliner I buy is never right. First I had the pencil and it didnt rub on dark enough, and then I bought the soft kind and it just smears all over the place so what I am looking for is an eyeliner that DOESNT smear and will go on dark. Any cosmetic experts know of any? So far I have tried Covergirl and Nyc Pencils and also Covergirl & Avon soft eyeliners. None satisfied me so I need help!

hahahah Maybelline and Covergirl are the worst make up brands to use.

If you want quality, splurge. Stila's smudge pots are inexpensive ($16) and they can be applied as eyeliner via brush. It stays on all day, never smears, and the only way I can get it off is with eyemake up remover. The pigment is intense and looks the same hours after the application. You can order it at sephora.com  (+ info)

How do you layer shirts without making it all bulky?

Even when I wear a really tight shirt underneath, it is really uncomfortable and adds a lot of bulk, especially if am layering a long sleeve shirt under a short sleeve shirt. How do I layer correctly?

Get the shirt pressed and tuck the shirt underneath into the back of your pants or skirt, noone will notice and it prevents the shirt from looking blousey therefore removing bulk

Hope this helps :)  (+ info)

What colour should the sample for my smear test be?

I have had my smear done today & the sample was a white colour where as i am sure my previous smears were a pinky red colour, SHOULD i be worried!

Wait for the results.

Vaginas have a whole variety of discharges and colours, to put it bluntly. Just wait and see. Worrying will not change the result  (+ info)

Is it normal to bleed after a smear test?

I had a smear test, chlamydia test and gonorrhoea test yesterday and i was fine last night but today i have been bleeding, kind of like a period, but not quite as heavy.

Is this normal? I didn't bleed at all after my first smear test a few years ago.

Yes, it's totally normal! I didn't bleed during my first pap smear either and didn't even know someone could bleed until I looked up more information on yahoo answers and heard of many women who experienced bleeding after a pap-smear. I was so thankful I didn't read that BEFORE the appointment. But no, it's not abnormal to have bleeding.  (+ info)

How can I keep my top layer of fondant covered cake from sticking to bottom?

When I make a double layer cake my top layer always gets stuck to bottom. I do use those sticks to support the base cardboard of the top layer but for some reason the cardboard always gets stuck tonthe fondant of bottom cake. What can I do to prevent this? Cut the supports a little taller? Not sure what I am doing wrong.

Don't cut the supports taller and don't use pam spray, either of those will make your cake more likely to fall.

Let the fondant dry for a couple of hours before you stack the cakes, or dust the area with cornstarch. Some people use coconut to keep it from sticking, but not everyone likes coconut.

I use foamcore boards covered in press and seal wrap for the boards between tiers. I never have problems with the tiers sticking.  (+ info)

What is the difference between a pelvic exam and a pap smear?

Are they the same or not?
I recently had my pap smear done where it came positive for yeast infection. It has been treated and symptoms dissapeared. Do I need a pelvic exam done as well? I never had one yet
When do you need one?
I am 21 years old and sexually active. Also, if I am sexually active 7 days out of 30 days in a month, should I be on pills or any other contraceptive?

I am seeing a gynecologist this next week and don't know whether I should see him or not

I will appreciate suggestions

A pap smear is simply one test performed during a pelvic exam. It is a sample of cervical tissue placed onto a slide and sent to a lab to test for precancerous cells.

The pelvic includes the pap and a general exam of both internal reproductive organs and external genitalia for signs of problems or disease. The doctor will insert his/her fingers into the vagina, take his/her other hand and press on the abdomen to feel the ovaries, uterus, etc.

But when making an appointment with the doctor's office, if you say you need to schedule your annual pap, they will automatically assume the pelvic exam or vice versa. The terms are often used interchangeably.  (+ info)

Making a layer cake and freezing the layers before frosting?

I've never made a layer cake before and I'm going to make a birthday cake with two layers today using a nine inch round pan. I think I've heard before that you can freeze the layers before frosting them so that the cake doesn't get messed up, has anyone tried this before? Thanks.

Yes, this works very well. Make sure the frosting is very soft because it will freeze to the cake quickly. I would recommend taking the layers out to thaw for a 2 or 3 minutes and then begin frosting. It prevents the cake from tearing and getting all crumbly. I work in a bakery where I decorate cakes all the time and this is my preferred method. After the whole cake thaws after icing, you can never tell the difference. Afterward if you want to get a very smooth top. Dip the spatula in hot water, wipe it off and lightly take it across the icing. You don't have to but it's a nice little presentation technique.  (+ info)

What's that thin layer of something still left on skinless chicken breasts?

Whenever I cut skinless chicken breasts, there's a very thin, barely visible layer of something on it that's hard to scrape or cut off. Once I do scrape it off, it kind of looks like skin. Does anyone know what that thin layer is called?

That is connective tissue that held the skin to the muscle. I forget the proper name though...  (+ info)

Is it normal to bleed for 3 days after a Pap smear?

I had a Pap smear 3 days ago and have been bleeding since. It is not heavy bleeding - it is more like heavyish spotting with brown blood. I read it is normal to spot 1 day after a Pap smear, but is it OK if it lasts 3 days without getting weaker?

PS - on the day after the smear I had sex (the doctor did not mention that I shouldn't do it). Could it have irritated the cervix and caused this prolonged spotting?

Yes it's normal. But it should start to subside shortly. If not contact your dr.  (+ info)

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