FAQ - Spermatocele
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Would it be safe to masturbate?

I recently (maybe a week ago) found a small lump near my left testicle. It is painless (or if there is pain I can hardly tell), and I'm not sure if it has grown or not. Looking into it, it could possibly be Testicular Cancer, but it could also be, and most likely, a spermatocele.

Either way, would it be safe to masturbate? Would it make anything worse?
PS: I will see a doctor if it doesn't go away. I'm just thinking for now..

I don't see how masturbating will make things worst. But, do go see a doctor. It's a good reassurance that nothing is wrong.  (+ info)

A 55-year-old male, is diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver. ?

Which of the following disorders might he develop as a secondary effect?
a. prostatitis
b. testicular cancer
c. spermatocele
d. hydrocele
e. gynecomastia

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I have a lump on my left testicle.. ?

I have a lump on my left testicle and its a bit uncomfortable and sometimes hurts a liiiittle bit when i jump. I went to the doctor and he said that it was probably nothing coz it wasnt attached to my testicle, its just above it. Anyone tell me what it is? People tell me its spermatocele or something.
Also, am i allowed to dance hip-hop with this or should i stop dancing for a while?
Also, left testicle feels heavier and it hangs lower than my right one..

A hard lump in either testis could be a symptom of testicular cancer. This can be painful or tender in 10 to 20% of affected men.
Is a lump in the testis always cancer?
There are other lumps that can be found in the testis that can be non-cancerous. It is important to see a doctor to make sure any lumps felt are not testicular cancer. An ultrasound examination of the testis can find out what type of lump it is. The main types of non-cancerous lumps are:

Epididymal cyst
Epididymal cysts are fluid-filled cysts that come from the epididymis, and are very common. Often discovered when about the size of a pea, they feel slightly separate from the top of the testis. These lumps can slowly increase in size and can feel like a third testis. Epididymal cysts can happen at any age and should be left alone when still small, but can be removed with surgery if they become larger.

Spermatocele are similar to epididymal cysts. The only differences are that the lump is usually connected to the testis, and the swelling is filled with fluid containing sperm and sperm-like cells.

Hydatid of Morgagni
Found at the top of the testis, a Hydatid of Morgagni is a small cyst that is separate from the epididymis and sometimes found on a thin strand of tissue. These common cysts are moveable and can cause pain if they twist. There is no risk of cancer from these cysts, and unless they are causing pain, should be left alone.

Who should I see for help?
If you notice a hard lump or any change in your testes you should see a local doctor straight away. The local doctor may then give a referral to a specialist (urologist). A urologist deals specifically with problems in the genital and urinary tracts of both men and women.
Check out the link below

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I want to be sure this pain is okay.?

I work for a tree company and move large heavy logs daily. I have been told I dont lift properly. I have been having pain in my testicles as well as my back. It started in my back and pain stretches down back of my leg to my knee and into groin. I have a spermatocele on left testicle and I have had no complications. I just want to be sure that back pain and hard work can cause testicular discomfort. Thank you. God Bless.

yes, there is a reflex relationship between them and the sacro-iliac joints. you should see an hio method chiropractor to correct the cause. you may need to cease your work, at least temporarily, due to the high stress on your low back. you are at risk of possible severe and/or permanent symptoms if you do not deal with this appropriately.  (+ info)

Possible Testicular Cancer?

3 years ago I was in a long car journey and I must have been seated awkwardly because my left testicle was aching and very tender. A few days after I noticed a lump on the back, at the top of the epydidimus. I certainly wouldn't call it tiny like the usual lumps that could be cancerous that you find on your testicles and it hurts if I squeeze it and can feel a bit uncomfortable. I think it might be spermatocele, but I'm not sure.

Over 3 years later and I'm still here, so what's it most likely to be?

Honestly, I don't know. But I couldn't just NOT answer this question. Okay, so it is most likely NOT cancer, but seriously, go to the doctor. You can never be too careful.  (+ info)

I'm not sure what's wrong with me??

I have a pain in the left side of my groin and lower left abdomen, and i can get a pain in the left side of my testicle - i do have an epididymal cyst on my left testicle and i think a spermatocele. Could this be causing the pain? I also think i have a haemorrhoid as well. I went on a power plate today and it said not to use it if you have an acute hernia, could i be in danger???

go to the doctor
to set your mind at rest
and just in case there is anything wrong  (+ info)

What do i have?

hey guys, for a couple years(i think) now i have had one testicle(right) about 2-2.5 times larger than the left, and i have been researching and i have heard of hydrocele and spermatocele, i dont feel really any pain and i want to know wat is wrong with me, i am 15 years old and am curious??? also the right one hangs down about 1 inch lower than the left, so???

I would suggest that you visit a local hospital to have a C.T. scan on your testicle (the larger one) to dispel the notion that
your testicles are born normal, otherwise abnormality may
show up in the scan and you may be required to undergo surgery to remove certain unpleasant growth in your testicle.
I hope you take this seriously when you visit a doctor in the hospital. Best of luck.  (+ info)

After Surgary?

I just had surgary on my scrotum to remove a Spermatocele (A cyst on the testi). My sack swelled up 2 times bigger then normal. And this morning It was completely red my scrotm. Any advice what to do?
im using an ice pack.. thanks

I think swelling is a pretty normal reaction to ball surgery.

I wish you a speedy recovery....  (+ info)

lump at top of testical?

Hi I noticed a small lump (about bb size) near the top of my testicle. I went and saw a doctor about it and she said that it was a Spermatocele or a infection of the Epididymitis cant remember anyways she gave me some antibiodics and said I should be fine. well it still hasnt gone away somedays it seems bigger than others and can cause pain somedays if clothing is tight. my question is should I be worried and go have another check with another doctor
is this normal
and how long does it usualy take for these things to go away

Sounds like a cyst to me. I have one on each testicle and they have not caused any problems. You probably should have a ultra-sound to determine if what you have is a cyst.  (+ info)

Lump On Left Testical, Plz Help!?

Okay theres a kinda squishy lump on my left testicle, it is not hard. Um perhaps i might get a bit of pain there but thats it. I can't tell whether it's getting bigger or not. And im not sure if it's attached to my testicle. It's not something stuck on there because i can move it around if u know what i mean.I think it might be a Spermatocele but not certain. It's almost like a ball, or like a mini 3rd testicle thats attached to my left. If it's a Spermatocele how do i get rid of it.

You are assuming way to many things:are you a Dr.?
Have an ultrasound made and hear the results.
Sky.  (+ info)

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