FAQ - Spina bifida occulta
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Help!Does anyone have any information about spina bifida occulta?

just been diagnosed by x ray,my doctor says it shouldn't hurt but i am in agony,it hurts if i drink alcohol and my whole spine hurts,mainly lower spine.Getting headaches loads too.

Your doctor is correct to advise that this is basically an incidental finding. It will not cause any of the symptoms you have described.

If you are still concerned go back and see him to look for another cause.  (+ info)

has anybody gotten an epidural and has spina bifida occulta?

im 37 weeks and im kind of nervous about wheather i can get the epidural or not. and if i cant then how else im going to be able to deal with the labor. please answer asap! =]

it isn't recommended. However, talk to your neurosurgeon.  (+ info)

Does anyone know much about Spina Bifida Occulta?

I was recently diagnosed and i was wonder if there are any treatments or ways to reduce pain.

Try here www.sbaa.org  (+ info)

I'm taking care of an egg baby for class and he apparently has spina bifida occulta...?

What kind of problems would he supposedly have when he's 1-4 and 4-8 month old? Are there any medications that he would have to take? And also, in general, how can I interact with the baby to not damage him? Thanks in advance!

Occulta means hidden, so you can't hurt someone with it. Bowel and bladder issues may occur, but that is about it. Occulta is the least severe spina bifida.  (+ info)

Can my daughter get SSI disability for having spina bifida occulta??

i have spina bifida manifesta (shown or apparent)
a person with occulta although visibly normal that has spina bifida may find it difficult to obtain benefits ..the courts see it as "ok you can function in society why do you need benefits?"
i myself no longer receive benefits for the simple reason, they "claim" my hubby makes too much money....i really wish they could see how our bills pile up and then tell me he makes too much money...you and i both know bills dont wait but you can only stretch one paycheck so far before it begins to scream.  (+ info)

Spina bifida occulta. Doctors and nurses Help!?

I have The Most Less severe verison of spina bifida. But everytime i go to clean or to do something my back starts hurting right where the Xray Showed i have spinda bifida. Would doctors Operate on fusing my spine together? or no? Help!!

My three lowest vertebrae are incompletely formed, and I have found that I need to pay special attention to posture, and also, that I'm much better off with having strengthened my back, aided by a personal trainer that's aware of the situation, adapting a strength program accordingly. Going to a chiropractor is probably NOT the best course of action, depending on the location and extent.

What the previous poster didn't mention (and this is something that COULD be an issue, but you didn't say anything about how many vertebrae are affected or where in the back) is something called "tethered-cord syndrome" which describes the case of the spinal cord getting attached somewhere and not sliding back and forth like it should: this isn't a problem outside of spina bifida, as far as I'm aware, because the back bones protect that from happening. If this happens, you'll have problems from around that point on your back and down to the body areas affected below that. Research it online, and if you have symptoms of it, see a doctor (orthopedist, I think) immediately, as that must be corrected surgically, and hopefully before permanent damage occurs.

I learned of my situation when getting an x-ray for a kidney stone checkup, and my urologist started telling me, "If you have these following symptoms, it's because your lowest 3 vertebrae aren't fully formed" as if I had previously been aware of the situation :)  (+ info)

Advice on spina bifida occulta?

my 6yr old son has had hypotonia (low muscle tone) since birth. He has 6monthly physio, and yearly checks with a Paediatrician. On his last check he was discharged as he is doing so well. On his letter confirming this, it states that his x-rays showed him to have 'Spina bifida occulta', in the lumbar 5 and sacral 1 vertebrae. Although after checking on the internet, I see that this may not present any problems, will it in the future? Shouldnt they continue to check him yearly? Does anyone have any knowlege in this area?, please help/advise.

Contact the Spina Bifida Association. They are very very helpful and give great advice.  (+ info)

Has anyone heard of Spina Bifida Occulta?

I am 43 and was just told I have this. Was it always there and missed or is it something that can be caused by injury/strain?
Attention this is not spina bifida! It is Spina Bifida" Occulta". Not the birth defect!

Approx 20% of people have Spina Bifida Occulta (SBO). This is where there is a very small piece of the spine missing with no other abnormalities. It is not normally detected unless through a routine x-ray or MRI for something un-related. It nearly always causes no problems, however it is suggested through research that it may produce increased back ache.

I am a 2nd year nursing student in the UK, and have a 3 yr old son originally diagnosed with SBO, but however, actually has Occult Spinal Dysphrism (OSD) or Tethered Cord Syndrome (TCS) (has two names), as he not only has the small bony segment missing, but other problems too - detected on MRI and diagnosed by myself through medical journals, and confirmed by his consultants. This is when it is no longer called SBO but OSD or TCS. OSD is markably more rare and accounts for only 1% of Spina Bifida's.  (+ info)

operation to correct spina bifida occulta?

is there an operation to correct SBO in a 15 year old boy with loss of bladder control and starting to lose control of simple motor functions?

That is a question I'm not too sure of. I have Spina Bifida but it's the worst kind. I'm not sure about Occulta, I know if you don't already know which I'm sure you do that for the bladder control you can cath yourself. But as far as the motor functions, could just be nerve damage that's not correctable , that's really something to talk to your doctors about. If they can't fix it, I know there's things they can do to make it better and easier. I hope I helped and that it works out for you<3  (+ info)

spina bifida occulta?

hi i have been diagnosed with "spina bifida occulta" is it possible for me to be able to collect disability for this deformity ?

i dont know about disabilty laws but you should be able to considering spina bifida is a disabling disorder...  (+ info)

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