FAQ - Spinal Stenosis
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My dad has Spinal Stenosis and we are worried about the op. Does anybody know anything?

My dad has had back and leg pains for the last five years and he is having a laminectomy surgery next week. All the family are very worried as we know little about the opporation and possible side effects. Does anyone know anything?

This operation is very commonly performed by spinal surgeons - either neurosurgeons or orthopaedic surgeons.
It is very straightforward if the surgeon is competent.
The recovery in hospital is 2 to 7 days.
Totally recovery time can be up to 3 months, but usually shorter than this.

Possible risks (side effects):
symptoms are only partially improved or not improved at all;
back pain;
leakage of cerebrospinal fluid;
nerve damage (up to and including paraplegia, incontinence);
spinal instability requiring stabilisation surgery.

The risks are low with a competent surgeon.

Wishing your father all the best.  (+ info)

How do I relieve my lumbar spinal canal stenosis pain?

My chiropractor diagnosed me with this condition. I feel great after an adjustment, however, within six hours I'm in pain all over again. I can only afford two adjustments a month, so what can I do at home to relieve the pain? I do not like to take medication. The only thing that seems to relieve the pain is laying in the fetal position. My chiropractor has recommended decompression, what do you think?

well i had an accident 7 month ago, and it did crack my lumbar,....
the only thing that i think work well to help me is....

go swimming....!!!!

it'll move a lot of muscle

good luck, btw where are u from?  (+ info)

How do I go about getting disability status due to spinal stenosis?

How do I get disability status? Do I go to my doctor and ask about this?


You must have many doctors reports and xrays, mris, etc. You must be able to show it is keeping you from employment and the drugs, shots, and surgeries you have had. You should use a service like Allsup to get it going, they do all the reports and doctor information for you.  (+ info)

What is the most common cause of Spinal Stenosis?

And what is the best type of surgery to deal with it? Also, are there any particularly good minimally invasive procedures available which are known to work well?

My wife has been diagnosed with spinal stenosis and has a significant number of other health problems and she is currently seeing a physiatrist ( physical medicine and rehabilitation) doctor, suggest you do the same as there are a number of different potential solutions to your problem besides surgery..
Take a look at the following site...

http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/spinal-stenosis/DS00515/DSECTION=causes  (+ info)

Does severe spinal stenosis in C5 with disk bulge and radiculopathy in arms go away, and if so what treatment?

Also, how common is it, and is this serious?

That severe does not usually go away on it's own, and in fact if not treated could eventually lead to paralysis, or cause your upper extremities to become very weak and useless. If you were to get rear ended by a car, or just a simple fall, could cause major problems.

There are surgical options, and they have improved the technology greatly over the last 5-10 years. They can even do disc replacement surgery in the neck now. The stenosis depends on if it is a bony stenosis, or if it is from the disc. Both can be corrected surgically.

Here's a link that can hopefully help you  (+ info)

Do steroid epidural injections and physical therapy actually work for severe spinal stenosis?

Seems more of a CYA procedure suggested by the doctor before suggesting surgery.

Traction might help better.  (+ info)

Can a work injury result in Spinal stenosis?

Had an injury at work and the diagnosis was Spinal stenosis. After falling backwards and having boxes fall on me from pulling a hand cart. later that night I had pain in the lower right side back, and pain with pins and needles, and feels hot. to date i still have numbness and stabbing pain. And it's relieved by bending forward or sitting down and it will go away.

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Can Spinal Stenosis be mistaken for Fibromyalgia?

I was told a long time ago that I had Spinal Stenosis. But I have been reading up on Fibromyalgia and find I have alot of the symptoms of it, including the pain and burning in numerous places. I would love any help, Thanks, Karen

I doubt it would be mistaken by a competant doctor..

If you are having symtpoms that are not expained b y Spianl Stenosis-then maybe you have FMS also....  (+ info)

can a rearend car accident cause cervical spinal stenosis after hyperextention of the neck in your job ?

was in a car accident and was told for several months it was a sprain but later it was spinal stenosis but never had any problems and I had a car accident 10 years ago and even then had no problems could it be cause hyperextention of the neck ?

  (+ info)

Can anyone tell me from personal experience about Spinal Stenosis?

My husband has been diagnosed with this. What should we be expecting? The Doctors say he must have surgery. Any information would be appreciated.

It really depends on the degree of stenosis (narrowing). Treatment options are either conservative approaches, such as rest, supportive devices, NSAIDs, and physical therapy, or surgical treatments. Not knowing the specifics of your situation, I would recommend a second opinion before agreeing to an invasive procedure. Keep in mind that surgery is often the best option in certain circumstances, but the reality is that it isn't without risk.  (+ info)

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