FAQ - Stevens-Johnsons syndrom
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how often do people survive the stevens johnsons disorder?

how often do people survive the stephen johnson syndrom . PLz answer ths serious my mom might have it i will know soon and i want to know how often people die from it when they get it

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Has anyone experienced Stevens-Johnsons Syndrome or know someone who has?

My friend alert but on a ventilator because of the severity of the progression.Asking if full recovery possible.
Thank you.

Yes, a full recovery is possible. The main danger in Steven-Johnson syndrome is severe infections from losing a lot of your skin. This disease can be fatal, but if only a small area of skin is involved, survival is very likely. If a large area of the body is involved, it becomes more life-threatening.  (+ info)

could stevens johnsons syndrome as a baby cause lifelong depression?

had sjs reaction to medication as a young child and was treated in the burns unit could this have contributed to dpression suffered over 30 years off and on
thank you istill remember the screams as my mum picked me up i remember being picked up in sheets. alll four corners.and i remember having to eat icecream i wa only 18 months old how can i possibly remember this!

That's a very interesting question. According to Maslows Hierarchy of needs, the first stage of growth and development is "trust vs mistrust", will my parents be there to meet all my needs, and they were not(not because they didn't want to be there) and you were surrounded by strangers who only met your physical needs, not your emotional needs.You might of felt confused and abandoned. I've also taken care of an adult female who developed SJS. It would literally take hours just to do her dressings, and it was very painfull. She was in our unit for 6 weeks. I can't imagine a baby going through that I hope this helps.How could you remember this. ?you were obviously traumatized by the entire event. You obviously do not have a repressed memory, you are recalling the actual events.  (+ info)

My daughter was diagnoisedwith Stevens Johnsons and was released with a perscription of Ibuprofen sugestions?

People with SJS CAN NOT take Ibuprofen

SJS can be triggered by many different things. If you have a concern, ask your doctor. Not really sure why you are asking complete strangers.  (+ info)

My husband has a history of Steven Johnson Syndrom, since beginning a knew job 5 days ago he has come home?

with a red face & neck, which lasts about 1 - 2 hours after he is home. Today he has abdominal cramping, diahrea, and vomitting, He has chills but no fever. should I be concerned about a possible flare of sjs? The place he works uses sodium hypochlorite with 87.5 inert ingredients

It usually happens with medications. did he take any new medication?  (+ info)

What is the com on cause of Stevens-Johnson syndrome all over the World?

Can it kill? Can it cause permanent damage? Is it mainly occupational? Can I be get it through infection? Does a certain race predisposed to develop this condition? What races would it be more common? Who are Drs. DStevens and Johnsons? Thank

its caused by an allergic reaction to antibiotics
yes it can be fatal
not spread thru infection
unsure if certain races are predisposed
don't know who the doctors are  (+ info)

does steven johnsons syndrome start looking like a painful pimple?

I have been taking Lamictal/Lomatrogine for a yr and 1/2 now and recently began having what appears to be a pimple on my butt cheek that quickly turns infected and feels almost like a blister. I have had 3 now in about a month or so and they are quite painful. I am concerned that it could be Steven-Johnsons Syndrome. Any help would be greatlyappreciated!! Thx!

Stevens Johnsons Syndrome is a severe reaction and it can't begin later than 3 weeks after beginning to take the medication. Usually it begins within a few days, and never later than 3 weeks. So it's just impossible it is SJS.

If it bothers you just go to the doctor. It's not SJS but it's not possible to know what it is until your doctor sees it.  (+ info)

Can you get Steven Johnsons Syndrome or TEN Syndrome from taking vitamin or herbal supplements?

We had a friend pass away recently from this horrible disease..
We were told that prescription drugs and over the counter meds can sometimes cause someones body to react this way to them..
But i need to know if vitamin and herbal supplements could end up doing the same thing?

Wow, that's a nasty condition. Medline says its rare, and usually a specific type of allergic reaction in response to medication or infection, but the exact cause can't always be identified.

The risky drug groups are:

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
Sulfonamides and penicillins, which are used to treat infections
Anticonvulsants, which are used to fight seizures

I don't think its possible to rule out herbs as a risk, there are herbs that could be in the same groups as the above drugs. Genetics play a role as well.

http://www.mayoclinic.com/print/stevens-johnson-syndrome/DS00940/DSECTION=all&METHOD=print  (+ info)

My mother just died from Stevens Johnsons Syndrome. Did the doctors do something wrong?

My mom went in to the hospital Sunday when blood shot eyes and lesions on her face. They sent her home with a pink eye diagnosis. 3 days later, she was found unconscious in her apartment by her neighbor. She was rushed to hospital, then transferred to another hospital in the burn ICU because of her skin burning off. Later that week, she died.

The doctors at the second hospital said that if she came in earlier, she probably would have had a better chance at surviving. They also said that she never had pink eye. Over 55% of her body was affected, her whole face was basically burnt off...Something just does not sound right. Why was she discharged at the other hospital? Yes she is a medicaid patient. Yes she spends a lot of time in the hospital. Yes she was sickly but not sickly to death.

And there are only about 300 cases a year in the U.S., which means most doctors will never see one, and many hospitals will never see a patient with it. And there are so many suspected causes, and in 50% of the cases there is no known cause, so even taking a good history doesn't lead to a sure suspicion that it's an early case. The mortality from 55% involvement is high, no matter what is done. Her chances might have been better if she had earlier said, "Whoa. This isn't pink eye anymore." and gone back.  (+ info)

a doctor recently gave me a possible diagnosis of Stevens Johnson syndrome?

I have subsequently stopped taking Duloxetine for 4 weeks now , yet persistant symptoms skin lesions started that looked like larva migrans, then turned vericula and some very painful with creeping feeling under my skin and also stomach cramps dihorrea, also low hb and iron , previously had to have a transfusion, had a gastroscopy but no colonoscopy, stool samples have returned normal results.

I'm afraid I don't know a whole lot about your condition, but it sounds serious and it is sad to hear esp. at this time of year. Happy Holidays!!! If possible that is.  (+ info)

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