FAQ - Stress Disorders, Traumatic, Acute
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What's the difference between bipolar and post traumatic stress disorder?

If you read my questions I post, you can tell that it's post traumatic stress disorder. Don't tell me you diagosis, but what the difference is, please.
I go through mad abuse.

Bipolar disorder is a bio-chemically caused mental disorder that often results in episodes of mania and dpression in varied degrees of length and intensity...altho it hasn't been proven it tends to run in families therefore there may be a genetic connection...

Post-traumatic stress disorder is the result of an event or situation that the sufferer has experienced, lived thru...etc.
It is not genetic in nature....it is in response to an emotionally traumatic experience.....

racing thoughts.....insomnia....reduced inhibitions....rapid speech...thoughts that everthing is interconnected such as seeing obscure 'patterns' when patterns to things and situations are not there...promiscuity.....outrageous spending sprees.....these are some of the symptoms of mania....it can progress into halucinations and paranoia if not treated......  (+ info)

How do I know if I have post traumatic stress disorder?

I've researched my "ailments" and think I have self diagnosed my self with post traumatic stress disorder, how would I know for sure?

If there been any trauma in your life that brothers you all the time  (+ info)

How to deal with post traumatic stress disorder?

Is there a way to deal/cure post traumatic stress disorder myself? I don't have any money or insurance to talk to a lets say counselor, nor do I really think that going to a shrink would be a good idea. I read online and am sure I have PTSD and I know exactly what caused it. There's no way to avoid situations that trigger memories. I can't lock myself up all day/night. What can I do? Are there any free support groups?

You can get some useful information from: http://www.healthmedicalinformation.com/category/mental-health/post-traumatic-stress-disorder

All the best  (+ info)

What are some vietnam movies/other works that show post traumatic stress disorder in soldiers?

I need some work/ art to compare with actual accounts of post traumatic stress disorder. Does anyone have any good movies/ or other works that I can use.

Thank you.

Rambo - First Blood. It is an older movie, but it shows first hand what that stress can do to you and what happens when it overwhelms you.  (+ info)

Can post traumatic stress disorder lead to suicide?

I'm writing a story. Can post traumatic stress disorder lead to suicide? And if so, what would one act like shortly before the suicide?
The cause of the PTSD for the character is seeing the love of his life brutally murdered in front of him.

There is evidence that traumatic events such as sexual abuse, combat trauma, rape, and domestic violence generally increase a person’s suicide risk. Multiple factors contribute to suicide risk in veterans.

Some of the most common factors are listed below:

male gender

alcohol abuse

family history of suicide

older age

poor social-environmental support (exemplified by

homelessness and unmarried status)

possession of firearms

the presence of medical and psychiatric conditions (including combat-related PTSD) associated with suicide  (+ info)

Is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder more common in a certain age group?

Is there an age when you are more prone to developing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? and why?

These is not really an established age group where post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) develops. PTSD can develop at any age, including childhood, but research has shown that the median age of onset is around 23 years.

Researches have found that it is more common in migraine sufferers and during adulthood.

However there are certain events where people are more prone to developing PTSD. Whether someone reacts to an event with a post-traumatic stress disorder is largely dependent on the severity of the event, or stressor, itself. Sexual assault, for one, is more likely to produce PTSD than other horrible experiences. The disorder also frequently occurs after violent personal assaults such as rape, mugging, or domestic violence; terrorism; natural or human-caused disasters; and accidents.

For example, some studies have found that PTSD develops in about:

1 in 5 fire-fighters.
1 in 3 teenager survivors of car crashes.
1 in 2 female rape victims.
2 in 3 prisoners of war.

Hope this helps! :)  (+ info)

What is better a better treatment therapy or Medicine for post traumatic stress disorder?

What are the pros and cons for therapy and for medicine when dealing with post traumatic stress disorder?

It depends on where the person is at. If they are experiencing really bad symptoms and a tremendous amount of anxiety you probably want to try medication in conjunction with therapy. The meds will take the edge off and you will be better able to work through the underlying issues. Meds alone will not help much, because you have left the underlying issues unaddressed and they will get worse over time so the meds will become less effective.  (+ info)

How do I deal with sever post traumatic stress disorder?

My husband just retired from the US Army and was diagnosed with sever post traumatic stress disorder. A lot of our soldiers are coming home with this. His mood swings are really, really bad. We have been married for ten years and I love him with all my heart so I won't leave him. I just need to know if anyone can give me some pointers on dealing with this or something that might have worked for them. It is not an easy thing to deal with.

This requires professional help. He needs to talk to a psychologist and begin therapy immediately or it can become worse. You may want to see one as well in order to understand his condition and to talk about the effects it is having on you. This condition is just as hard on loved ones as it is on the person effected. Please remember that he has been through a lot, and seen things most of us can not even imagine.. This is just his brains way of coping. Try not to take it personally. Rely on the support of your family and friends. It will take time but this can be treated successfully. Good luck.  (+ info)

How do i fix myself from post traumatic stress disorder?

if i mentally rehearsed the traumatic scene and took all the stress out on my punch bag all at once could it make me worst? because i tried that once and is was as if i could see and feel things again. it felt amazing, it was like i was normal again.. but after that happened i started drifting deeper into numbness until the point where i could not realize if i was alive or dead... i want to fix myself but i cant go and see anyone.. can you give me any tips that could help me recover by myself please?

thank you.

I'm going through the same thing. Everyone tells me to "just get over it" and it really annoys me. But maybe it IS that simple. Just get over it, even though the pain and memory is still there, just try to busy yourself and live life and move and live beyond your feelings.

I think it's good to honor your feelings and all that, but living too much in your feelings and having your life be affected by it is not a good way of honoring your feelings.  (+ info)

What would be a rhetorical question regarding post-traumatic stress disorder?

i need help thinking of questions that will promote discussion regarding post-traumatic stress disorder, any suggestions?

What events in life merit the stress factor needed to cause PTSD?
Are women more susceptible?

At what age does a child's suseptibility to PTSD begin to
What types of personalities fall victim to pstd the most?
Is there a genetic factor?
What coping mechanisims keep a very suseptle person from falling victim?  (+ info)

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