FAQ - Sturge-Webers syndrom
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Is it possible to confuse Cubital Tunnel Syndrome with Carpal Tunnel Syndrom?

I had surgery for CTS and I'm still having problems, I have a painful elbow still, is it possible that it was Cubital Tunnel Syndrome? Wouldn't the EMG show what it really was?

There shouldn't be any way to confuse them...Carpal tunnel syndrome is a problem of the median nerve at the wrist and cubital tunnel syndrome is a problem of the ulnar nerve at the elbow. The EMG would clearly differentiate between the two.

That being said, someone might use the abbreviation "CTS" which usually is used only for carpal tunnel and confuse them after the fact.

Clinically they should be easily distinguished also...numbness affects the thumb/index/middle fingers for carpal tunnel and pinky finger for cubital tunnel. Pain for carpal tunnel is mainly hand and wrist though it can radiate up the forearm. Pain for cubital tunnel is often at the elbow as well as wrist hand.

Also, it could be BOTH CTS and ulnar neuropathy at the elbow (of which cubital tunnel is one type). Some are prone to multiple entrapments, esp. if you have diabetes, hypothyroidism, or a number of other conditions.

Problems in these nerves higher up, including the brachial plexus and neck remain possible too but those are less likely without pain there.  (+ info)

Is Down Syndrom a genetic or chromosomal mutation?

I am finding it VERY confusing. Two sites i have found have said different things.

OMG i just relaised this is you again anna.
you know i answered your other question and then found this again and then relaised it was you.
MR Simpson answered this today anywayz but ill keep my answer here.
dont copy it word for word coz i just pasted my first paragraph in here!

The key difference between chromosomal and a gene mutation is: chromosomal mutations involve missing/added chromosomes or parts of chromosomes, whereas gene mutations involve a permanent change or error in the DNA for one or more genes in particular.
However, since Down Syndrome involves an entire extra chromosome number 21, it is classified as a chromosomal mutation.

Soph  (+ info)

how do you deal with someone with tourret syndrom?

one of my colleage in the office has touret syndrome, he always makes weird noises n faces all the time and speaks too loud. I am so annoyed and sometimes it is very disturbing. I know it is not nice to hate that kind of people, but I can't help it. What should I do?

  (+ info)

Can men with klinefelter syndrom reproduce?

my boyfriend is 18 and struggling with this genetic disease, i'm curious to know if he can reproduce at this time in his life? not that we want to have children, quite the opposite, if you can help me, that'd be great!

Although most people with this syndrome are sterile but there is a hope.testicular sperm extraction (TESE) is the method .You can get good help at
xxytalk.com  (+ info)

What are some examples of mental retardation besides down syndrom?

Genetic conditions like : Bardet-Biedl syndrome, Angelman syndrome, Sjogren-Larsson, Klinefelter's syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, Neurofibromatosis, congenital hypothyroidism, Williams syndrome, Phenylketonuria (PKU), and Prader-Willi syndrome. Other genetic conditions include Phelan-McDermid syndrome, Mowat-Wilson syndrome, genetic ciliopathy.
Severe autism (associated with mental retardation).
Also can be caused by head injury, Fetal alchohol syndrome.

Taken from wiki and other various websites, a few I wrote from my own knowledge.  (+ info)

how common is it to have a baby with downs syndrom when you are still a teen yourself?

i know there is a possibility but what is the percentage? i mean isnt it most common in elder women?

15 - 19 years of age - 1 / 1250 chance

Also, from another post:
Maternal age influences the chances of conceiving a baby with Down syndrome. At maternal age 20 to 24, the probability is 1/1490; at age 40 the probability is 1/60, and at age 49 the probability is 1/11.Although the probability increases with maternal age, 80% of children with Down syndrome are born to women under the age of 35, reflecting the overall fertility of that age group. Recent data also suggest that paternal age, especially beyond 42, also increases the risk of Down Syndrome manifesting in pregnancies in older mothers.  (+ info)

Does anyone have information about Tourettes Syndrom?

I am looking for any good websites that you may know of, any personal experiences, and if anyone out there suffers from Tourettes or knows somebody who does I'd love to hear your stories.

My 11 year old son has this disorder. Tourettes is lifelong and there is not a cure. It is not degenerative, and one can expect to have a normal lifespan. The tics and vocal tremors are migratory, constantly changing. One week he might be stuck on a word. Not yelling. Just repeating ("just Mom, can I just just just go outside and just just just play") Or it might be a head turn (or 10 head turns a minute). It's different all the time.

Tourettes does not impede intelligence or ability to learn. Learning may take longer because of the little distractions, though. My son plays chess, is artistically gifted and has an IQ of 124. I would not trade him for the world. He has homework and chores just like everybody else.

The biggest (and most bothersome) misconception about this disorder is the coprolalia (shouting obscenities). Fewer than 15% of people with TS ever display this symptom. It is not a mandatory symptom for diagnosis. Most people with TS never display this symptom.

It is not unusual to have Tourettes + (plus) other conditions. My son has Tourettes, ADHD and OCD.

Thanks for taking the time to find out about this and for asking. Please feel free to contact me through this site for any questions.  (+ info)

Can a woman with Ehlers Danlose Syndrom have a baby?

I was just wondering if the woman with the Ehlers Danlose Syndrome could survive having a baby, and if so, would the baby be affected?

Yes they can!! There a a couple of complications that can happen, such as pelvic pain and instability, bowel rupture, hemerage.
But, Pregnancy is generally well-tolerated in women with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, with favorable maternal and neonatal outcomes. In Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV it may be associated with severe maternal complications. Preconceptional counseling concerning specific possible complications and a multidisciplinary approach is recommended.
Good luck! x  (+ info)

How do you cope with Teacake Disappointment Syndrom (TDS)?

I've heard all the "one day at a time" crap - it just doesn't do any good.
It took nearly 10 years to get over the anxiety of there only beiung 2 lemon French Fancies in a box of Mr Kipling cakes, but 3 chocolate and 3 raspberry cakes. Healing takes time I know.

TO THROW off bouts of TDS
you will need ice cream ..nothing less
the problem is.... and what a curse
as after eating ...you ll feel worse..!!

for though you ve fixed your TDS
ice cream withdrawal is a mess
to fix this trouble ...you must snack
on chocolate biscuits..by the pack..!

but this just makes cholesterol rise
you get so fat..its no surprise...
so my advice ..
.chuck those fakes...
go buy yourself some bigger cakes..!!  (+ info)

Why do people with Down Syndrom look similar?

They have similar facial features?

Why is that?

It is one of the symptoms of Down Sydrome. Down Syndrome is a mutation in DNA. Technically, an extra chromosome. DNA is what creates your features, and because everyone with Down Syndrome has the same genetic mutation, they have the same physical mutations as well.

Kinda like when people have colds, they all have runny noses.  (+ info)

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