FAQ - Syphilis, Latent
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What are the long and short term effects of syphilis?

I would love to know the long and short term effects of syphilis!
I was just curious all of a sudden.

Early signs of syphilis are a red/brown rash about the size of a penny that may be on all of your body or just certain parts like the palms of your hands or the bottoms of your feet. This is the most common early symptom. Also headache, mild fatigue, hair loss, and swollen lymph nodes may occur.
Long term symptoms include serious heart abnormalties, mental disorders, blindness, other nuerological symptoms, and sometimes even death.

Hope this helped you:)  (+ info)

if a FEMALE has syphilis is it safe to have intercourse if the male wears a condom?

what are all the possible ways syphilis can be transmitted?
ex. drinkin from the same glass?
sitting on the same toilet?

The only 100% safe way for the guy to not get it is to not have sex. Condoms break, come off, and don't always work. And no oral, either, or he'll get it in his mouth.  (+ info)

Can syphlis be transmitted thru contact with infected blood? Why is the blood screened for syphilis?

Can syphilis be transmitted through contact with infected blood? Like, if someone has syphilis, and is bleeding in his mouth, and you kiss his mouth, can you get it that way? Likewise, if someone's bleeding from his hand via a cut, and his blood gets into an open wound on your bodym, can you get it that way?
Only serious and informative answers please. Also, please do show a site or info on this if possible. Thanks.

Syphilis is transmitted through blood, but primarily in the sort of minute contact with mucous membranes against a syphilitic lesion rather than contact with cuts. Mothers pass it to unborn children via the blood across the placenta. But syphilis doesn't do well in the air, so infection through contact with contaminated blood is really rare. Blood products for transfusion are screened to eliminate that chance. Medical people who are more likely to come into more contact with blood also routinely use gloves to protect themselves, and dentists will use rubber dams and gloves as well. Based on one single exposure to contaminated blood, you just are not highly likely to catch it. You can't get it from toilet seats, doorknobs and the like. The tests to detect syphilis are done on blood because you can detect the presence of antibodies the body has formed in it's own defense. You can also diagnose it by checking the material from a chancre (sore) with what is called a dark field microscope. In that case, what you will see are the corkscrew looking bacteria that causes syphilis. It's easier to test the blood though, as you may not always detect the chancre sore or it may have already healed.


These are two good sites to read up on the subject.  (+ info)

What is a good catch phrase for syphilis?

Syphilis is s STI(STD) and I need to do a magazine article on it for HPE and I was wondering If anyone had a good title for it and/or a good opening sentence to catch someone's attention!

It is called the "Great Imitator" because it can mimick many other diseases.  (+ info)

Can you get syphilis or genital herpes from sharing clothing?

My brother has a STD and I think it's either herpes or syphilis. He sometimes wears my clothing and I was wondering if by any chance Syphilis or genital herpes can spread that way.

It could be possible if you put them on directly after him, without washing them. But the simple answer is NO! because viruses do not live outside the body very long..i think after a few minutes.. just wash the clothes after he uses them to make sure your extra safe.

&& be supportive of him.. herpes is incurable and difficult to live with. if its syphillis he is most likely being treated for it and he will get rid of it with medication.

Hope ive helped =)  (+ info)

How did the Tuskegee airmen fly so masterfully if they had Syphilis?

The Tuskegee airmen were a group of ace pilots who happened to be African American. There were "studies" done on them and in the course of events, they contracted Syphilis. How is it that their piloting was not negatively affected by their condition?

Because they didn't have syphilis. You are confusing two completely different things.

The Tuskegee Airmen were the first group of Black pilots to fly for the US Military - and they were very very good at what they did.

The Tuskegee Syphilis study involved a large group of Black men who already had syphilis. When a treatment for syphilis was eventually discovered, the treatment was intentionally withheld from them - just so that the progression of their disease could be watched.  (+ info)

What is the government doing to prevent syphilis?

what is the government doing right now to stop, or decrease the spreading of syphilis?
also links would help

The government hides the figures on the number of people with syphilis because the government wants to protect Planned Parenthood and other groups that promote open sex. If syphilis were other than an STD it would be called a pandemic. There are about 52 STDs that occur in the world and a condom does not protect against about 25 of them including syphilis, HIV, HPV and Hepatitus B & C. Yet, the government has this commitment to hand out free condoms. It is close to pure stupid.  (+ info)

I always thought Vincent van Gogh contracted syphilis from living with a prostitute?

However, if sexually transmitted diseases are a fairly current thing, how did Vincent contract syphilis?

Actually,Van Gogh's brother,Theo,Contracted syphilis though it's not known how.Van Gogh died of a self inflicted gunshot wound on July 27,1890 at the age of 37.His brother died six months later.Stds have always been around,they just didn't have the medical advances we have now to detect them.That's probably what alot of people died from in those days.but they never knew they had anything wrong.They didn't have medicine,so they would die.Hope I could help ya some.  (+ info)

Why is isoniazid is prescribed for the latent Tb?

If antibiotics work by attacking fast dividing bacteria then why in the case of latent TB (when bacteria are dormant) isoniazid is given to patients for 4-9 months?

T.B.bacilli grow at 4 speeds -fast slow and in between of these two ---speeds--- the fast ones are looked after-by rifamycin---and other slow SPEED growing ones are attacked isoniazid and ethambutal following this the futher slow growing ones tackled by pyrizinamide   (+ info)

Why is Syphilis more common in some places than others?

For example, syphilis occurs in the south more than many other U.S states. Why is this? (is it because of the unawareness or is it something else?)

Because of the lack of education...I live in the deep south and the sex ed here is seriously lacking.

Also, some areas are impoverished and don't have the resources to treat many diseases.  (+ info)

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