FAQ - Tachycardia, Paroxysmal
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paroxysmal atrial tachycardia while smoking marijuana; will that kill me?

Well, I smoke marijuana, and I have a heart condition called "paroxysmal atrial tachycardia". Now I'm pretty sure it increases your heart rate, but you guys/girls can find more info on it if you Google it. Also I'm aware that marijuana increases your heart rate, I just don't want to have a heart attack or get seriously injured while smoking marijuana.

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What are reasons for paroxysmal tachycardia?

EKG showed heart rate of 280. Can this happen without anything being wrong with the heart,if so what things could trigger this type of tachycardai?

Go to www.mayoclinic.com...and then, ask your cardiologist to explain the problem and the solutions! Good luck!  (+ info)

Who knows what about Paroxysmal Atrial Tachycardia?

My doctor thinks I have it and I've been reading on-line, but....
Does anybody know (or can anybody help me find) anything about the frequency of 'attacks'? Other little things like that.

The occurrence of paroxysmal atrial tachycardia, also known as supra-ventricular tachycardia and paroxysmal supra-ventricular tachycardia (PSVT) like all rhythms of the heart is under the influence of nervous system control, the inherent properties of the individual heart and to some extent the external environment. Frequency therefore is generally erratic, sporadic and variable and depends on interaction of the above factors. It is likely to be more frequent with stress, anxiety or under the effect of uppers such as caffeine or nicotine. Underlying heart disease may also have an effect as may the presence of other medications being taken. Try Googgling under the above terms or the eponym PSVT. Also try Supraventricular tachycardia in Wikipedia altho its a bit technical.  (+ info)

Does anybody know if you can smoke weed occasionally if you have paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia?

I'm 16 and have been smoking off and on for about a year and this problem came out of nowhere last week. I never had any heart issues before and I saw a cardiologist who said its not dangerous and is something I was born with which really sucks. I don't need any bullshit weed is bad for you I know and its better than alcohol or tobacco anyway.

smoke away my friend  (+ info)

What is paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia?


It is a sudden, brief acceleration of the top two chambers of the heart. It used to be called "paroxysmal atrial tachycardia," but the name has been changed.

It comes in two basic forms, "focal" and "re-entrant." The focal type means that an extra "circuit" in the electrical connections inside the heart exists. There are a few spots where this happens most commonly, such as at the pulmonary veins. They can cause a burst of electrical "firings" that will speed up the atria. If it is really bothersome, they usually need to be zapped with radio-frequency energy and killed. Then the heart will act normally.

The other one, the "re-entrant" kind, has an extra pathway or two from either of the two nodes in the right atrium, usually the sinus node high in the chamber. The signal started by the sinus node travels a short distance toward teh other node, the AV (atriaoventricular) node, but part of the signal flows into this other pathway and goes back to the sinus node where it triggers another signal for another beat, and so the two atria beat several times as fast as they normally do.

This goes on for a brief time, then quits.

The reason this happens is because the heart electrically is just two chambers. The atria beat together, and the ventricles beat together. The signal starts high in the right atria, in the SA (sinoatrial) node, the "sinus" node, which acts as the heart's pacemaker. The signal then travels down to the AV node, which is the heart's gatekeeper, allowing some signals through, but not others. This is when the atria beat. Then the signal travles through the only path between the atria and the ventricles, the Bundle of His, and then down the Purgenje Fibers down the septum between the ventricles, and then around the apex (the bottom, the point) of the heart, and partway back up the sides ofhte ventricles. This is when they beat.

It doesn't take much electricity to get the job done, just a microvolt or less, but it all starts in the sinus node. If it is disturbed, the beating of the heart will become abnormal. In the case of PSVT, it is usually benign. Most of us experience that, and it causes no problem.

There are conditions, however, that could feel like PSVT that aren't, and so if you are experiencing PSVT regularly, and if it lasts longer than a minute, you might want your doctor to have a look. An ekg tracing that catches it will tell immediately if it is PSVT or atrial flutter, a condition that you would want treated or at least watched for a time by a professional.

Good luck.  (+ info)

Does anyone have episodes of "Paroxysmal atrail tachycardia"? and if you do, how do you deal with it?

I am on beta blockers! And during an attack. I stick my face in cold water or do vagal manuevers if I can't get it under control by meditation.  (+ info)

a paroxysmal tachycardia will occur with what?

a. stimulants
b. blocks
c. irritable focus that comes and goes
d. irritable AV node

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What causes Paroxysmal supraventricular (atrial) tachycardia(PSVT)?

I think I might have Paroxysmal supraventricular (atrial) tachycardia ( PSVT ) . It is when the heart rate increases and beats 160 to 220 beats per minute. For me, it would last for a minute but it occurs unexpectedly during the day. Sometimes I'm not even moving and it starts beating like crazy. I walk downstairs and go to bed and wen I lay down, it starts beating rapidly. Or when I bend down to pick something up, it starts doing it again.

I'm 18 and I don't do drugs and I eat quite healthy. I work - out once a week (maybe it's not enough LOL) SO my question is... What's causing my heart to beat so fast? Is it serious? Will it worsen as I age? How can I prevent it?

It really frightens me when it starts beating fast. I think about how I'm near having a heart attack! Anyways I hope you guys can help me out. THANKS SO MUCH!

Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia may be triggered by a premature heartbeat that repeatedly activates the heart at a fast rate. This repeated, rapid activation may be caused by several abnormalities. There may be two electrical pathways in the atrioventricular node (an arrhythmia called atrioventricular nodal reentrant supraventricular tachycardia). There may be an abnormal electrical pathway between the atria and the ventricles (an arrhythmia called atrioventricular reciprocating supraventricular tachycardia)as in the case of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.. Much less commonly, the atria may generate abnormal rapid or circling impulses (an arrhythmia called true paroxysmal atrial tachycardia).

This may be induced by premature atrial or ventricular ectopic beats. Other triggers include digitalis toxicity hyperthyroidism and stimulants, including caffeine, drugs, and alcohol.

You must know that PSVT can occur in an otherwise normal heart. As a matter of fact it is not serious in a person with normal heart.

Episodes of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia often can be stopped by one of several maneuvers that stimulate the vagus nerve and thus decrease the heart rate. You can try:

# straining as if having a difficult bowel movement. Or
# plunging the face into a bowl of ice-cold water. Or
# rubbing the neck just below the angle of the jaw (which stimulates a sensitive area on the carotid artery called the carotid sinus). This should be tried only after getting trained by medical staff.

Finally, there are surgical means to treat this. But in your case it may not come to that. Cheers  (+ info)

Does anyone else have the heart condition Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia (PAT) ? Doctor diagnosed me with it.?

If you are familiar with this term you should hopefully know what it means, it's like experience a heart attack or similar such feelings- for me, it's been tight chest, breathing problems, fluttering/chest pains. If you have it ,what can you tell me about your condition? Symptoms? Has it gotten better? Do you take anything for it? Doctor wants to refer me to a cardiologist when I can afford it, but assured me I'm fine and nothing fatal will happen, but want to see how to cope with it better. It is stressful!

Hey there....I (Cardio Tech)haven't suffered it, but, my brother did...

I hope you have done a bit of research...PAT essentially means that the normal pattern of the atrial contracting and pushing their blood into their respective ventricles is disrupted and therefore inefficient...
In my brother's case, it was being caused by "multiple etopic (surface) pacemakers" within the atria. He (months later) had what amounts to a catherization procedure to "cauterize" the offending pacemakers...(problem solved!!!)...

As to "will it go away?"....there are some medications that can perhaps "control" the conditions, but in all likelihood, the cause must be determined and corrected appropriately......

So, bottom line, and for the time being, YOU ARE FINE (maybe a little uncomfortable from time to time though)...I must repeat this, you life is not immediately threatened by PAT...atrial function is not nearly as important (nor fatal) as is ventricular arrhythmias...(be thankful that you don't have PVT...hahaha...you wouldn't be here long)....

You will need to see a Cardiologist, and in all likelihood need an cardio electrophysical survey.... Info below....

"Clinical electrophysiology testing is now a standard, useful technique for assessing patients with bradyarrhythmias or tachyarrhythmias. The technique requires specialized training and equipment. The recording equipment and program stimulator have evolved to sophisticated devices allowing accurate reproduction of intracardiac electrograms and timing of programmed extrastimuli. Electrophysiologic studies are useful for determining the mechanisms of a tachycardia or bradycardia and identifying the most appropriate therapy, whether it be pacing, antiarrhythmic medications, transvenous ablation, or electrosurgery."

Best wishes!!!!!!!  (+ info)

PAT paroxysmal atrial tachycardia. does anyone have it? how rare is it?

my dr. said i could have PAT and i got to see a cardiologist this week and do a echocardiogram.( i dont know what an echo is) my "attacks" only happen when i am doing something physical, my symptoms are a rapid pounding heartbeat, shortness of breath, lightheadedness, when that happens i lie down and it goes away quickly. i have read where some people say it happens to them while doing nothing at all. i am in my early 20's and i have been dealing with it for five years now and it only has happened about 10 to 15 times. i know its not a dangerous condition but im just curious if anyone knows anything about it.

Paroxysmal Atrial Tachycardia (PAT) originates in the atrium (upper chamber) of the heart. PAT usually manifests as infrequently occurring periods of very rapid heart beats that begin and end suddenly. During episodes of PAT, the heart rate typically speeds up to 160-200 beats per minute, which can potentially be very dangerous; particularly when large amounts of stimulants (illicit or otherwise) have been recently ingested.
PAT occurs due to abnormalities in the AV node "relay point" that lead to rapid firing of electrical impulses from the atrium which bypass the AV node under the influence of conditions provoked by such activities as excess alcohol consumption, the intake of the presence of hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) and excessive thyroid hormone intake, or other things which involve high stress on the body. Some drugs are also believed to trigger PAT.
PAT is an example of an arrhythmia where the abnormality is in the electrical system of the heart, while the heart muscle and valves may be entirely normal.
The following is a list of the 5 most frequently prescribed drugs used in the treatment of the symptoms of your condition:
Atenolol, Tenormin
Digoxin, Lanoxin
Metoprolol, Lopressor, Toprol XL
Propranolol, Inderal, Inderal LA
Verapamil, Calan, Verelan, Verelan PM, Isoptin, Covera-HS

The rarity of this condition is not listed in any statistical reports conclusively, though there is a 20 year study of this condition currently underway.

Hope this helped-Anton

P.S. An echocardiogram is a test in which ultrasound is used to examine the heart. Echocardiography is used to provide a doctor with important information about the size of the chambers of the heart, including the dimension or volume of the cavity and the thickness of the walls and the pumping function of the heart. This measure is called an ejection fraction or EF. typically a normal EF is around 55-65%. Numbers below 45% usually suggest a decrease in the pumping ability of the heart, while numbers below 30-35% are usually considered a potential problem.  (+ info)

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