FAQ - Tailors bunion
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How much does Bunion Surgery COST?

& what age should i get it, im in my early teens.
i also have a tailors bunion so i have it on BOTH sides :(
HOW MUCH WOULD THAT COST, so i could save up.
& what age should i get it, im in my early teens.
i also have a tailors bunion so i have it on BOTH sides :(
HOW MUCH WOULD THAT COST, so i could save up.
(a Price that you THINK that its AROUND)

best suggestion is to do a search on google and white pages of places to call in your area for prices and same with search on website.  (+ info)

How painful is bunion surgery?

I am scheduled to have bunion surgery on my right foot, along with some other surgery on that foot to correct 2 hammer toes, bunionettes, and a big callus on the bottom of my food. I was told I couldn't walk or drive for 6 - 8 weeks. Can anyone tell me if their surgery was successful and how much pain was involved. I will have to have the left foot done when the right foot heals.



Have lots of ice and a good place to prop your feet up already set up before you go for surgery.

This is right up there with rotator cuff repair, so it is very painful. They will give you lots of nice meds to help with the pain, so don't be shy about using it.  (+ info)

Are bunions associated with ankle pain? I have a bunion on my bone just to the left of my big toe and akle pn?

The ankle pain has been going on for a week. THe bunion has been there for 3 years or so. I am curious if the 2 are somehow related.

  (+ info)

How can I get custom shirts made by tailors overseas?

how can i contact tailors in Vietnam or Thailand with my measurements and pictures to have them make custom long sleeve shirts. Can anyone recommend some?


What you said is exactly what I've been doing now since I first found them in Bangkok!  (+ info)

if i get a tattoo on my foot will a bunion surgery ruined it?

Well I really want a tat on my left foot but I'm a bit hesitant because I have a bunion. It's not too crazy yet but I know that those bunnys get worse over time..and probably require surgery..

I would hate to see it get all cut up..so if anyone knows anything about the surgery and where it get sliced on it will be very helpful! much love!

Well, if you tattoo over the bunion or in the direct area of the bunion I would say you would have a definite problem. But other than that you should be fine. Ask your chosen tattoo artist for further advice.  (+ info)

Women who have undergone foot bunion operation?

I have seen 2 surgeons who both suggested I have to do reconstructive surgery on both my feet( one at a time) for bunion operations. I'm very scared of this operations for various personal and social reasons. I am also a diabetic Type II. I need to know from other women who have undergone this operations what they went through and is it worth it??? Please help me to make my decision as I am being presurred to do it (for good reasons) from people I love.

it depends on the reasons why you are going for the op.
if you are doing it just for cosmetic reasons it may not turn out as well as you expect.
there are a few different ops for bunions, some are better than others, and you can research these online.
b4 i became a mom i was a podiatrist for 12 years and saw many people go through bunionectomies.
they had about a 50% satisfaction rate, with most people complaining about recurrence, and stiffness of the big toe.
the other 50% were real happy as they could get their shoes on easily.
your diabetes will be an issue only if it is poorly controlled, then you will have problems healing.
if your bunion is rubbing on your shoes constantly and causing lesions, or if you are in constant pain and having difficulty walking, i woud say go for it.
if you are having it done because you cant wear your fave 6 inch pointy toes, then dont do it!  (+ info)

what causes bunion and how to get rid of it?

i have this bunion right on the base of my big toe. its not comfortable everytime i wear high heels shoes is there any medication to get rid of it?

Bunions are caused by poor biomechanics and high heels only make it worse. The only sure way to get rid of it is surgery. You can try splinting the toe, however it's not been proven to be effective. I would find a podiatrist in the area and see if they can make you some custom orthotics to correct for the biomechanical problems that are causing the bunion to form (might also help with the back pain if you're having any).  (+ info)

Can tailors alter bootcut jeans into skinnies?

I LOVE skinnies but I'm also really short. When I buy them in longer lengths and hem them they start looking like they're bootcut. Can tailors alter some jeans to make them tighter near the opening of the leg?

Sure, a good tailor can make them as you want them. Have you tried looking for jeans that are a "short" or looked in the petite section of a department store? If you can find a pair that fits you off the rack then it will be ALOT cheaper than paying a good tailor to rebuild a pair of jeans for you.  (+ info)

How much can a bunion surgery cost?

How much can a bunion surgery cost for both feet?

You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.isgreat.org  (+ info)

can i get rid of a bunion without surgery?

Ive got what looks the the start of a bunion on my left foot but Im only 24 and don't want to be wearing orthipedic shoes for the rest of life! I was wondering whether there was something i could do, as its only a small one and doesnt hurt yet and Im terrified of surgery HELP!

this is the oldest trick in the book....GO SEE A DOCTOR!!!!!!  (+ info)

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