FAQ - Tailors bunion
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Are tailors able to shorten sleeves, and how much would it cost?

I remember when I rented a tux for prom the tailor made some adjustments even for just renting...I bought a suit jacket the other day, and it fits really well (maybe take it in a few spots) but the main thing is the sleeve are a tad long...that is something tailors can easily remedy right? and if so, how much does something like that cost?

cost. is not something you can generalize with any tailoring.. well depending where you go. each place/tailor will have there own set price. do research of places in your area.

yes most tailors can shorten sleeves, but depending on how much work is to be done will determine if the tailor will tell you if its worth your money to do or not.  (+ info)

How long does it take to recover from bunion surgery?

I'd like to know how long it would be from the time of surgery to the time I can do a lot of walking on a vacation.

4-6 weeks, depending on procedure  (+ info)

How long will the bunion surgery pain rest?

I had the surgery yesterday and am stuck in bed, immobile.
It hurts SO badly.
Can you tell me how long this pain might last on an average basis??

You should not be in a lot of pain. I had bunion surgery on both feet 9 days ago and my pain has been very manageable. I have taken Hydrocodone regularly, though. Please check my blog for a lot more information.


Let me know how you're doing!  (+ info)

How do i get rid of bunion pain, without surgery?

I have pretty bad bunions and i am only seventeen, I cant have surgery since my feet are still growing, but is there anything else i can do?

omg i have this exact same problem and im young too.
what im doing is i went to the doctor and hes giving me orthopedics like insoles for my shoes and he said that'll stop the pain hoopefully and if it doesnt then ill probably need surgery. so go to the doc and ask to make insoles... make an app. with the pediatrist.  (+ info)

When can I start driving a standard after having bunion surgery on my left foot?

It will depend on how soon you can get in to a shoe (just learned this from information I saw in a video on You Tube about foot surgery), but I would recommend checking with your doctor as well to see what they say.  (+ info)

What to wear with black chuck tailors?

I just bought a pair of black chuck tailors and was wondering what looks good with them. Thanks!
Their high tops.

seriously, those shoes are the best.
you can wear them with anything and everything.

1. jeans (flare or skinny)
2. mini skirt
3. cargos
4. shorts
5. capris
once i even saw a girl at my school's christmas dance wearing them with a black dress... if that is your style and you can pull it off then that is definately an option as well!!  (+ info)

Help! I like to jog but have bunion foot pain at times. What can I do to still jog but reduce pain?

I love jogging and walking - both treadmill and outdoors. I do have bunions but have not gotten surgery to correct. I have just worn comfortable shoes and there is little to no pain. But after I jog a few days in a row it starts up again. Anyone out there had similar problem or knowledge about foot health or shoes with ideas? Are there better shoes, brand names, supports? I would have to not be able to jog...:(

Thanks for your help.

I'd suggest getting some custom orthotics made. Not just the OTC ones. Either go to a pedorthist or podiatrist and have them made for your feet. I'd also suggest seeing if they'll give you a splint to help pull your toe to where it should be. Then make sure you're taking anti-inflammatory meds when there's pain.  (+ info)

How long does it takes to heal from bunion surgery? ?

I received bunion surgery. They shifted my toe straight and then they cut a bone in my foot and put two screws in to strengthen my foot. How long will that heal. They took off the cast after 4 weeks and gave me a boot which I can take off when I want. It doesn't hurt but it feels very tight and stiff.

it took me 3 months to fully recover. i have a very,very active job....at first it was stiff and had to learn to walk 'normal' again...which was a max of two weeks when I returned to work...this was after taking 3 months off.
everyone is different... Once you get back on your feet, mwhat helped me was to get back in the swing of things. dont "baby" your foot. The more you get back to your normal schedule, the faster it will heal. I was very impatient at first...I wanted to jog again, and things like that. Im speaking from experience..be patient, and do not baby your foot. Tell it whos boss!
It sucks at first, but it will get better.  (+ info)

How long it takes for a bunion removal surgery to heal?

Can you do both the same time?
Will you be able to walk immediately?
Or how long before you'll be able to walk?

You can do both at once but you will not be able to walk immediately. I don't remember how long you are off your feet but then once on your feet you have to wear the special boot and it is several weeks before you can even put a shoe back on your foot.  (+ info)

my bunion very swollen and have difficulty walking what can i do to get the swelling down?

I Went to the doctor today and she said my bunion is very bad but she just wants to get the swelling down first and she says surgery is the last resort she gave me a injection that should help with the pain and swelling and anti-inflammatory meds but their not working any ideas how i can get the swelling down?

This is a very good link from About.com. I hope this helps!  (+ info)

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