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My leg is feeling alot of pain! Is It normal!?

My leg has been hurting since oct. 12. idk why! My hip hurts and so does my leg below the knee. When I sit down for a long time, it hurts. When I tand up for a long time..it hurts. I GET WOKEN UP BY THE PAINS IN THE MORNING....it sucks...
What can it be!?

You should see a doctor - NOW. It could be a blood clot that's partially blocking the blood flow. Do you have any hot areas on your leg? You should get this checked out by a doctor because it's been hurting too long to ignore!  (+ info)

cheesecake recipe trouble?

ok so i had a recipe for cheese cake that called fpr 1 and 1/2 teaspoon of almond flavoring. i didnt have the flavoring but i did have the extrac, tand i did exaclty the recipe and now all i tastes is the extract. my husband is going to be deeply sadnd. does flavoring and extract really have that much of a difference?

Almond flavoring and extract should be the same thing.

That seems like a lot, unless it is a big cheesecake, or specifically an almond cheesecake. You may just think the flavor is overpowering, but it may not be that bad.

This is how you learn things when you bake; you try something, it is not quite right, so you change the formula next time. Keep in mind that many many recipes out there are wrong. It is always a good idea to double-check by looking up a similar recipe. If one says a teaspoon of salt and the other says a tablespoon, for about the same sized batch, then one of the formulas has a mistake, and you should research further before you decide on a recipe. Keep trying; it is fun to start making your own adjustments and having things come out uniquely yours.

Just out of curiosity, you are positive you didn't put in 1.5 tablespoons instead of 1.5 teaspoons?  (+ info)

might be pregnant or not?

i was curious if i was pregnant and i was supposed to get my period on the first of this month and i didn'tand my fiance came on me the end of last month. and when i stress out i get my period and thats what happened today i got my period. but idk if i should get a pregnantsy test. so what do you think? and i know more than likely i know im not
and what is the best prego test?

Don't waste your time stressing about if you pregnant or not key to becomming pregnant is wing happy and stress free take care of your body as if you are pregnant and I bet you'll be knocked lol don't doubt yourself.. And you'll have ur little baby!!! Good luck take a test n I hope ur prego!!!!  (+ info)

Is this ok, Autism, Son & Dad?

Is it normal for a dad tand his 18 yr old son who has autism to sleep in the same bed? Child with no problems sleeping by himself.
sleeps by himself at mom's house and after a couplle of yrs of not doing so, dad recently started having him sleep with him again. kid likes affection but totally fine sleeping alone and doesn't even wake up during the night once asleep.
he is 19 and has absolutely no problems sleeping by himself.

  (+ info)

can i combine RETIN-A and glyucolic acid 10%?

i plan to apply retin-a tand hen glycolic acid 10% at the same time at night before i go to bed. is it ok?

NO, generally you should use Retin A totally on its own (and be aware that you will sunburn much more easily). Retin A and 10% glycolic acid will do your skin damage--too much of a good thing. Retin A also may cause you to become red & peel on its own--in which case drop back the number of times you use it a week (and use sunblock).  (+ info)

is green neutral for baby?

im decorating a baby nurser tand want it in precious moments...im trying ot keep it as nuetral as possible and wanted more yellows then any other color but green seems to be the prominent color and it scream boy to me??? wha tdo you think of green>? boyish or nuertal??

My daughters room is painted light green (not lime green or dark colors at all) and her furniture is white. I suppose it could be a boys room, but to me it seems very neutral.  (+ info)

Makeup ideas .... for school/for weekends?

I really need a fresh new look and is wondering is there any good products out ther
i have blue eyes and my skin is kinda tand is there any ppl out there with good make up ideas for my skin tone and mabey makeup ideas for school
Thanks for all the answers i'm going 2 italy in april and this is moustly the reson why i'm asking all this stuff so no need to call me **meen things**

foundation will make you look lush - and a bit of mascara and maybe eyeliner if you want
try darkbrown line of eyeshadow closest to the lashes then a lighter brown for the rest of the eye lid then blend it in :) this is what im on about

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KwS_0pCLo8 and theres more on the side of that :).

good luck babe
xx  (+ info)

please help fast ,lip ring ball fell out?

i got my lip pierced and the stupid ball came ou tand i dont no how to put it back on and i need to got to sleep soon so i can go to work tomarow
ive been trying for the past 3 hours to put it back on ive only had it for 4 days

You just have to push it back into place. There are two indents on opposite sides of the ball, line those up to the tips of the ring and just push it right back in.

I usually just push it in any old way and they twist it around until it locks into place. When you had it pierced the piercer might have stretch the ring out a bit to make it easier to put the ball in. If you want, once you get it back in squeeze the ring downa bit to make sure it is snug in place  (+ info)

i stand very long in my woking place... could any 1 suggest me what kinda shoe will suit me?

well i work 2 diffrent jobs where i stand and work....... at school where im a teacher i tand from 7 in morn till 3 in the eve and in the hotel where i sing and play music i stand fo 4 hours... late in the eve...... so can any 1 suggest me what could help me .... or what kinda shoe can help me/..... any tips..... remember theres no option of sitting down

Ecco is the shoe for you my friend!i have to be on my feet 12 to 14 hours sometimes a day .when i get home i still dont wanna take these shoes off.best shoe ever but expensive!  (+ info)

why do guys jo on the restroom floor or in toilet and lve it to be found?? any i deas?

i have found it like this where i worka few tiem soem guy jo in the toilet or on the floor and leve it to be found why would one do tha tand wht would u do if u fond it

maybe it turns them on or maybe it is a fetish. Just guessing.  (+ info)

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