FAQ - Taste Disorders
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What protein bar is comparable in taste and nutrition as Isagenix bars?

I really really love the Isagenix protein bars (chocolate crunch! YUM! Tastes like a candy bar!), but they are so expensive. Are there any other protein bars out there that any of you have found that taste very similar to the Isagenix bars? Any that taste like them and have similar amounts of protein?
I just don't want to have to go out and spend tons of money on trying out new bars to see which one is the most similar if someone else has already found out which one is best!!

Thank you!

I don't know about your bar, but i eat a nanotechnology gel that has 10 Grs. of Milk Serum Protein, this gel has a nice flavor of chocolate truffle or strawberry banana. This technology allows to put a bigger amount of protein in a smaller space.

This gel is the same tio eat a can of tuna fish. I train parkour and this boosts energy very well.

Should you want to know more about this product just contact me, i dont sell it but i can tell you how to get it in your country is easy and not too expensive.  (+ info)

What causes my taste buds to get screwed up when sick and is there a way to help me be able to taste again?

Hey all. I think I have the swine flu (or at least regular flu, though that's less likely) and my taste buds have blown all to hell. I know it's normal to not be able to taste anything when you're sick, but what causes it? Is there a specific cause at all?

Also, is there anything I can do to help me be able to taste things again? If not, are there any foods/ drinks you can recommend that I would be able to taste?

Because your nose is congested and smell is a lot of what you taste. If you plug your nose and cover your eyes you can't tell the difference between a lot of foods. I don't know which foods you would be able to taste the best when sick.  (+ info)

How can you make French fries taste good after putting them in the fridge?

I had some really good French fries left over and I put them in the fridge and now they taste horrible.

How can i make them taste better again and why did they loose their taste?
I only had them in their for like a day.

French Fries typically don't taste good after putting them in the fridge, because of the cooking process, fries don't lend themselves well to reheating. If you want to try though, you could add things like garlic powder, spices, cheese or chili to make them taste a little better.  (+ info)

What are ways to make vegetables taste better?

Do you have any recepies how to make vegetables taste better I don't like vegatables because they are bland and taste plain and have no flavor.

But I know vegetables are good for you but I find they dont fill me up.

What are easy good ways to make vegetables taste good wihtout deep frying them?

There are TONS of ways:

-top with a little butter or margarine
-sprinkle salt and pepper
-roast or bake with some herbs, such as rosemary, sage, bay, dill, or parsley
-try some spices such as paprika, cumin, celery seed, or nutmeg (the latter especially on spinach!)
-thin out a sweet syrup or a jam and use as a sauce
-try some bottled products like soy sauce, different vinegars, chili pastes, or jarred Asian sauces like hoisin
-squeeze a bit of lemon juice (very versatile!)
-try minced garlic and ginger; they go well with almost everything
-toast and chop some nuts, then put on top
-experiment with cheeses; goat cheese, parma cheese, feta, cheddar, reggiano. . .
-add some dried fruit to steamed vegetables (I know it sounds weird, but raisins go well with dark greens)
-apply olive oil before cooking
-use meat juice, gravy, or broth to give them some tasty salt
-mix vegetables together! Aromatics such as onions and scallions, starches such as potatoes and carrots, leaves such as kale and bok choy, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts, astringents such as bell peppers and radishes. . . Come up with endless combinations!

Seriously, the best thing you can do to start liking vegetables is to try a few in a few different ways; maybe you hate broccoli steamed, but you might love it pan fried to al dente with a little soy sauce, rice vinegar, and honey. Just experiment to find out what you like. And vegetables are more filling than you think; plus, the fiber helps stabilize your blood sugar.

Happy cooking!  (+ info)

How do you make homemade tea taste good?

I love tea, (all sorts) but whenever I make it at home it tastes horrible. I put honey in it and stuff, but it still just tastes nasty. How do you make it taste like the bottled stuff?

How long are you steeping your tea? It sounds as if yours is too strong, maybe. The proper amount of time to steep tea bags in boiling water is only 5 minutes. Longer than that makes it taste strong and bitter.

If the steeping time is not the issue, make sure you're using the right amount of tea per water. 1 tea bag per cup for hot tea, and 5 tea bags per 2 gallon pitcher for iced tea.

Also, don't refrigerate your iced tea. It makes it cloudy and will alter the taste.  (+ info)

How can i bring back my taste of food and drink during a cold?

I've come down with a bad cold and cannot taste or smell ANYTHING!! Is there any remedies of any kind to get my taste back? I cannot stand not being able to taste what i am eating!

Your nose and sinuses actually have 80% to do with your taste. There isn't anything you can do but wait it out....I know because I've wondered this... and then did the research because I love to taste food so much!!!  (+ info)

What are some ailments and disorders that involve the human body's nervous system?

I would like to know what disorders/ailments affect the nervous system for a biology project, and I figured this was the best place to go.

I have autoimmune pernicious anaemia (unable to absorb vitamin B12 in the digestive system) which affects the nervous system as B12 is essential to maintain the myelin sheath around the nerves. If undiagnosed, it can lead to permanent paralysis, be misdiagnosed as Alzheimer's disease (and cause permanent Alzhemier's disease if not diagnosed in time) and MS and is fatal without treatment. Misdiagnosis is common as lab levels are far too low. I have nerve damage in my finger still from being misdiagnosed. I had to diagnose myself.

Pernicious Anaemia:

http://www.drdach.com/B12_Jeffrey_Dach_drdach.html  (+ info)

What are the odds of my children inheriting these disorders?

My fiance and I were in the process of planning our wedding, when he told me his father and aunt have a seizure disorder; presumably from his paternal grandmother, because his father and aunt have different fathers. Now, my fiance also has an aunt (on his mother's side) that has Downs Syndrome. I am concerned about possibly passing something onto my future children. What are the odds of my children inheriting one or both of these disorders?

Down Syndrome isn't something that is inherited, and seizure disorders rarely are. So very low.

If you really are concerned you could talk with a geneticist. But as far as I can tell, there probably is no need to.  (+ info)

Is there anyone out there who can taste the difference between summer milk and winter milk?

For me milk gets a funny taste in the summer in the UK. It has nothing to do with the weather as it still gets that horrible taste even if it is not a warm summer. I guess it might have something to do with the feed? Am just curious to find out if there is anyone else who can taste it?

I can taste it. I was told a long long long time ago (late 1960s) that in the summer the cows eat whatever they can in the pasture. Some of the weeds can impart a taste and smell to the milk. Sometimes it even smells like the milk is getting sour, but again, it was something the cows ate.
During the winter the cows live in barns and are fed hay (dried grass) and grains  (+ info)

Why do soft drinks taste different in different countries?

I recently returned from a fantastic Caribbean cruise and I noticed that all of the major soft drink labels (Pepsi, Coke, etc) all tasted different in the different islands that I visited. Interestingly, my best friend (who came from Europe) told me the same thing from the countries over there.

So, why do the soft drinks taste differently even though they are from the same company? Anyone know?

I work as a tech in a lab for a mayor soft drink company - and I've tasted most soft drink products from around the world. You're right - no two countries have the same flavor.

Here's how it works:

Major soft drink companies, like Pepsi or Coke, sell their concentrate of the drink to different corporate franchises around the world. The final ingredients (which can include, but are not limited to: water and sugar) are added locally, once the concentrate arrives at the Bottling Plant. So, there are many things at play here - the taste of the drink can vary by the type of sugar they use or the type of water processing that the plant provides.

Think of a pancake mix. They sell you the powder and you add water. The mayor soft drink corporations sell the "powder" (which is the concentrate) and the plants add the final igredients.

Some plants, for example, use brown sugar in their mix. Others use other types of sweeteners, like corn syrup or caramel. Some plants use real fruit juice in their orange, lemon or grape soft drinks. There are many, many ways to create the same drink. Just like a pancake mix would taste different if you added milk, instead of water.

So, there you go. What you find common in your current soft drink could (to not say "will") taste differently to someone that doesn't live where you do. Why? Well, you're used to the ingredients used by your local plant - and they might not be.

Hope I helped!  (+ info)

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