FAQ - Tennis Elbow
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What is tennis elbow and how do I get it to go away?

I got it from pushing a guy down in football.

Tennis elbow is an overuse of the wrist extensor muscles that causes inflammation around the lateral side of the elbow. I would suggest ice. There are also straps that you could use that are similar to those used for patellar tendons that will also help relieve the pain.  (+ info)

Does tennis elbow cause your fingers to swell?

I went to the doctor he said that I had tennis elbow. He gave me naproxen which doesn't do anything but make me sick to my stomache. Can it make your fingers swell, and cause pain in your wrist and shoulder? Any advise would help!!! Thanks!!!!

Not typically...Wrist and shoulder pain is usually secondary to compensatory motions (i.e. using other joints to take up the slack for the elbow). A tendonitis is an inflammation of the tendon. If the Naproxen is making you sick, you may benefit from just an over the counter antiinflammatory (Motrin) and resting the arm. You may benefit from a consultation from a Physical Therapist who can address myofascial restrictions and possibly recommend a brace to minimize the inflammation. Best of Luck.  (+ info)

I am recovering from tennis elbow, and I think I am ready to play again. Is there an easy way to tell?

Last match of the year, so I may only play this one and rest for a while.
Last match of the year, so I may play this one and rest for a while. Could this affect my recovery?

Easy answer is, does it hurt? If so, then you're not ready.

A more involved answer: how important is this match? is it just a regular season match? will you make it to playoffs? if you'll make playoffs regardless, then rest for playoffs. if you won't make playoffs either way, then rest. Basically, is it worth the pain (and possible delay in getting better)?  (+ info)

tennis elbow why is no treatment working?

i have had tennis elbow for 12 weeks now and no tablets , physio or clasp helps why is this?


Tennis elbow can be healed by applying a snug wrap-usually with velcro, around the forearm, with a small, firm "gel cushion" placed directly over the large muscle at the top of the forearm, right below your elbow..

These wraps can be found in any pharmacy, usually in the aisle where the arch supports, wrist splints, etc. are.

The muscle must rest in order to heal. The firm gel cushion puts pressure on this muscle so it can rest & release. You can also try ice alternating with heat to the area.

It's very important to avoid overuse of this arm until it is better.

I've had it, & it takes patience. In severe cases, a doctor can give you a shot of cortisone to help this process along. This reduces swelling & pain, healing.

Best of luck.  (+ info)

how to get rid of tennis elbow?

I dont play tennis or do anything but type and use a mouse and do normal activities. I do occasionally do some light weight workouts but that's even hard, now. How much rest is actually needed. I don't want to lose muscle tone.

Use some proper tennis elbow stretching exercises, of course! ; )

Anyone who does any kind of repetitive movements of the arm can experience tennis elbow - Carpenters who constantly do hammering and screw-driving, painters who use consistent up and down brushing movements, people on the computer for a long period of time, etc.. can experience tennis elbow.

The resting phase for healing all depends on the severity of the condition, really. You can tell when normal activities of lifting up a coffee cup or turning a doorknob aren't bothersome anymore. I would highly suggest that since your weight-lifting hurts you, to discontinue it in that arm. I understand that you don't want to lose muscle tone but does surgery sound better?

Oh and when you do stop experiencing pain in everyday activities, tennis elbow exercises are important to regain the flexibility and strength in that arm. Weights should be added slowly. It might take a good 2 or more months to get where you were before the injury. You should also be aware that improper exercise programs can hinder your success.  (+ info)

Tennis Elbow - anyone have any ideas how to deal with pain?

Apart from cortizone or steroid injections, ibuprofen gel etc., anyone else got any ideas to relieve the pain, would love to hear from anyone who has suffered from tennis elbow and how you coped etc., thank you
the sufferer has seen the doctor who suggested the injections etc., was hoping for alternative pain relief to that already suggested. the sufferer is not a tennis or golf player, tennis elbow is the umbrella name for the condition.

I had this problem for several years. Steriod injections helped (only very temporarily), pain killers became useless after a while. Eventually, the orthopaedic surgeon had to make a small incision (surgery) at the elbow and that solved the problem about 10 years ago. Am still ok now, altho he did warn me this problem could recur ... well, my fingers are crossed !  (+ info)

I have swelling on the outside part of my left elbow, i thought it was tennis elbow but im not feeling any pai?

n. Im getting worried because I've had it for about 3 weeks and it hasnt gotten any better. Any suggestions on what it could be? The swelling kinda feelish gooish and it seems to be on the tip of the humerus.

One of the bursa sacs is swollen. This is a fluid filled membrane sac that covers any joint area on the body. Try gently massaging the area 3-4 times a day. Doctors usually do not want to drain the excess fluid cause it can cause an infection which would be worse. If it continues make a doctor appointment.  (+ info)

What is the best remedy for tennis elbow and a chaffed palm?

Lotion up the wazoo.
Aveda is great - the oatmeal stuff.
(Think it's Aveda..)  (+ info)

What is the best non-invasive way to remedy a tennis elbow?

  (+ info)

Does tennis elbow hurt when you keep your arm bent then you straighten it out?

When I keep my arm bent for too long, like when I'm sleeping or talking on the phone, it really hurts when I straighten it.

yes  (+ info)

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