FAQ - Thrombophlebitis
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whats the epidemiology of thrombophlebitis and the doctor that you see if you have it.

Thrombophlebitis is swelling of a vein caused by a blood clot. It usually occurs in your legs. If the affected vein is just beneath the skin, the condition is usually not dangerous. A clot in a deeper vein, called deep vein thrombosis, can break loose and cause a serious problem in the lung, called a pulmonary embolism, or a heart attack or stroke.

Sitting still for a long time can make you more likely to get thrombophlebitis. Some medicines and disorders that increase your risk for blood clots can also lead to thrombophlebitis. Common symptoms are

Warmth and tenderness over the vein
Pain or swelling in the part of the body affected
Skin redness
Treatment includes medicines to ease pain and inflammation, break up clots and keep new clots from forming. Keeping the affected area raised and applying moist heat can also help. If you are taking a long car or plane trip, take a break, walk or stretch your legs and drink plenty of liquids.  (+ info)

Superfical thrombophlebitis can you die from it?

I have superfical thrombophlebitis on the side of my love muscle, I am a bit worried about it as the clot has grown and i cant see the doctor till monday i am taking antiinflammatories but what happens if part of the clot moves and makes me sicker or die if a part of it goes to my lungs or head.

My question would be how long have you had this clot? Time is a big factor. ST usually resolves itself within 1-2 weeks, although a hardened vein can take awhile to heal. If things haven't improved in this time, then complications could include, Infections, Gangrene, Septic shock, Deep vein thrombosis and Pulmonary embolism. Please note, these are extremely RARE developments, but you need to be aware of them.

To put your mind at rest, why not call your doctor's nurse and explain what is going on and why you're concerned? She can evaluate the issue and get you into the doctor if necessary. Last option is to pay a visit to the ER, especially if you develop symptons such as, skin redness or inflammation along the superficial vein, the tissue around the vein becomes warm, pain or soreness along the vein especially if pressed, the vein feels like a cord or you have limb pain.

All the best!  (+ info)

How to cure thrombophlebitis?

My mom has thrombophlebitis since 7 years ago. She works a lot and her legs often hurt. She doesn't have an insurance and I wanna know if there's any way she could home cure it? Any medicine you could recommend? Or any other tips on that?..

  (+ info)

superfical thrombophlebitis can you die from it?

I have superfical thrombophlebitis on the side of my love muscle, I am a bit worried about it as the clot has grown and i cant see the doctor till monday i am taking antiinflammatories but what happens if part of the clot moves and makes me sicker or die if a part of it goes to my lungs or head.

Try not to agitate it too much - you don't want the clot to break free and then travel - where it could end up (lungs, heart) could be really really bad (sorry if it scares you)
I would probably take an aspirin, unless you are seeing doc first thing tomorrow, otherwise just wait til you see him.  (+ info)

len, an elderly man, is bedridden after a hip fracture. hecomplains of pain in his legs, and thrombophlebitis?

Len, an elderly man, is bedridden after a hip fracture. he complains of pain in his legs, and thrombophlebitis is diagnosed. what is thrombophlebitis, and what life-threatening complication can develop?

  (+ info)

I have had superficial thrombophlebitis in my varicose veins in my left leg.?

Will I have more chances of having Deep vein Thrombosis?
What must I do to prevent DVT?

Oh I feel for you, I have had so many problems with my varicose veins...I am scheduled for surgery the beginning of next month to have mine removed...maybe you need to look into it too. Its scary thinking you may develop a clot and have a stroke or something. With the problems you are having an insurance company will agree that it is medically necessary and not cosmetic surgery.  (+ info)

if you had a previous thrombophlebitis in your leg 20 yrs ago is Lexapro ok to take?

Should be fine. Just remind your doctor of your history.  (+ info)

is the cause of thrombophlebitis metabolic infectious genetic neoplastic or traumatic?


A blood clot could be formed in just about any of those conditions.
Infectious: sediment from a bad bloodstream infection could cause a clot or act as a clot
Genetic: a clotting disorder could make a person more prone to clots under otherwise normal conditions
neoplastic: an overgrowth of abnormal cells (cancer) in the bloodstream can cause or act like a clot
Trauma: damage to tissue=clot formation which can cause irritation of the blood vessel (ie an IV)
Metabolic: Not sure of an example here, but I'm sure there is something
RN  (+ info)

Deep vein thrombosis is a phlebothrombosis or thrombophlebitis?

or could DVT fall into either phlebothrombosis or thrombophlebitis?

Phlebothrombosis is thrombosis of a vein without inflammation of the vein (phlebitis). Deep venous thrombosis can occur without the presence of phlebitis. However most of the veins that develop thrombosis also have phlebitis.
Thrombophlebitis is phlebitis (vein inflammation) related to a thrombus. When it occurs repeatedly in different locations, it is known as "Thrombophlebitis migrans" or "migrating thrombophlebitis".  (+ info)

what is the latest update regarding thrombophlebitis and thrombosis in postpartum?

Usually at greatest risk up to 6 weeks postpartum. If they have a hypercoaguable state they probably should be anticoagulated some way...asprin, lovenox or coumadin.

This just come across my computer: Prophylaxis and treatment of thrombophilia in pregnancy.

Hemostasis and thrombosis

Current Opinion in Hematology. 13(5):376-381, September 2006.
Gris, Jean-Christophe a,b,c; Lissalde-Lavigne, Geraldine a,c; Quere, Isabelle c; Dauzat, Michel c; Mares, Pierre d
Recent studies have shown the limits of available procedures for women with constitutional thrombophilia and have helped define the clinical situations in thrombophilia-related placental insufficiency in which prophylactic low-molecular-weight heparin may be indicated. Link for full abstract/article is below  (+ info)

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