FAQ - Thyroid Nodule
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my tsh level is 0.01 and i have a nodule on my thyroid could it be cancer?

my t4 and t3 levels came back normal and as far as i know my antithiroid levels are normal as well. but i have a nodule on my throid that they found during an autrosound. also my lymph nodes in my neck are out and swollen and have been for a very long time. i also have a fatty tumor or calcium deposit under my skin on my elbo. what are the chances of it being cancer?

What did they say after your ultrasound - are they referring you to a specialist? You have a 95% chance that it is benign, but anything is possible. Your TSH is very low. What were you T3 and T4 numbers? Do you have (subclinical) hyperthyroidism? I don't think your fatty tumor or calcium deposit in your elbow has anything to do with your thyroid condition. If you are worried, go to a specialist - they might do a biopsy if necessary.  (+ info)

I have a complex thyroid nodule. What's the difference between an endo and an ENT?

EENTs are very specialized and deal more with conditions that involve the eyes, ears, nose, mouth and throat.

Endorinologists deal more with the hormones and investigate greater body areas .  (+ info)

Any home remedies for benign thyroid nodule thats painful?

The pain in the nodule means it is growing.The pain reliever may be used but the nodule must be checked first for inflammation.
Under conditions when the nodule compresses the wind pipe, doctors prescribe a drug called Levothyroxine which is used for the immediate suppression of the production of thyroxin. This is called thyroid hormone suppression therapy.
In Alcohol Ablation, ethanol is used to compress the nodules and reduces the excess secretion of thyroxin hormone.  (+ info)

I have a nodule on my thyroid...has anyone ever had this and what can you tell me?

I have a nodule on my thyroid...has anyone ever had this and what can you tell me? I am going in for a sonogram sometime in the next week but what can I expect? Will I have to have surgery to have it removed or anything?

My mom had nodules on hers a little over a year ago. She made a appointment with the endocrinologist and he did a fine needle biopsy. The results were abnormal so she had to have them removed. Ended up having a complete thyriod epidectimy. It was not cancer. Even when it comes back abnormal its nothing to worry about. Only 5% of women with nodules end up having cancer although it is something to get checked out and not let go.  (+ info)

Are there any Homeopathic remedies that will shrink a colloid thyroid nodule?

Homeopathy has become a marketing term, and the companies that use it make millions of dollars selling mostly placebos and fakery to people who really want to believe. They WANT you to think "oh, I've heard about homeopathy for years, so it must work."

What is homeopathy?
Classical homeopathy originated in the 19th century with Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) as an alternative to the standard medical practices of the day, such as phlebotomy or bloodletting. Hahnemann's theories were based on metaphysical energies rather than on biology, anatomy, chemistry, etc.

Classical homeopathy is generally defined as a system of medical treatment based on the use of infinitesimal amounts of substances that in larger doses produce effects similar to those of the disease being treated. For example, the homeopathic remedy for sleeplessness is a highly diluted dose of caffeine. Hahnemann believed that very small doses of a substance could have very powerful reverse healing effects because their potency could be affected by vigorous and methodical shaking (succussion).

So in other words, if you put a tiny amount of some ingredient in water, then shake it, then dilute it, then shake it more, then dilute it more, eventually you'll have an effective medicine.

Homeopathic dilutions
Homeopathic dilutions are indicated by letters like X or C. "X" means dilute 10 to 1. So a dilution of 6X means do a 1 in 10 dilution six times. Or, in other words, 1 part ingredient, 1,000,000 parts water (six zeros). "C" means dilute 100 times. So a 6C dilution means 1 part ingredient, 1,000,000,000,000 parts water. You can find many homeopathic remedies available with 30C dilutions - you do the math. And the totally ridiculous bit of advertising - the bigger the dilution, the "stronger" the medication.

They're selling you WATER. Or, they're selling you a sugar pill on which water has been sprinkled!!!

For example, one gram of the very popular homeopathic remedy Oscillococcinum contains 1 gram of sugar and 1/10^400 (1 over 10 followed by 400 zeros) of diseased duck liver. Now, physics will tell you that there is not a single molecule of duck liver in your sugar pill. It's just a sugar pill.

Hahnemann came up with his ideas before we knew what molecules were. So when molecular theory came along and proved that many homeopathic remedies didn't have even a single molecule of the original substance, homeopathy proponents like Jacques Benveniste tried to prove that water "remembered" the original ingredient. (1) They never explained how the water "remembered" the homeopathic ingredient but didn't "remember" the copper pipes, glass jars, or contents of the lake it came from. (2) Benveniste was completely discredited when it turned out his lab technicians were altering data so that their boss would have positive results.

Do Homeopathic Remedies work?
Because it has marketing appeal, "Homeopathic" is used as a label on many things, including soothing creams and herbal remedies that are NOT classic homeopathic dilutions. An herbal remedy or some moisturizing cream may work just fine. However, the classic homeopathic dilution liquids and pills do NOT work better than water or sugar pills.

1) Large scale, well-designed studies of homeopathic dilutions find they work no better than placebo. (But don't underestimate the power of a well-delivered placebo to cure somebody's complaint. Just don't use it for cancer or malaria or AIDS, etc.)

2) Many of the people who point to studies and say "See! This study says it works" are pointing to the same set of studies by Reilly published in Lancet in the early 90s. Nobody has been able to independently repeat Dr. Reilly's results.

3) There is a million dollar prize available from JREF for anyone who can show, under reasonable scientific controls, that homeopathic dilutions work better than placebo. The prize has been available for over a decade, and nobody has claimed it. Here is an example of a failed attempt: http://www.abc.net.au/catalyst/stories/s827502.htm

4) No homeopathic practitioner (or anyone else) can tell the difference between a vial of homeopathic dilution and plain water.

5) James Randi regularly demonstrates homeopathic remedies do nothing by taking an entire box of a homeopathic sedative.

In short, homeopathic pills/dilutions don't work any better than sugar pills.

Why does the FDA allow ineffective "medicines" to be sold?
Because of their long use in the United States, the U.S. Congress passed a law in 1938 declaring that homeopathic remedies are to be regulated by the FDA in the same manner as nonprescription, over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, which means that they can be purchased without a physician's prescription. Today, although conventional prescription drugs and new OTC drugs must undergo thorough testing and review by the FDA for safety and effectiveness before they can be sold, this requirement does not apply to homeopathic remedies. In other words, the FDA gave anything with the words "homeopathic" an exemption from the requirement to demonstrate that they're effective.

Most people know that the herbal remedy St. Johns Wort can reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills. However, unlike herbal remedies, there are no "drug interaction" warnings for homeopathic remedies. Why? Because they don't do anything.

If you can be cured by placebo, then by all means, continue supporting the imaginative people who dream up all the different homeopathic remedies. But you should look at the price on the box and ask yourself: Is this a lot to pay for sugar pills and water?  (+ info)

Thyroid nodule, what mean colloid cyst, hypofunctioning thyroid adenoma?

the test result say "Cold nodule, differential includes a colloid cyst, hypofunctioning thyroid adenoma, and malignacy. Already do my biopsy, but i still thinking about this test becose is the only one i can read. Do a really need surgery??
Thanks for any help!!

An adenoma is a tumor which is usually benign (harmless, except it's interfering w/your thyroid functioning) or malignant which means it is cancer. In either case an excisional biopsy will remove the tumor and then it will be sent to the pathologist for review.  (+ info)

This question is for people that have been diagnosed with a nodule found on thier thyroid and or upper right?

lobe (lung). How big was yours? (mm).
Was it beign?
What procedures did you have to go thru?
Did they return?

  (+ info)

what treatment do they do for a complex thyroid nodule?

Do they remove them surgically?

Ultimate remedy lies in surgery, as per allopathy.


The signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism vary widely, depending on the severity of the hormone deficiency. But in general, any problems you do have tend to develop slowly, often over a number of years.
At first, you may barely notice the symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as fatigue and sluggishness, or you may simply attribute them to getting older. But as your metabolism continues to slow, you may develop more obvious signs and symptoms. Hypothyroidism symptom may include:
•Increased sensitivity to cold
•Pale, dry skin
•A puffy face
•Hoarse voice
•An elevated blood cholesterol level
•Unexplained weight gain
•Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness
•Pain, stiffness or swelling in your joints
•Muscle weakness
•Heavier than normal menstrual periods
•Brittle fingernails and hair
When hypothyroidism isn't treated, signs and symptoms can gradually become more severe. Constant stimulation of your thyroid to release more hormones may lead to an enlarged thyroid (goiter). In addition, you may become more forgetful, your thought processes may slow or you may feel depressed.
Advanced hypothyroidism, known as myxedema, is rare, but when it occurs it can be life-threatening. Signs and symptoms include low blood pressure, decreased breathing, decreased body temperature, unresponsiveness and even coma. In extreme cases,


Goitre— An overgrowth on the neck—Mixture of CF 3x, CP 3x, or 12x, MP 3x, NM 3x, NP 3x and S 12x. If this does no good for 2 weeks, 1 pill of lodium 200 on the day next to full Moon; and repeat it again next day after next full Moon; and so on 3 or 4 doses; if this fails give lodium 1000-1 pill to be given similarly.
Shri Prem Behari Sharma, M.A, L.T. National Inter College Bhongaon (Mainpuri) writes that his goitre was cured with tumour powder along with lodium 1000 given every month on the day after full Moon.

Tumour— A swelling on any of the cutaneous, mucous or serous surface of any part of the body of independent growth—Mature of CF 12x, CP 3x or 12x, CS 3x, KM 3x, KP 3x, KS 3x, NM 3x, NP 3x and S 12x. For small children's bloody tumour-CF 3x is useful.  (+ info)

i have a parotid tumor and a nodule(tumor) on my thyroid that is touching the parotid gland is this a bad sign?

is it common to have these two things at the same time?

I think you have to ask a doctor this question. I think they would be in the best position to answer it.  (+ info)

What are the health consequences of taking high doses of iodine when one has a thyroid cold nodule in the neck

Kelp is a seaweed that naturally contains high amounts of iodine. I have been taking 1 capsule a day of supplement made from Kelp that provides 400 mcrograms fo iodine- which is 267% of daily recommended value.
I am hoping this will shrink my thyroid nodule.
Otherwise my blood work shows a normal level of thyoxine.
What if any are possible side effects?


one of the major effect is iodine induced goitre.....it could also leeds 2 cancerous changes so i ll suggest u should consult ur doc. 1st before taking any of such medication and keep regular follow up.  (+ info)

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