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Tinea versicolor. How long does it take for the little white spots to return to normal?

I had Tinea versicolor. My doctor gave me medicine for it. Now I am wondering how long it takes for the little white areas to return back to normal. I have a tan from the sun so would i need to get back in the sun to help even it out?

Typically, after taking the medication, it will take 4-6 weeks for the lesions to fade away. You'll notice more when you tan, as the lesions are fading, and the underlying skin is more susceptible to tanning.  (+ info)

How do you get rid of tinea versicolor?

I've had tinea versicolor for some time now and i find it almost imposible to get rid of. I'm going down south for a holiday and was wondering what I could do to get rid of it while I'm down there?

My husband had to wash his back with Nizoral shampoo and then apply some cream that his doctor gave him. It ook several motnhs but it has almost cleared up to the point you barely notice.  (+ info)

How can i get rid of tinea versicolor?

I have had tinea versicolor since i was 14, and am now 20. I have tried itraconzale tablets on a couple of occasions, have used selsun shampoo, nizoral shampoo for a prolonged amount of time. Apple cider vinegar also has not helped.
I have genuinely stuck it out with all of this methods and it does not seem to have gone at all.
Does anyone have any other ideas i could try or thigns that have worked for you?
please im desperate!

I've had tinea versicolor for little over a year. I first got it in the Spring of 09. I went to the dermatologist and she prescribed me a ketoconazole 2% shampoo that cleared it up quite a bit but it didnt fully go away. In about a month I used up the whole bottle and didnt want to pay to go to the dermatologist just to get prescribed some more shampoo.

Summer ended and in the cooler months I wasnt shirtless so I stopped caring about it however when spring came about, it started coming back more so I decided to make a second go at getting rid of it. Knowing tinea versicolor is a fungal infection I looked up other treatments. Anti-fungal creams like those used for athlete's foot are also good at killing tinea versicolor.

First, I bought Lotrimin Ultra which is a "full prescription strength" Butenafine 1%. It worked decently but probably not as good as the shampoo I was prescribed. Next, I tried Lotrimin powder spray (I figured since I have it on my back a spray was easier to apply if I didnt have anyone to assist me). It is Miconazole 2% and for me a complete waste of money. It didnt help at all. Lastly,I decided to switch brands(hearing that Lamisil is a better brand). I picked up the Lamisil gel (Terbinafine 1%) and it works by far the best. I bought it a week ago and applied it once a day right before I went to bed and after about four days my versicolor is almost completely gone. Right now you can only see it if you look really hard at it. So in a few more days(by the time I finish the tube) it will probably be completely gone.

I cannot say enough go things about Lamisil because I was about to give up and say I will never get rid of my versicolor. Luckily I found that gel. And it was just in time because I leave for the Bahamas in two days.

A side note. Try not to use too many antifungal products and do not exceed the recommended dose. Also give your body some time to heal when switching between products or using a product over a week or two because antifungal products can be hard on your liver.  (+ info)

How long does it take to Treat Tinea versicolor? When will the itching stop?

I was diagnosed with Tinea Versicolor. I have been itching non stop. The doctor gave me antifungal cream and ketoconazole shampoo? I have used it for two days but I still itching like crazy. I have even taken benadryl. It just makes me sleep. I need help the itching is driving me crazy.. What should I do?

You probably need to make the right diagnosis first. Did the doctor scrape the spots to verify that you have versicolor? As a rule, versicolor doesn't itch, so I have to doubt the diagnosis  (+ info)

What does Nizoral do for Tinea Versicolor?

i have it on my back and some on my shoulders and my dermatologist recommended that i spread it on my back before i take a shower and leave it on for five minutes...but i was wondering if Nizoral is for dandruff and flaky scalp then what goode does it do for Tinea?


Tinea versicolor is caused by a fungus, M. furfur.
Nizoral is a antifungal medication.  (+ info)

can i go to a regular GP doctor or should i go to a dermatologist for tinea versicolor?

i think i have tinea. i guess if i go to a GP will he be able to tell for sure i have tinea and if so prescribe me medicine, or should i go to a dermatologist?

Your GP should be able to prescribe this for you. If it's an uncomplicated case, it should be easily treated. If the initial treatment doesn't work or if the doctor doesn't feel comfortable treating you for this, they may recommend you to a dermatologist. Go to your GP first though, it will save you time!

Good luck!  (+ info)

Is there any way to get rid of tinea on your torso?

Is there anyway to get rid of tinea besides using selsun blue. That doens't work for me.
It is tinea versicolor. When I go to the tanning bed I always get it, or can at least see it better. I saw a doctor for this a few years ago, and it wasn't the ringworm tinea. I forgot what he prescribed me, but I remember it took forever to get rid of it.

Tinea meaning ringworm is a contagious (with the exception of Tinea versicolor) fungal skin infection. Although its name means ringworm, in reality the skin condition is not caused by a worm but the name is derived from its characteristic pattern of distribution which refers to series of rings as it spread to the surrounding areas. Tinea infection is quite common among children and is contagious. The mode of transmission is usually through direct skin-to-skin contact, as well as contact with potential contaminated items. Soil is usually the source of the fungus but animals such as cats, dogs and rodents are carriers. The most often primary source of the fungus is from the infected persons. Minor skin trauma (e.g. scratches or excoriations and abrasions) and poor skin hygiene increases the potential for tinea infection. Over-the-counter topical creams, ointments, power and spray are the usual drug forms used to eradicated most of the fungal elements once diagnosed with tinea infection. The doctor most of the time recommend an antifungal topical ointment for ringworm of the skin or an oral medication for those with ringworm of the scalp and nails. It is very important that washing then drying first of the affected area is done first using a clean towel before the application of antifungal topical preparations. Clothing is advisable to be changed especially the underwear daily, particularly in cases of jock itch. The treatment is usually for a period of 2 weeks, even if the symptoms disappear. This is to prevent recurrence of the infection. Tinea Versicolor . Often abbreviated as TV, this condition is due to a sudden overgrowth of a yeast ubiquitous to human skin. Often abbreviated as TV, this condition is due to a sudden overgrowth of a yeast ubiquitous to human skin. The culprit, Malassezia furfur, is a yeast that grows on everyone’s skin. M. furfur is not contagious and is typically an organism we never realize is there. So the condition is not contagious. For a creature found on 90-100 percent of adults, it’s only a nuisance to some 2-8% of all Americans. However, since heat and humidity do play a role in developing this condition, Southerners are far more likely than Northerners to develop TV. And in some humid tropical countries, the rate of developing TV approaches fifty percent! In keeping with the name versicolor, the eruption is most commonly characterized by an odd assortment of flat, scaling multi-hued creamy and brown patches, which polka dot the upper torso, shoulders, neckline and sometimes the lower face. Edges of the dime-sized patches may coalesce, merging into larger patches. Sunlight makes the rash far more noticeable, explaining why so many TV patients seek out the dermatologist each summer. The yeast can stimulate melanosomes (packages of the skin pigment melanin) to be come larger. Once sunlight strikes the area, pigment darkens the affected portions of the skin. Imagine each polka dot tanning.
On the flip side, some patients suffer from lightening of the skin affected by the rash. While this is actually due to the M. furfur producing a skin-lightening acid, it is easy to visualize as a bad tan line. The skin around it darkens from getting tan, exaggerating the spots assaulted by a loss of pigment.
Two less common forms of the tinea versicolor rash exist. In patients who are immunocompromised, the rash may be “inverted”, affecting nontraditional areas such as the face, extremities and flexures of the arms. Finally, M. furfur can cause an infection of the skin surrounding the hair follicles of the torso, arms and legs. Difficult to differentiate from a bacterial infection of the hair follicles, it can appear as red bumps or pustules. A culture can rule out the diagnosis a bacterial infection. Patients who use steroids or antibiotics, are diabetic or receiving chemotherapy or live in a very humid climate may be more likely to experience this folliculitis. So now we know what it looks like, but why does it happen to just some of us? M. furfur is normally a “couch potato” type of normal flora. It’s a yeast that simply hangs out on the skin minding its own business. In fact, in its routine state it is incapable of causing tinea versicolor. This yeast must literally change shape in order to be capable of causing a rash. Tinea versicolor is not medically concerning or life threatening. In fact it is technically a “cosmetic” concern (unless you’re the one suffering from it in which case it’s a disaster). So calling the problem-causing form of the yeast “disease-causing” seems a stretch. Be that as it may, factors known to trigger the yeast to change into its “disease-causing” form include genetics, hot, humid weather, suppressed immunity (HIV, cancer, diabetes, etc.), malnutrition, steroid use and Cushing disease. But remember, the vast majority of people who develop TV are perfectly healthy. Of course, everything needs sustenance and M. furfur is no different. It’s not merely the form of the yeast that’s problematic; it’s the nutritional source to keep it thriving. That would be us. Malassezia furfur is a lipid-loving yeast, thriving on areas of the skin rich in sebum such as the back and chest. Young adults between the ages of 15 and 24 have the highest levels of surface skin oils, and hence are more likely to suffer from TV. Prepubescent children don´t make sebum and as one reaches menopause, sebum levels are also reduced. It is very uncommon to see tinea versicolor affect preteens or seniors.
It’s been shown that is not the amount of sweat and sebum produced that triggers tinea versicolor. Rather, it’s been suggested the yeast flourish because of something in the sebum. At one time it was thought that perhaps affected individuals produced sebum with higher lipid (fat) levels. Now the theory is that perhaps amino acids found in the sebum may factor into the conversion of the yeast into a form capable of causing the rash. Diagnosis is usually quite obvious to the trained eye of the dermatologist. However, when in doubt, a microscopic test called a KOH is performed. This consists of the doctor painlessly performing a light skin scraping with a small blade. The scales are placed onto a glass slide, a droplet of liquid (potassium hydroxide) is placed onto the slide and then it is examined under the microscope. A positive test shows what we fondly call the "spaghetti and meatballs" sign under the microscope. Hyphae and spores from the yeast are both present and provide that creative appearance. Sure, everyone would love to pop a pill and put an end to struggling with tinea versicolor once and for all. Ketoconazole (Nizoral), fluconazole (Diflucan), terbinafine (Lamisil) and itraconazole (Sporanox) are the preferred prescription oral medications. But the reality is that while the rash may clear, the medication doesn´t prevent the inevitable recurrences.Treatment is aimed at controlling the condition on a chronic basis. If we don’t, the problem will likely come back. Ease of treatment is imperative as well as trying to keep it aesthetically pleasing. Interestingly enough, although M. furfur is most commonly associated with tinea versicolor, it has been linked as a trigger factor with other common dermatologic concerns including seborrheic dermatitis (aka seborrhea or dandruff), psoriasis, perioral dermatitis and some forms of atopic dermatitis. That’s why treatments for one disease can be beneficial for another. Dermatologists have long turned to "off label" (not officially approved by the FDA) options to treat tinea versicolor. Part of this is that they simply work; the treaments are also easily available to patients who don´t have access to physicians or must wait for an appointment. When consulting with such distinguished resources as the Merck Manual to the National Library of Medicine and NIH Medical Encyclopedia, lengthy lists of officially "off label", yet tried and true dermatologic therapies are listed for TV. Lamisil Cream and Spray were once available only by prescription. At that time they carried the FDA indication for treating tinea versicolor. When the product went OTC Lamisil AT Athlete´s Foot Spray and Lamisil AT Cream - For Women, the indication was dropped. Likewise prescription Lotrimin is indicated for the treatment of tinea versicolor; OTC in the same strength, it is not. Prescription 2% miconazole cream (Monistat-Derm) also carried the FDA indication for treating tinea versicolor. Again, now that 2 % miconazole is OTC, it no longer carries this indication. Prescription creams available to treat TV include: Spectazole (Econazole Nitrate), Mentax (Butenafine Hydrochloride) and Oxistat (Oxiconazole Nitrate), Loprox (Ciclopirox) and Naftin (Naftifine Hydrochloride). Dandruff shampoos are a longstanding favorite of ermatologists in TV therapy. Patients wash their bodies with dandruff shampoos that contain selenium sulfide, ketoconazole or pyrithione zinc once a day for 2 weeks. It is good to note that prescription Nizoral 2% Shampoo is indicated for treating tinea versicolor. These active ingredients help kill yeast. Pyrithione zinc has been medically proven to kill the yeast that live upon the skin and drive this (and other) dermatologic conditions. Kill the yeast, clear the skin. Continued use creates an environment hostile to their regrowth and keeps skin looking clear and healthy. Independent clinical trials results found DERMAdoctor Born To Be Mild Medicated Face & Body Cleanser 100% as gentle, non-irritating and non-drying as Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser. So no worries about drying or irritating the skin which is often seen when skin is washed with a dandruff bar or shampoo. It is an "off label" treatment that I recommend to my patients. This is an additional step to keep in mind for anyone prone to recalcitrant tinea versicolor. Reducing the amount of oil on the skin may help clear resistant TV. Try applying DERMAdoctor Tease Zone Oil Control Gel daily to affected areas. Cleansing with a glycolic acid cleanser to dissolve excessive torso oils such as DERMAdoctor Wrinkle Revenge Antioxidant Enhanced Glycolic Acid Facial Cleanser 1 or performing a home glycolic acid peel with MD Skincare Alpha Beta Daily Body Peel may also be helpful.
I hope this has all been of help too!
Matador 89  (+ info)

Is Selsun Blue shampoo available in australia to treat tinea veriscolour?

I have tinea versicolour and i have been treating it with an over the counter cream called Lamisil - however it is failing to cover the large area of my skin that is affected. I have heard that Selsun Blue shampoo can be effective in treating this condition - but is it available in Australia and without a presciption? i have had this condition for about 4 years and i am sick of it! please help!

use nizral lotion.  (+ info)

How do I even my skin tone? I had tinea versicolor for many years. Now that its gone my skin is still uneven.?

I recently went to the dermatologist to see if I still had tinea versicolor. They took a skin sample and diagnosed that I didn't have it anymore. He said that I have hyperpigmentation. He prescribed me some lightening cream but my condition is all over my chest, stomach and back. My skin tone is very blotchy. How can I get it back to normal?

Nofluzone worked for me but I had the Tinea still when I took it.It got rid of the rash and it did even the light spots.Hard to get it in US/Canada.Here is over the counter and usually that's all they give for Tinea
http://www.epier.com/auctions.asp?member2334  (+ info)

How do I prevent tinea versicolor from returning?

Last spring I experienced tinea versicolor for the 1st time on my upper arms, my doctor gave me oral nizerol pills and said it would go awayin time. It look about 6 month to almost completely vanish, just in time for summer thank god. Now that summer's over I notice on my one arm it's starting to return, how can I get rid of this /prevent it from getting worse before it's too late....any suggestions?

Avoid applying oil or oily products to your skin or wearing tight, restrictive or nonventilated clothing. Sun exposure makes the fungal infection more apparent.

Good hygiene, including regular bathing with a mild soap and drying the skin well with a towel, can minimize tinea versicolor. Once the condition has been diagnosed, the individual can use antifungal soaps and other products as prescribed by the healthcare provider.

Preventative treatments include:
Selenium sulfide
Itraconazole  (+ info)

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