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Has anyone found a way to cure tinea versicolor?

My boyfriend has what we think is tinea versicolor. It's little white patches where the skin pigment is lighter than the rest. They are mostly on his back and shoulders and a few on his chest, I barely notice them but he hates them and apparently it will be more noticeable when he is outside more in the summer and tans. We have been putting antifungal cream on for a few weeks with no improvement. So has anyone had any luck with anything?

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Does anyone else suffer from recurring Tinea Versicolor?

Tinea is a skin condition where white spots appear over the body. It is a recurring condition that I get EVERY SINGLE summer. Treatment is effective, but takes up to 2 months, and the problem still comes back every single spring. In fact, I can see it starting to develop already. Does anyone else face this problem, and how are you dealing with it?

I had it for over 5 years until I took pills for it.Creams and shampoo just cover it.Email me if you need more info  (+ info)

Home remedies to treat tinea versicolor?

I read on a site that you should apply a shampoo with 2.5% selenium selfide. Would selsun blue work even though it only has 1% of it?

Are there any other home remedies?

Yes, you can try Selsun Blue as well. In fact, some people have success with Head & Shoulders, though it contains a relatively weaker antifungal agent called pyrithione zinc.

Both of these compounds (selenium sulfide and pyrithione zinc) act to kill fungi, which is responsible for both tinea versicolor as well as minor cases of dandruff.

If you find that these shampoos don't work for you, your doctor can prescribe an antifungal cream instead.  (+ info)

What is best way to cure a bad case of tinea pedis?

It's a very bad and infected.Raw skin on toes and hurts like hell. Thanks for any answers.

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how to tell the difference between jock itch (tinea curis) and eczema?

i know that jock itch is fungal and eczema is something else, but how can i tell the difference from their symtoms?
I know that jock itch is fungal and eczema is something else, but how can i tell the difference from their symtoms?
What if the eczema happens on the scrotum? are they different?

eczema most likely will be on your arms and legs, , jock itch loves dark wet places, you know where!!!  (+ info)

How would I be able to tell weather I have Vitiligo or Tinea Versicolor?

I have white round dot's (spots) on my legs and arms, first there was just one or two, now there's alot, HELP! :-(

To the untrained eye, both disease conditions can appear the same since they both cause hypopigmentation. But if you look closely, tinea versicolor will have fine scales on/near the border of the hypopigmented area and vitiligo produces a milky white spots.

The two are very different disease conditions. Tinea Versicolor is a fungal skin infection that should be confirmed with a KOH smear and treated with anti-fungals, while vitiligo is an auto-immune condition (according to recent medical lit).

The best thing you can do is to go to a board-certified dermatologist.  (+ info)

I have had Tinea Versicolor for years. Any suggestions as to how to get rid of it?

I have been using Selenium Sulfide off and on for years. My doctor had me on a regement of Ketoconazole. I've tried Nizoral. It's mostly on my shoulders and chest. When it's warm out, it creeps up my neck and itches something fierce. Help!

you may need to take oral fluconazole for an extended period of time  (+ info)

What is the cause of the bacteria of athletes foot/ tinea? What type of disease is it?

i am asking this because my work on my usb all got deleted and i have to do a powerpoint by tomorrow.

actually athletes foot /tinea is caused by fungus not bacteria ,this fungal infection causes scaling ,flaking, and itch of the affected area.  (+ info)

How do you get rid of tinea versicolor (white spots on skin)?

It is mostly on my shoulders, drives me nuts, I get very tan in the summer, and they stand out BAD, how can I get rid of them? PLEASE HELP!

It depends on the strain,
Some like the red spots can be removed with selson blue.
Due to the selenium.
The white spots usually just take time, sometimes up to six months.  (+ info)

Why does tinea verisicolor keep on coming back?

i've had it for almost 4 years, sometimes my skin clears up for about a week then it comes back and spreads even more than before. i went to the dermatologist and he scraped some skin off to see if it was the tinea veriscolor fungus and it didn't appear to be fungus? What else can it be?

definitely you need to get rid of fungus!

for me worked very well ZetaClear!
It worked fast and still works for me!

I do not know if any pharmacies carry ZetaClear but I do know that you should purchase it directly from the manufacturer and read more about the product here http://www.zetaclear.com/?aid=749165  (+ info)

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