FAQ - Tooth Loss
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Can an infected wisdom tooth cause contemporary hearing loss?

I have lost abt 40% of my hearing in my right ear and then I was on steroids for a long time and then my hearing was back completely but it seems Its not gone. its coming and going on and off. I thought maybe my tooth is the problem. Can it be the cause? plz help me out here. plzzzz

i dont think so, try asking an otolaryngologist  (+ info)

What are the possible causes of tooth loss besides poor hygiene?

I know some, but I am curious how many people at Yahoo Answers know the causes too.

Some people have it genetically, were you start to lose bone under your gumbs therefore you start losing teeth.  (+ info)

Can hearing loss in one ear, and a swollen tooth be related?

This isn't for me, it's for a friend, so I'm limited on more information. All I really know is that he was having tooth problems on one side, that went untreated. This was a few months ago. Now, today, he cant hear out of the ear on the same side as the problem tooth. Might these two be related? YES i know he needs to go to the Dr... If he had $ and/or insurance, I'm sure he would have by now... Help?

Yes, they can be related, but knowing that isn't going to make him any better. If he doesn't get medical attention, he could get infected, or stay deaf and his tooth problems will still be there also. If he can't afford to see a doctor, he needs to go to the ER at a County Hospital. I hope he feels better soon.  (+ info)

Does anyone get regular tooth infections but are not related to bone loss?

I keep getting infections & keep getting my teeth extracted, mainly because the root canals, crowns etc are unsucessful, but this doesnt mean i have things like peridontital desease do i?

Periodontal disease is caused from bacteria. This results from inadequate care of the gums. Having teeth extracted is a result (usually) of infection of the tooth itself. This infection can be within the tooth (pulp) or at the root of the tooth under the gumline.

Have you had a regular dental exam with a complete set of x-rays lately? That is the only way to know for sure. If you're seeing your dentist on an emergency (or only when you are in dire pain) basis only, then chances are your gums might need a healthy cleaning.

Don't give up hope...go see your dentist. It's never too late to try to improve your hygiene.  (+ info)

What to do if antibiotics fail for abscess tooth? should I be prepared for death or loss of jawbone?

The reason why I ask this is because I went to the dentist last week with severe toothpain and he said I have some abscesses, and he gave me antibiotics to get the swelling to go down so he could remove them. The pain has stopped but my gums are still swollen and it has been a week. I am afraid of what happens next. I know that an abscess can kill you if it is never treated. but now that treatment doesnt seem to be working what do I do? I am starting to get scared.

So the antibiotic the dentist gave you worked to remove the pain, but not all of the swelling! Great!! This is often enough so that the tooth can be frozen and either a root canal or an extraction can be performed.
If you need to try further antibiotic action, the dentist could;
1)increase the dosage and or the number of times a day you take the antibiotic.
2)try a different antibiotic.
3)try a cocktail of antibiotics.
4)have the necessary procedure done under general anaestesia instead of just local.
So, you see there are a number of options available to you and your dentist. I wouldn't go looking for funeral plots just yet.  (+ info)

Will I be able to get enough nutrition while I'm pregnant if I have tooth loss?

I am a 30 year old female. I really want to get pregnant and have a baby. I have some bad teeth and have anxiety that if I lost some of my teeth and couldn't chew properly that I wouldn't be able to get enough nutrition to support a baby. How reliable are partial dentures for getting good nutrition? Do you think I could still have a healthy baby if I lost some teeth and couldn't eat properly?

Please read the article listed below. I would highly recommend visiting your dentist and having a thorough evaluation. It sounds like you may have perodontitis (inflammation and bone loss around your teeth) that is causing your teeth to be loose. If this infection is present while you are pregnant it could cause more problems than you realize... even more than just your concerns with nutrition.
  (+ info)

Could an untreated abscess on a tooth cause mild hearing loss and a ringing in the ear?

Please don't lecture about going to the doctor or anything else, I'm working on it. I'm just being curious until I get there because until I am seen they can not (or in all reality due to the fear of being sued will not) give me a straight answer.

An untreat abscess can definitely cause the problems you describe. The infection and inflammation spreads to the sinuses. This then can affect the inner ear, the eustachian tubes, etc. This would cause pressure that would make it difficult to hear and can also cause "ringing" (tinnitus) in the ear.

Do get that taken care of as soon as possible. If you have a dental college in your area, the school usually has a "quick response" clinic set up for patients without dental insurance. Fees are sliding scale.

Feel better soon.  (+ info)

Is a fever normally present with the loss of first tooth?

My 5 year old just lost her first tooth last night and woke up this morning with a fever of 102. I remember that she always had fever when she was teething, is it the same when adult teeth start to come in?

This same thing happened with my daughter. I of course call her doctor right away and he told me that she in fact was cutting teeth again and a low grade fever was not uncommon. Don't panic.. call your doctor just to set your mind at ease.  (+ info)

Preventing gum disease and tooth loss?

BESIDES brushing and flossing, and seeing the dentist regularly, what else can you do to prevent gum disease and tooth loss? Are there any special mouthwashes, supplements, etc? Tooth decay problems run in my family.


eat healthy, check with your GP to see for other systemic disease like diabetes, etc.  (+ info)

is it possible to level the length of your lower teeth,due to wear and tooth loss to make a denture fit better

after years of partial denture use, the bottom teeth are high on one side and wore down on the other [abraxion? I think it is called?] I want to bring this to the attention of my dentist as the helpers in her office are usually rushed.
any maxillialfascial? surgeons do this or just a DDS?

Yes it is and it can be done by a DDS and its called abrasion or attrition.  (+ info)

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