FAQ - Tourette Syndrome
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does someone with tourette syndrome have control how much they talk?

there is a girl that sits next to me in one of my classes, and the first day of school she said she had tourette syndrome to the whole class, but she said that her's is like a tick of some sort. As the year went on she constantly talked to random people, and it's really annoying. I really want to tell her shut up, but I don't want to bash her tourette syndrome.

No, being a motor mouth is not caused by Tourette syndrome, but most people with Tourette do have ADHD, and being hyper can easily come out as talking...way too much.

Tourette syndrome, by the definition you'll find in a doctor's handbook, means someone makes movements and sounds they cannot control, which are caused by a problem deep in the brain that controls movements.

So no, it's not exactly her Tourette's, but it's very likely to be related, and yes, she probably can't help it.

Just try to be nice. Maybe if you just talk to her some she'll eventually slow down a bit.
Who knows? You might just make a friend you didn't think you'd have.

Sometimes people seem a little strange when you don't know them very well, but they can turn out to be pretty cool.  (+ info)

How do I find a person who works or diagnoses people with Tourette syndrome?

I live in the norridge/harwood heights area, and chicago closeby. How do I find a mental institute or a psychiatric ward near me to find someone who I can interview who has worked with a tourette syndrom sufferer or treats them?

You need to speak to a neurologist. Go to your local hospital and ask how you can contact a neurologist.  (+ info)

What degree would be best to work with people that have syndromes; ex. Tourette syndrome, Down syndrome etc...?

I have tourette syndrome and would like to work with others that have different kinds of syndromes that might be more severe or just need outside help dealing with their syndrome. I know what I want to do but I am not sure what degree if any would be right to get started on this path. I assume it would habe to be something in the health field obviously but just do not know what. Thanks for any answers.

If your interest is in helping people with special needs live as independently as possible, you probably want to go in the direction of social work, public health, perhaps developmental psychology and/or child development. You could also go into medicine (neurology, genetics), neuroscience, biomedical research, nursing, physical/occupational therapy.  (+ info)

Would a person with tourette syndrome get in trouble for this?

If a person with tourette syndrome flies on a public transport airliner, would that person get in trouble if he or she shouts "bomb on the airplane!!!" with passengers onboard during flight, if none of the passengers knew that he or she had tourette syndrome?

Well, first off, a person with tourette syndrome would never yell that out. Only about 5-10% of people with tourette's ever yell out words that they can't control. Most people with tourette's do things like blinking, nodding, shrugging, coughing, grunting etc. For the few people that do yell out words, they're always repeated. Some people with this rare tic might have to yell out the f-word over and over again while others might have to yell out the word banana over and over again. So what you said could never happen, but I'll answer it anyway.

If a person with TS yelled that, yes, they would probably get in trouble until they were able to show proof that they actually had TS and couldn't control it. Why a person with that severe of tourette's wouldn't tell anyone on the plane, I don't know. If a person had TS so severe that they actually had to yell out things they they would probably tell someone.

I'm pretty sure there's a law about people with TS and planes though. I saw it at TSA (tourette syndrome association) I can't seem to find it again though. Sorry. But it was saying about a couple with TS how they got kicked off a plane because of their TS. So they sued to airport and now there's a special law for just people with tourette's being aloud to fly.  (+ info)

Do all people with Tourette Syndrome have vocal tics?

Do all people who have tourette syndrome have vocal tics? I know that many have both vocal and motor tics, but do some people with tourette syndrome have only motor tics and no vocal tics?
Then what name is given to people who have motor tics but no vocal tics for over a year?

to be diagnosed with tourette syndrome you have to have two motor AND at least one vocal tic that last for over a year. So, yes everyone with tourette's has at least one vocal tic. Most people think that vocal tics are shouting out curse words. This is untrue. Actually only 5% of people with tourette's swear because of it. Most vocal tics are things like coughing, clearing your throat, grunting, squeaking, humming, whistling. Usually vocal tics are pretty quiet. So the person above me is wrong about the fact that people with tourette's don't have vocal tic. But he's right by saying that vocal tics are more rare than motor tic. Most people will get motor tics before they get vocal tics and will have more motor tics than vocal tics.

Although tourette's isn't the only type of tic disorder such as:

Transient tic disorder consists of multiple motor and/or phonic tics with duration of at least 4 weeks, but less than 12 months.

Chronic tic disorder is either single or multiple motor or phonic tics, but not both, which are present for more than a year.

Tic Disorder NOS is diagnosed when tics are present, but do not meet the criteria for any specific tic disorder.

Edit: I already said in my answer the answer to your question. It would be chronic tic disorder.

Chronic tic disorder is either single or multiple motor or phonic tics, but not both, which are present for more than a year.

Another edit: I just looked at your other question asking if you had tourette's. sorry, but I forgot to mention sniffing as a common sound tic. It does sound like you have TS... pretty mild though.  (+ info)

Is Tourette's Syndrome a multifactorial disorder, if not what kind of disorder is it?

i am doing a science project on tourettes syndrome and i need to know what kind of disorder it is and i can't find it anywhere, there are 3 different types of disorders and i need to know what kind it is they are multifactorial, chromosome abnormality, and single-gene abnormality.

If you could help me that would be great, and also with your answer could you include the website you got the information from so i can use it in my biography?
Thank You

Tourettes is a neurological disorder in the brain. People with tourette's have "tics", uncrolable, unvoluntary movements of the body. Tourettes is hereditary, it can be passed down from generation to generation. I have tourettes syndrome. I am 23, and have lived with this disease all my life, and will continue to do so until the day i die. IT'S A NEUROLOGICAL DISORDER IN THE BRAIN!!  (+ info)

Is there any cure for Tourette Syndrome?

I have Tourette Syndrome. And it recently became vocal, resembling hiccups. I'm 14, and really don't want to deal with it at school. So please, if there is a cure, say so! =]
PS- I haven't been doing anything stressful, I've been sleeping normally and avoiding food coloring. So, I don't know why it came back.

May I point out that you have asked this question in the wrong category? Tourettes is not a mental illness. It is Neurological, or to be more specific, Neurobiological.

Think of it this way: Your software is fine (mental capabilities, aptitude for learning,etc). Your hardware, however, has a malfunctioning wire (neuron) and that causes you to tic. You are not mentally ill.

Tourettes is lifelong and there is not a cure. It's not degenerative. The tics are migratory and so that is why it seems to go away for awhile.

Ask your parents to take you to a Pediatric Neurologist. There are medication that can lessen the severity of the tics and vocal tremors. Ther is no medicine that can take it completely away. Depending on you case and whether or not you have any accompanying disorders (OCD, etc) will define which medications you can try. ALL medications are hit and miss. TS medications work differently for each person.

I'm sorry, but it is something you are going to have to deal with. Check out the TSA Youth Ambassador program.

Confront your issues head on!

Best wishes.  (+ info)

Tourette syndrome--should be treated by a Neurologist or Psychiatrist?

My son is 19 yrs old and has Tourette syndrome, and OCD. He can no longer go to his Pediatric neurologist (now that he is over 18) and we were told he should see a Psychologist since they can also prescribe medication.

His RX is running low, and we need to schedule an appointment for more with either a neorologist or a psychologist.

Which do we choose and why?

Your opinions please (preferrably from first hand experiance.)

Thank you in advance!

A neurologist is much, much, better; but is a psychiatrist is your only option, then it is better than nothing. Yes they can prescribe medication.
A neurologist will know much more about tourette's because it is a disease of the brain, not a disease of emotion.  (+ info)

Is it true that people with Tourette's Syndrome are more intelligent?

I have Tourette's Syndrome, and my Family Consumer Science teacher said something about this. I'm not sure if she said Tourette's or a word similar to it, because I couldn't really hear. So I was just wondering, is this true?

Not necessarily.  (+ info)

Does My Husband Have Tourette Syndrome or something else?

I don't know what is wrong! My husband has twitching with his arm and he stutters when he is upset or angry. He has short-term memory loss. He has a severe temper. He is convinced that false things are true....He can't keep a job....
His mother said he may have Tourette syndrome.
But I don't know if that's what it is.

I would think its something other then tourettes. Tourettes is having tics that you cant control. its something different all the time and doesnt just show up when your upset or angry. feeling that way can make it worse, but he would still have vocal tics throughout the day. while I'm not a doctor, I do have tourettes myself and I can tell you I tic all the time throughout the day and sometimes its 2 or more different tics in one day. I know I'm doing it, but I cant stop it. It also starts young, like when your 4 or 5 so this is something he would have had as a child as well. best thing to do is get him a referral to a neurologist who can diagnose tourettes (a regular doctor cant) best of luck with it.  (+ info)

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