FAQ - Tourettes syndrom
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all listen please i have been researching sbs which is commonly called shaken baby syndrom what can we do?

SBS (shaken baby syndrom) what can we do to help the future leaders of america from being murdered due to anger and stupidity?

all we can do is further educate people on the dangers of shaking their child up whenever they feel stressed or angry and hope for the best. its sad but thats the only thing we can do just keep putting the message out there that it's wrong.  (+ info)

Any older people out there with Tourettes syndrome?

I am 51 and have suffered with a mild form of tourettes since age 9. I have learned how to repress it to the extent that most people do not realize I have it or notice it. My niece has it and I taught her how to repress it as well. Her four year old daughter has been found to have it and she is also teaching her how to deal with it. Does it run in families like this? My children do not have it. Tell me about your experiences.

It does run in families, very much so. Women are typically the carriers (or so we think) and have mild or no symptoms. If a boy in the family has Tourette syndrome (boys have symptoms three times more often than a girl does. It's *very* unusual that you and your neice have Tourette's but none of the men in the family!). It is a rare rare case when a person with Tourette syndrome does not pass the gene along to their children, but even though the children are carriers they do not necessarily have any symptoms. Women are much more likely to pass the gene on to their children than men.

There is a lot we don't know about the genetics of Tourette syndrome and there's not a whole lot of research being done because it's not a life threatening illness.  (+ info)

What is a good excuse for tourettes tics?

When other kids pick on me for my tourettes what is a good excuse to use instead of telling them

I can't believe kids would pick on you for that, at my school you'd be extremely popular, the kids that are different than others, are usually very popular like the 12 year old genius senior we had last year, he had a ton of friends.

Tell them you can't help it. lol, thats what I would do.


Tell them to go *uck themselves. Take a self defense class, you should really stand up for yourself.  (+ info)

When do you get the down syndrom screening?

Just wondering when they do the down syndrom testing. Is it just a blood test? thanks ladies! ;)
The point is to prepare yourself!, to get educated on how to raise a child with DS. I WOULD NEVER ABORT no matter or no matter what circumstances!

I did have the test done 10 days ago when I was around 15 or so weeks pregnant. Mine was a blood test. I had the quad screening done. It is done around 15-18 weeks pregnant but can not do it over 20 weeks because it is less accurate at that point.

I, like you, had it done just to prepare myself which is what my doctor recommended. I definitely wouldn't have the amnio done unless it was medically necessary because of the chance of losing the baby. I would never abort either.

I got my results back a week ago and everything is perfect based on the blood results.

Good luck!  (+ info)

What sex does tourettes syndrome affect most?

Does tourettes syndrome affect males more than females, or females more than males?

Reference would be much appreciated.



http://www.tsa-usa.org  (+ info)

How to deal with a 6 year old Down Syndrom boy on the bus?

Im a special needs monitor on a school bus i have a 6 year old down syndrom boy on the bus, He loves to take his boots,socks and the insoles out of them then say ME GO HOME!!!!!!! he acts up big time and he thinks by doing this he gets to go home. Any sugestions on how to get him to stop and also how to stop his bad behaviour as he thinks the reward is he gets to go back home to his mommy and brother. I think hes jelious of his 2 year old brother as he gets to stay home with mommy while he has to go to school. He has major seperation anxity it breaks moms heart to leave because he is screaming yelling crying kicking wont sit down he doesnt want to get on the bus he doesnt want to go to school. Im only 20 i dont have the mother skills to know what or how do do things, I would LOVE your suggestions and comments. I LOVE MY JOB!! i have other special needs children on the bus. I want to better my knowledge on how to deal with childs needs.. Thanks so much

The best thing to do is educate yourself more on children with Down Syndrom. Also, explain to him that no matter how he behaves he will not get to go home, he's going to school regardless. His mom should really explain this to him as well. Also, tell him that he's going to school to learn and make friends and how fun and exciting it is.

Also, try to look up games that you can play on the bus with the children that won't get them too riled up and encourage him to participate.  (+ info)

what is tourettes syndrome? and what tics are there when u have it?

well, i think her username is kissy face and i don't know if she has tourettes syndrome, and she is my friends daughter, and i need to know that cause their family dosent have med coverage, so she cant go to a doctor. what should they do?

Tourette's syndrome (TS) is a neurological disorder and the person can have both motor and vocal tics. They're not sure of the exact cause, but a disturbance in the balance in neurotransmitters (chemicals in the brain that carry nerve signals from cell to cell) may play a role in it.

Motor tics can include constant or grimacing, head jerking, foot stamping. Vocal tics include making clicking sounds, sudden shouts (can be obscene words), repeated sniffing, throat clearing. When under stress, the tics get more severe, or change in nature.

For a diagnosis to occur, the person must have multiple motor tics and at least 1 vocal tic at some time (but doesn't have to be at the same time), and must not be symptom free for more than 3 months. They usually ask person to keep record of the tics, and how often they occur.

There's no special test the doctors do, so they look at the symptoms, family history and other clues to make the diagnosis. They could use MRIs or CT scans, along with blood tests to rule out other conditions.

There is no cure, and there is no prescribed medication. IF the tics are severe enough and interfere with a person's life, some doctors will prescribe medications to control them. Some ppl go to therapy to help cope with stress and figure out how best to deal with the inconvenient tics.

Hope all of this helps. There's plenty of research out there if you need more info.  (+ info)

What is good medicine for irritial bowel syndrom?

I am only 21 and I have ibs whenever I am in social settings, even if I did not eat much. I am scared to go in long car rides with others or sit through a long class.
My symptons are more mild, like bloating.

Go to a doctor. There are too many causes of IBS, most of them are serious, considering your age. It is important to get checked out, and checked out early.  (+ info)

My husband has tourettes and we have a son?

My husband has tourettes and we have a son
His tourettes are classified as complex. But they don't bother me.
I have researched it and know that it is higher in boys than girls to get it. What I want to know is (that I didnt find in my research) if my son does get tourettes could his be alot worse than my husbands?
I put it here so maybe I could get answers and Im going to ask the dr. next time we go he is 18 months

I did some research and there doesn't seem to be a definitive answer to your question. Hope this helps:

A person with TS has about a 50-50 chance of passing on the gene(s) to one of his or her offspring. However, that genetic predisposition may not necessarily result in full-blown TS; instead, it may express itself as a milder tic disorder or as obsessive compulsive behaviors or possibly attention deficit disorder with few or no tics at all. It is also possible that the gene-carrying offspring will not develop any TS symptoms. A higher than normal incidence of milder tic disorders and obsessive compulsive behaviors has been found in families of individuals with TS.  (+ info)

What are some good ways to mess with a guy who was diagnosed with Tourettes?

His shrink told him he blinks too much and that is his tic, and I want to totally mess with him, so what can I do?

What's wrong with you!?!

Obviously this guy is going through a lot! Tourettes is such a hard disorder to live with and it doesn't make it any easier when people are messing with you!

Just leave this guy alone! He has enough to deal with besides you!

If you had tourette syndrome would you like people messing with you?! No!!!

Honestly, would you mess with a person because they had cancer? No, you wouldn't. So why would you mess with someone that has tourette's!?  (+ info)

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