FAQ - Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalalgias
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What is the best surgery for trigeminal neuralgia?

My mom is 73 year old and diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia. She's done with al kinds of pain medication and is now considering surgery. Any suggestion?

It depends on what is pressing on the nerve or where on the nerve the problem is. SHe needs to see a Neuro Surgeon.  (+ info)

Can a Brain MRI detect inflammation to the Trigeminal Nerve?

I have a lot of pain in the face, mostly in the nose and cheek area. I had a Sinus CT Scan done, and the results came normal. I think the pain could be a nerve-related problem. I read online that the Trigeminal Nerve is responsible for facial sensation.
Another strong possibility is "TMJ disorder".

Unless it is reeeealy small inflammation than yeah it should be able to.  (+ info)

Trigeminal neuralgia: can it involve a constant pain instead of a fleeting pain?

Classic trigeminal neuralgia involves a fleeting pain that is often triggered by an external stimulus. The cause is often found to be a blood vessel pressing on a nerve. Can that same situation (a blood vessel pressing on a nerve) cause a constant pain that is not triggered by an external stimulus? If so, is the blood vessel always apparent on an MRI? Or might an MRI miss it? Thanks for all replies.

Yes, TN can cause constant pain. When it does, it's usually classified as "atypical trigeminal neuralgia."

If a blood vessel is pressing on the nerve, an MRI ordered to focus in tightly on the trigeminal nerve ought to catch it, but sometimes the cause of trigeminal neuralgia isn't as readily apparent as a blood vessel pressing on a nerve. Sometimes (as in my case) there's no visible cause at all to explain why the nerve keeps firing.

There's a useful breakdown of the various types of TN and related facial pain problems here:

(Although bear in mind while reading it that this website is focused on MVD, so it tends to overstate both the probability of a blood vessel pushing on a nerve as the evident cause *and* the efficacy of the MVD operation as a cure for TN. Nonetheless, if you can overlook that, it's still a pretty decent breakdown.)  (+ info)

can i collect social security for lyme disease and trigeminal nueralgia?

i was diagnosed with lyme disease and trigeminal nueralgia about 2 months ago. can i collect disability. i am having alot of neggative symptoms and its hard for me to even do daily activities. what do u think?

The person who said "get a life"...Ignore! I see "one of the nation's leading authorities in Lyme D."....he states that it is possible, especially if you have a chronic,,severe case, BUT you should apply as" SEvere pain and chronic fatigue secondary to Severe Lyme Disease".....You WILL be denied the first time..."everyone is". That is when I saw a lawyer. The people who have SSDI that I have spoken to have told me that they all needed a lawyer. By Law, a lawyer can only get %25 of retropay and then you would get a monthly check and a percentage for children under 18, for them. It is correct, it is not a huge amount. If you are single, once on SSDI, you can apply for medicaid. The severity of Late Lyme is new to many people...many don't understand how disabling it can be....ignore the people who DON'T get it and understand that LYME if not caught early.....simply put....SUCKS!!! Don't accept that there are other much worse people than you.....those are ignorant people who say that! There are many days, I can't even walk!!!  (+ info)

What are the symptoms of autonomic dysfunction?

What are the symptoms of autonomic dysfunction? What will you ask to your patients if you suspect autonomic dysfunction?

The link below will help you.  (+ info)

My MRI says there is some signal change along the left spinal trigeminal tract. What does this mean?

The MRI was originally read and reported as normal. However, during an office visit to a neurosurgeon, he looked at the MRI and said "Although this was read as essentially normal by the radiologist, there is some signal change along the left spinal trigeminal tract on one sequence which may represent some inflammation of uncertain etiology and could be the cause of his facial numbness". What does this mean?

Its been a few days since you asked this question. If you are still having this problem please see a doctor. Good Luck  (+ info)

Does anyone see a neurologist for autonomic neuropathy?

I'm 21yrs old I've just been diagnosed with autonomic nueropathy and I just need some advice, is it true that this condition is reversable and the nerves can heal if i control my blood sugar better?(which I am working on) the doctor did say it was due to my diabetes, im a 21yr old female any advice would be well appreciated ty

  (+ info)

Can a toothache cause Trigeminal Neuralgia?

I know Trigeminal Neuralgia can cause a "toothache", but can a toothache cause a trigeminal neuralgia flare up in someone predisposed to them?

Please cite sources.

Yes it is possible especially those teeth supplied by the trigeminal nerve  (+ info)

Does anyone have Neuralgia or Trigeminal Neuralgia and what pain relief and medication are you taking?

Hi, I have Trigeminal Neuralgia and am not fining my pain relief effective or my medication but particularly pain relief i am taking up to 450mg of Codeine a day and Tramadol (not at the same time). It is not even touching the pain! Any advise from others who have this or from professionals who have come across this sort of problem? Any advise at all would be welcome even if it seems really obvious! Thanks, C x

Hi. I'm on Tegretol right now for my TN, and I also have oxycodone for breakthrough pain. The Tegretol isn't working for me at the moment, so I find I'm taking far more oxycodone that I'd like. I'm not in a very good place right now, pain-wise. I have an appointment with my neurologist coming up, but I'm sort of dreading it. I suspect he's going to want to titrate my dosage of Tegretol upwards, and I'm already having a really hard time with the side-effects. I think that it may be time for us to try a different anti-convulsant, but if we do that, then I'm going to need a lot more pain-killers to help me through the transition period, and even with that help, it's still going to be pretty awful.

Are you on an anti-convulsant, like Tegretol, neurontin, or Lyrica? They've only been partially successful for me, but I know they've helped a lot of TN sufferers to live very nearly pain-free. If the one you're on isn't working for you, it may be time to try another and see if it does a better job. There are quite a few of them to choose from, and everybody seems to react differently to them, so it's definitely worth checking to see if another drug might be more effective for you.

Pain-killers usually don't work on neuralgia nearly as well as they do on, for example, post-operative pain or muscle pain. For me, they don't stop the pain altogether; they just knock it down a few notches on the pain chart. But those few notches can make such a huge difference! I'm sorry that they're not even doing that much for you.

Have you been to see a pain management specialist, or gone to a pain management clinic? If not, I very much recommend it. They're experienced in dealing with these problems, and might be able to find a pain management regime that works better for you.

ETA: A good place to talk to lots of other people who suffer from this monstrous problem are the TNA Forums here:

You have to sign up first, but it doesn't cost anything and they won't spam you. The people there are friendly, and even just lurking there can make you feel a lot less alone. It did for me, anyway.  (+ info)

What caused my trigeminal neuralgia?

I have trigeminal neuralgia, an agonising condition involving pressure on a nerve in my face. I am on epilepsy drugs but am tired and forgetful and still in pain. I really feel my life, which until last year was perfectly happy, isn't worth living. I have no idea why I suddenly got this. I am only 25. It first occured at quite a stressful time. I have also had root canal treatment on the same side of my face. Of course the dentist denies all involvement, but I can't help thinking this could have triggered it. Any ideas? Or remedies?

My mother has suffered from this on and off over the past few years, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. So I feel really sorry for you. She has had some really effective tablets. I'll find out what they are, but when she was referred to see a consultant, he gave her an injection which gave immediate relief and seemed to have quite a lasting effect. She was also told that if the pain got unbearable again, she could phone up and have another injection. It's worth asking about this, and seeing if you could have the same back up for any future attacks. Good luck.  (+ info)

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