FAQ - Trigeminal autonom cefalalgi
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If trigeminal nerve is cut below medulla what happens?

a. loss of sensation of pain same side
b. loss of sensation of pain ipsilateral
c. loss of propriocepion same side
d. loss of sensation of propriception opposite side

which is the right answer?

loss of sensation of pain on the same side.since it is the peripheral part of the nerve everything lost will be on the same side  (+ info)

What is the best thing to take for Trigeminal Neuralgia?

I work up this morning with this painful condition. My left jaw is in sheer agony. I use to suffer from this a lot when I was younger but it is back again. I am after taking some disprin, the ones you disolve in water to try and get them to work quick. What else can I do?


Errrrrr poor you, why not get some strong pain relief from the doctor, such as codeine, they work really quick. If you get them in the dissolvable form, they work quicker - good luck :)  (+ info)

Is/Has anyone here ever suffered or is suffering from trigeminal neuralgia?

My dad has it and life is really stressful at the moment, my moms on the verge of a nervous breakdown and my dads in pain alot of the time. We've had alot of complications from the doctors/hospital. Does anyone know anything that helps or would care to share their story? Thank-You.

My Dad has it, and has had it for about 8 years now. He is on many medications and is almost maxed out on the dosages. It is very, very painful. He had a procedure done about 6 years ago where they went in and numbed the nerve. It helped alot but that procedure only lasts a couple years, and he said it was so horribly painful having it done (they keep you awake during it), he won't have it done again. When he starts getting zapped, he can't shave, wash his face, get a haircut. He can hardly eat, because he can't chew without getting zapped. When this happens, the doc will up his meds and it takes about 10 days before the pain stops. It is a horribly painful thing to live with. My Dad is 80 years old. I feel so sorry for him. I don't know what to tell you to help your Dad. I wish I did. I know there are a few doctors around that specialize in this, but really, unless he has one of the procedures done, and it actually works for him, it's all about taking the meds. Is your Dad on meds for this? Best of luck to you  (+ info)

Neuralgia patients only: What treatment options have you tried for Trigeminal and/or Occipital Neuralgias?

I tried Tegretol XR, Neurontin, Lyrica, and finally microvascular decompression surgery for Trigeminal Neuralgia. I needed two more surgeries last year because the titanium plate they put in my head kept shifting. I then developed Occipital Neuralgia from the other surgeries. I recently had the Occipital nerve severed to take away the pain. I continue to have extreme pain in my eye and I'm told that the first surgery may only work for 3-5 years.

Go to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Mn. My father had TN and he would get "blocks" (not too much worse than a shot) periodically. They would work for a while (years), but every time he went back they had a newer treatment, that was not that traumatic (nothing like severing the nerve) The side effects were very minor. Also, they are probably cheaper than your local hospital and doctors.

He was treated there for 20 years before he passed away at 93.

P.S. Tegretol and Neurontin can cause lupus type side effects which will report positive for lupus even though you do not have the disease. I thought they were harmful.  (+ info)

has anyone heard of trigeminal neuralgia?

The doctor said i have this and wants me to take tegretol (epilepsy treatment), but after looking it up on various websites i do not agree with my doctor. Some of the symptoms are the same but not all of them.

N (Trigeminal Neuralgia) is a pain that is described as among the most acute known to mankind. TN produces excruciating, lightning strikes of facial pain, typically near the nose, lips, eyes or ears.

It is a disorder of the trigeminal nerve, which is the fifth and largest cranial nerve.

TN (Trigeminal Neuralgia / tic douloureux) is a disorder of the fifth cranial (trigeminal) nerve that causes episodes of intense, stabbing, electric shock-like pain in the areas of the face where the branches of the nerve are distributed - lips, eyes, nose, scalp, forehead, upper jaw, and lower jaw. By many, it's called the "suicide disease". A less common form of the disorder called "Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia" may cause less intense, constant, dull burning or aching pain, sometimes with occasional electric shock-like stabs. Both forms of the disorder most often affect one side of the face, but some patients experience pain at different times on both sides. Onset of symptoms occurs most often after age 50, but cases are known in children and even infants. Something as simple and routine as brushing the teeth, putting on makeup or even a slight breeze can trigger an attack, resulting in sheer agony for the individual. Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is not fatal, but it is universally considered to be the most painful affliction known to medical practice. Initial treatment of TN is usually by means of anti-convulsant drugs, such as Tegretol or Neurontin. Some anti-depressant drugs also have significant pain relieving effects. Should medication be ineffective or if it produces undesirable side effects, neurosurgical procedures are available to relieve pressure on the nerve or to reduce nerve sensitivity. Some patients report having reduced or relieved pain by means of alternative medical therapies such as acupuncture, chiropractic adjustment, self-hypnosis or meditation.  (+ info)

what is the disease or disturbance related to motor trigeminal nerve?

The motor branches of the trigeminal nerve control the movement of eight muscles, including the four muscles of mastication: masseter,temporalis,medial pterygoid and lateral pterygoid. 4 other muscles also receive trigeminal motor supply: tensor veli palatini,mylohyoid,anterior belly of digastric and tensor tympani.

Damage to these motor components would disrupt mastication,chewing.
(Involvement of the sensory components is responsible for trigeminal neuralgia.)  (+ info)

does anyone there have temporomadibular dysfunction along with trigeminal neuralgia ? how do u manage it ?

i'm 35 years old and suffering . taking carbamazepine 3*day which gives me stomach cramps . doc says to continue medication , cramps will go away in time .

Wow, you truly do have it worse than I do. Fortunately, I only have the TMJ disorder and monthly migraines. Trigeminal Neuralgia (T.N.) is a disorder that affects the trigeminal nerve (5th cranial nerve) that causes one of the worst facial pain. But a pathophysiology lecture is not an effective pain medication. The Carbatrol (Carbamazepine) is an anticonvulsant drug that can be used for both Epilepsy and T.N., not to be used for the relief of trivial aches and pains, such as common headaches. During the initial stages of Carbatrol administration, the most frequently observed adverse reactions are dizziness, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, and unsteadiness. I hope you started at the lowest dose, so that your body can adjust to these reactions. However, if these reactions do not subside, be sure to contact your physician.

As for the TMJ disorder, I had it soooo bad that I had to wear a splint/retainer for several months, prescribed by an orthodontist, 24/7 (I could only remove it for each post-meal brushing). When that didn't help, as I was still in tears every day from the pain, I went to see an oral surgeon to try to fix my jaws.

After the surgery, I got a book called "Heal Yourself" (by Louise Hay) and worked on the inner cause of physical ailments from the Eastern-medicine approach (which, with my Western-medicine education, I have never believed in until now). It really worked: it's not just about "relaxing," "praying," or Ohming and Ahhing to health improvement, but rather about self-affirmation. My TMJ disorder improved significantly. I haven't grind my jaws in over 6 months now. Seriously, give the Eastern-medicine a try, in combination with Western-medicine, and see if it will help you, too. Reserve surgery as your absolute last resort.

Best wishes.  (+ info)

My father in law is suffering from left trigeminal neuralgia,Please suggest?

My father in law is suffering from left trigeminal neuralgia, he has acute pain, while eating/drinking or doing other activities.Doctor says that surgery for the same is very dangerous. He is right now taking pain remover drugs.Please suggest if you have any idea what to do?

Okay, I was diagnosed with TN back in 98. I had surgery in 2003. I tried so many drugs, Neurontin, Tegretol, Lamictal. They worked for a while, then after a few months, became much less effective. (tegretol really had some bad side effects)

I used a heating pad constantly. I kept one on my desk at work, on the couch, near the bed. Chemical ones in my pockets. I covered my face when I went outdoors.

I had an MVD (microvascular decompression) and I was pain free for about 1 1/2 years. I ended up losing my hearing on the side of the surgery.

I think now it has changed over to atypical. I am unemployed and needless to say can not afford the doc or meds. But the pain is more like a bad burn instead of the awful pain that I before. My tolerance to pain has increased so much that I can now mask it pretty well.

In looking back, now that I have a brain that is not messed up on drugs, consider the laser surgery if he can get it done. My understanding is the results are not immediate but there is also less pain involved and fewer side effects (no hearing loss)

Go see a neurosurgeon. How old is your FIL?

Tracy, I understand your problems with the medication, Tegretol left me really messed up, I was scared to go anywhere alone, I would forget how to get home. My son was a young teen, I had to take him everywhere, I remember one time pulling over and crying, cause I could not figure out how to get home ( I was about 3 miles away) and I was still having pain. It was awful.

Look into the gamma ray surgery. The MVD was painful, and I felt exhausted for about 4 months after that. When the auditory nerve was damaged, it also affected my balance and I had about 2 months of double vision.

Good Luck. I understand how you feel, I think only those of us that have been there can truly understand it.  (+ info)

Is there a cure for"trigeminal neuralgia"? If there is, what is it and where do I find it?

Yes there is a cure.

Cases which are resistant to the traditional medicines

Cases which are only partially better with the traditional medicines,

can be treated with homeopathy.  (+ info)

Which branch of posterior trunk of mandibular division of trigeminal supplies sensation of skin of jaw?

As title thanks.

(Inferior alveolar? or does it give any specific branch for skin of jaw?)

the inferior alveolar terminates as the mental nerve which ends up supplying the skin at the menton. however the skin of the jaw is supplied by the anterior division's branch, the long buccal nerve, it supplies all the skin if the jaw except for menton & the angle of the mandible, the latter being supplied by greater auricular a branch of the cervical plexus (C2,C3).  (+ info)

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