FAQ - Trochlear Nerve Diseases
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Is there an operation available for trochlear 4th cranial brain nerve damage?

I am not sure. It would probbly require a nerve graft from some other part of your body if it could be done at all. A neurosurgeon can advise you on your options. Good luck.  (+ info)

what are all the muscle and nerve diseases that can cause jerkking and twitching?

hi im 15 and for the past 2 weeks my arms ,legs neck,back.everything jerk...expecially when im still.. im so misserible..i feel like i want to jump out of my skin please help

Hi There

First you need to relax about the issue. If you keep focused on the issue then you'll attract more of the issue (law of attraction).

Here are some ideas to heal the issue. You need to take control of your health and this is a great start. Asking for assistance and excepting all answers. Dont let anyone tell you this or that. Always research and trust your own instincts on health. You will determine what you will believe in or try, but be open to all options and you will heal yourself.

Aromatherapy: Chamomile, eucalyptus, cedarwood, juniper, and/or lavender essential oils massaged into the affected areas can relieve pain.

Diet: Eat an organic, whole foods diet and drink plenty of pure filtered water throughout the day. Also eliminate all caffeinated beverages, refined sugars, cigarettes, and commercial carbonated beverages.

Herbs: Combine equal parts of the tinctures of St. John`s wort, skullcap, oat, and Siberian ginseng. Take one teaspoon of this mixture three times a day. Externally, peppermint oil can be applied to the affected area to relieve pain.

Homeopathy: Useful homeopathic remedies include Belladonna, Aconite, Mag phos., Phytolacca, Chelidonium, Lycopodium, and Arsen alb.

Hydrotherapy: Hydrotherapy is the application of water, ice, steam and hot and cold temperatures to maintain and restore health. Treatments include full body immersion, steam baths, saunas, sitz baths, colonic irrigation and the application of hot and/or cold compresses. Hydrotherapy is effective for treating a wide range of conditions and can easily be used in the home as part of a self-care program. Many Naturopathic Physicians, Physical Therapists and Day Spas use Hydrotherapy as part of treatment.
*Purified water is essential for any hydrotherapy treatment. Remedies for Treating Chlorinated Bath Water offers clear instructions and recommendations.

Juice Therapy: Parsley, celery, and carrot juice acts as a nerve tonic that can be helpful in mild cases.

Nutritional Supplementation: The following nutrients can be helpful: vitamin B complex, vitamin B1, vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folic acid, pantothenic acid, vitamin C with bioflavonoids, Brewers` yeast, calcium, lecithin, and magnesium. Proteolytic enzymes taken away from meals can also be helpful especially in cases of neuritis.

Topical Treatment: Apply Epsom salt packs to the affected area.

Water: You need to be drinking around a gallon of water a day (I do). We are made of 85% water and the nerves need the fluid to function properly. We lose a quart of water a day, just by breathing. Dont underestimate the power of drinking water.

Alternative Professional Care
If your symptoms persist despite the above measures, seek the help of a qualified health professional. The following professional care therapies have all been shown to be useful for treating neuralgia, neuropathy, and neuritis: Acupressure, Acupuncture, Biofeedback Training, Chelation Therapy, Chiropractic, Craniosacral Therapy, Detoxification Therapy, Environmental Medicine, Light Therapy, Magnetic Field Therapy, Naturopathic Medicine, Neural Therapy, Osteopathy, Oxygen Therapy (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy), Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Yoga.

Best of health to you  (+ info)

I recently had Trochlear nerve palsy due to an eye incident, would my eyes heal normally and become aligned a?

I recently had Trochlear nerve palsy due to an eye incident, would my eyes heal normally and become aligned as
they were before on their own or is their a very high doubt in that...please answer, thanks/

we have eye doctors to fix any incidents. I would have a doctors OK . just for the h!ll of it .  (+ info)

why the trochlear nerve of brain dont go through the pons (first go back and then come anterior side) why?

all of the brain's nerves (except forth nerve) comes from the midel of the pons or medulla oblongata [such as abdocens nerve, oculomotor nerve, facial nerve,….]
but in forth nerve of brain (trochlear nerve) first it go back and then comes in the anterior side (without going through the pons) why?????!!!

There really is no WHY to this question, it's just the nature of anatomy.
Cranial nerve (CN) VI - the trochlear nerve - simply has different characteristics than the rest of the CN. For example, a central lesion to CN VI will cause symptoms in the opposite side of the body. Lesions to the rest of the CN will cause symptoms on the same side of the body. CN IV also the smallest CN in terms of axons.
This makes for great questions on anatomy exams.  (+ info)

How to test for trochlear nerve lesion?


Fact 1
Superior oblique muscle inserts into superoposterolateral aspect of the globe.
It intorts, also makes the eye look down, and look outwards.
I can accept this part.

Fact 2
If a person has trouble gazing at something right infront of and under and their nose
(eg. reading a book or focusing while going downstairs), then it indicates trochlear nerve lesion
This is good too.

These are two facts I know to be true but they appear inconsistent.
If trochlear nerve (which innervates superior oblique muscle) makes the eye look down & out,
how does one's inability to look down and in reflect trochlear nerve problem?

Thanks a lot.
(or is it I take it the prerequisite for fact 2 to be true is that: "assuming medial rectus is intact" ie. cranial nerve III).... ?
Thanks for the replies.

But superior oblique muscle itself (in addition to intorsion and depressing (make the eye look downwards)) also abducts (look - outwards).


So to bring the eye ball into alignment with direction of superior oblique muscle (ie. axis of eye ball parallel with axis of the muscle), medial rectus needs to adduct the eye first. Correct?

In otherwords, to use "look down at your nose" test to test for trochlear nerve, you really, need to have a good functioning medial rectus as a prerequisite. Am I right on this?

Otherwise, let's say without medial rectus' help, and you pull on superior oblique, the eye will actually intort, look down, and OUTWARDS (not inwards).

Please correct me if I'm incorrect anywhere. Big thanks.

  (+ info)

Does anyone suffer from severe headaches due to nerve damage from sinus surgery?

After many sinus surgeries my husband now has Trochlear Nerve damage which causes severe and constant (24/7) headaches. He has tried EVERY medication the E.N.T. & Neurologist could come up with but none have helped. Has anyone ever had this problem or know of anyone else who has? He has used every migraine headache Rx and even antidepresants, but none have helped.
To answer the last responders question: My husband had 4 or 5 sinus surgeries that all went well until this last one. Two days after the surgery was done he began to have severe pain above his eye where the nerve is. He was tested for allergies and found to have none (although for over 10 yrs his doctors said he had seasonal allergies and have been treating him for them!). He has had this headache since November 2005. We have tried to keep tack of the headaches to see if weather has any effect on them; changes in season; foods, etc., but it seems that none of those things makes the headaches less or worse than normal. Where exactly is the pain you are having? I would like to discuss this with you as you seem to have almost the same problem. You can email me at [email protected] if you like.

There is no medicine for nerve pain.
Acupuncture is the only way.
Pl try your luck.

R.H. 19, Jhulelal Society, Sector 2/E, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, INDIA.  (+ info)

How to isolate out cranial nerve 4 (trochlear nerve) lesion please?

My aim is to show this person who cannot look at their nose, has CN4 lesion.

To look down at your nose, you can use medial rectus to adduct first, then use superior oblique muscle (trochlear nerve) to depress. There, the eyes are looking at nose.
Or you can adduct (again, using medial rectus), then add in inferior rectus to depress. Result the same, looking at your nose.
So if a person cannot look at their nose, it's means CN3 and/or CN4 is/are impaired. Don't which combination but can be just one of them or can be both of them impaired.

Just by asking the person to look at their nose, you cannot isolate out CN4 by itself.

You need another test. For example, when someone is confirmed cannot look at their nose (they get diplopia or whatever), ask now the person to look up and out. To look up and out this, you got to have CN3 intact. Reason being this, to look out and up you can either:

Use your lateral rectus (CN6) + superior rectus (CN3) together. That will look out and up.
OR, you can use "superior oblique CN4 and/or inferior oblique CN3 (to abduct)" then PLUS "superior rectus (CN3) or inferior oblique (still CN3)". This will also get you to look out and up.
In short, you have to have your CN3 intact to look up and out, whatever combination of pulleying you choose to use, CN3 plays a part.

So in summary, if a person cannot look at their nose, this tells me their CN4 may be impaired (but so may their CN3 be impaired also, cannot be sure yet). This test is meaningful under the presupposition that CN3 is intact to adduct the eye into alignment for CN4 to then depress the eye ball. But we cannot just assume things. Need to show that CN3 is indeed intact.

Check if CN3 is indeed intact, by asking the person to look up and out.
Let's say they can indeed do that, this means ie. their CN3 is fine.

So come back to their inability to look at their nose which can be caused by CN3 and/or CN4 lesion, and CN3 is shown now to be fine, therefore their inability to look at nose is due to CN4 alone.

There I've isolated CN4 out.

How does that sound as an approach to isolating out CN4 lesion?
Please comment. Thanks very much. I think I got it right, but just need to double check it with someone good. Thanks.

CN 4 supplies superior oblique
so if SO is paralyzed .....loss of intortion, depression ,abduction,

due to unopposed action of inferior oblique i think the eye will more adducted elevated extorted...so i think he can see his nose.......with help of medial rectus

sorry if am wrong!!!!  (+ info)

Can you control some nerve impluses with any kind of medicne?

Im a bio major and Ive always had this problem dealing with blood and diseases. I usually strart getting all sweaty and I turn a pale white. Then I start feeling this tingly feeling and my eyes start seeing black patches then I usually pass out. I told this to one of my professors and they said that its a nerve that is sending these impluses and they keep getting stronger until I pass out. Im not sure how you spell the nerve but I believe it was called the Vegas nerve. Excuse my spelling but I want to know if their is any kind of medication I could take that dumbs this nerve down so when I have lectures or labs that deal with blood and diseases I wont have much of a problem. Any help would be appreciated.

It's the vagus nerve and you're having a vagal response with vaso-vagal syncope. Other taking than a very mild sedative before going into the stimulus environment, I would suggest desensitization. You may wish to discuss this with your primary care provider. A beta-blocker is used when the response is neurocardiogenic. But this type of response occurs spontaneously due to the particular mechanism causing it. Not because of seeing blood and disease.  (+ info)

Are there any neurological diseases which cause hearing loss?

I am currently under neurological investigation for many symptoms. Cognitive impairment, muscle tremors, muscle weakness, fatigue and headaches. I have recently experienced hearing loss in my right ear with feelings of pain and pressure in it. I went to a doctor and they saw no signs of infection so I am now assuming this problem is tied into my other problems. Can hearing loss be a symptom of neurological illness and if so is it permanent? Could it be a symptom of nerve damage. Any help really appreciated, thanks.

it's probably just ear wax or water stuck in there  (+ info)

What does frequent nerve vibrations around one of the eyes (left one) mean?

They occur a few times in a day (max 3)
Do not cause any pain.
Are they symptoms of any diseases that I may have, maybe vision or neurological diseases, sleep disorders or stress?
I am getting enough sleep though.

I asked a doctor this same thing ,,,and he said that it is a sign of fatigue.....he told me try getting more sleep...  (+ info)

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