FAQ - Tuberculosis, Female Genital
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Is it harmfull to masterbate when a female currently has hpv and genital warts?

Thats horrible.
Why would you want to masterbate whe thats what got you the warts?
Its deffinatily not harmful,sence materbation is the safest sex intercourse,
but it really doesnt make sence.  (+ info)

Can anyone recommend a female piercer to do male genital piercing in London?

I've decided to get a 4th piercing done; the 1st below the waist, and I'm just not too keen on the idea of a having another fella handling my jubblies!

Intimate piercings are generally performed by same sex piercers.
I would recommend a trip to Cold Steel in Camden... talk to the guys and girls there for the full picture, they have always been a pretty cool bunch.  (+ info)

If you have sex with a female with hpv, are genital warts garanteed?

oral, intercourse any other kid of sexual contact...in other areas too.
She has cervical cancer, but the cause is usually hpv?

Yes, virtually all cervical cancers are due to a high risk HPV type….many people carry more than one HPV type. There is no guarantee that you will acquire genital warts. Most people who acquire an HPV type do not show signs of abnormal cell changes or of external genital warts.

Most genital warts are due to low grade HPV types 6 or 11...however some genital warts are of a high risk HPV types. www.cdc.gov

Your denitist is your first resource for screening the oral area for pre-cancer lesions of the oral area.

Specific HPV type screening is rare outside of research. The most common HPV test is a screening of the cervix only...and for 13 high risk HPV types. They are about 15 high risk HPV types and 40 genital HPV types. Most often we never know what specific HPV type or types we carry. We can acquire new HPV types with a new sex partner.

Genital warts
Condylomata bearing HPV-6 or -11 have identical clinical
manifestations and histology [2]. Recent studies have shown that about
100% of GWs are caused by either HPV-6 or -11 but that 20–50% of
lesions also contain co-infections with HR HPV types [3] and [4]. GWs
do not usually result in major morbidity or mortality, but cause
significant psychological morbidity and very substantial healthcare
costs. Occasionally GWs persist for long periods of time and, rarely,
such long-standing lesions may progress to malignancy. GWs are highly
infectious, with a transmission rate of about 65% within sexual
partnerships from an infected to a susceptible sexual partner, and an
incubation period of between 3 weeks and 8 months, with the majority
developing warts at around 2–3 months [3]. Once GWs have developed,
they may show minimal change over time, become more numerous or
larger, or regress spontaneously. The majority of placebo-controlled
GW therapy trials show low rates of regression (around 5% complete
clearance) in the short term, although in one study over 16 weeks 20%
of women and 5% of men using placebo completely cleared their warts,
and 38% of women and 22% of men using placebo cleared over 50% of
their baseline warts [3]. Regressing warts contain significantly more
CD4 positive T cells, both within the stroma underlying the lesions
and the condylomata themselves, and greater expression of activation
markers [3]. There is no report of the rate of spontaneous regression
that may occur in the longer term. Following GW clearance with
therapy, recurrence is common and is often seen within 3 months in 25%
of cases, although rates of up to 67% have been observed [3]. In
clinical practice recurrences are often seen at sites of previous
lesions, and in these cases HPV infection in stem cells or
slow-turnover cells at the site of previous clearance has persisted
and then reactivated. The proportion of HPV-6/11 infections that are
either completely cleared or persist in a latent form after clinical
resolution is unknown, and, indeed, animal models suggest that both
outcomes can occur [3].

Science direct

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Jan 10 - Human papilloma virus (HPV) is
with flat penile lesions that are more common and larger in size in
of women with HPV-related cervical disease, according to a report in
January 1st issue of the International Journal of Cancer.

Earlier studies have reported a wide spectrum of penile lesions
with HPV, the authors explain, but these studies have mainly been
to sexually transmitted disease clinic patients and partners of women
HPV-associated disease.

HPV types 16, 18, 31, 33, and 35 are found occasionally in visible genital warts and have been associated with external genital (i.e., vulvar, penile, and anal) squamous intraepithelial neoplasia (i.e., squamous cell carcinoma in situ, bowenoid papulosis, Erythroplasia of Queyrat, or Bowen’s disease of the genitalia). These HPV types also have been associated with vaginal, anal, and CIN and anogenital and some head and neck squamous cell carcinomas. Patients who have visible genital warts are frequently infected simultaneously with multiple HPV types.

In addition to the external genitalia (i.e., penis, vulva, scrotum, perineum, and perianal skin), genital warts can occur on the uterine cervix and in the vagina, urethra, anus, and mouth. Intra-anal warts are observed predominantly in patients who have had receptive anal intercourse; these warts are distinct from perianal warts, which can occur in men and women who do not have a history of anal sex. In addition to the genital area, HPV types 6 and 11 have been associated with conjunctival, nasal, oral, and laryngeal warts. Genital warts are usually asymptomatic, but depending on the size and anatomic location, genital warts can be painful, friable, or pruritic.


Many people carry multiple HPV types.
Pathology Department, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul  (+ info)

Does anyone know about female genital piercings?

Im considering getting my whoo-ha pierced, but i would like more information. Like where i would need to go, does any piercing place do it or no? Is it trues that you can loose all sensation after a certain period of time? I've heard that you need to be a certain size, is this true? If so, how would you find out this information? What is the general price range? If you know anything, or everything, its much appreciated.

A clitoral hood piercing would be there better way to go. It is just through that little bit of skin to the hood of the clit, not thru the clit itself. There has not been any documented cases of decreased sensitivity.

This type of clit piercing isn't very strict about size. You won't know if your bits fit the criteria until you go there to get it done. If you don't fit the profile, they just won't do it.

Just look up all of the shops in your area and ask them if they do the piercing. You can ask the piercer more info about their experience and see if they have a portfolio so you can see some of their work..

I know nipples tend to be around 40.00-60.00 depending on where you go, so I am sure a clitoral piercing would be around the same range.  (+ info)

How does Staph look in the genital area of a female?

my friend had sex with her boyfriend and now her genital area looks like she has staph around the genital area and as well as internal

Actually staph infections can occur anywhere. However, in the genital region it is more likely to be an STD. Your friend needs to go to the doctor because we can't diagnose her over the internet.  (+ info)

Can a female get genital warts from a condom breaking?

My woman found out she had gw five months after we had been going together... She claims it was from a guy she had been with last year...She says the condom broke but right when it did he pulled out and I don't have it thank God...What's going on?

genital warts are caused by contact, so a condom is no protection against them unfortunately.  (+ info)

What countries still allow female genital mutilation, if any?

I understand this practice removes all areas which are connected to sexual pleasure, so I imagine it is no longer accepted in most countries.
aaaaaa I asked where it is practised.

Africa...and me personally I am disgusted by the whole thing! sooo sad for the young ladies there.  (+ info)

How safe is it to sleep with a female with genital herpes, unprotected, she has not had a break for 3 months ?

She is a healthy girl, has not had any problems for last three months .......

It is always possible to transmit herpes, even when you are free from breakouts.
Wear the glove.  (+ info)

is there any soap or deo for correcting the female genital odor?

something which is medically approved and doesn't have strong chemicals in it.

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my baby boy has his genital organ look like a female's. his penis is inside. what shall i do?

the doctors said he has hypospaedia. he was operated once to position the urethra in the tip of the penis. however, up not now, at 4yo, his genital organ looks like a female's. you can only see his penis if he opens the lavia. can further surgey correct the deformity?

  (+ info)

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