FAQ - Turners syndrom
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What are my chances of getting toxic shock syndrom?

I left an ultra tampon in for about 15 hours on accident last night i completely forgot to change it... I'm so scared i might have toxic shock syndrom! if I do when will i start seeing symptoms?? and what are the symptoms? Any information will be much appreciated! thanx!

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what is the difference between Klinefelters and Turners syndrome?

i have to do a project on turners syndrome. i accidentally picked klinefelters in the beginning when we were choosing project subjects. i'm in 7th grade, i didn't know any better! i started researching the history on wikipedia, and it GROSSED ME OUT!!! it was the male reproductive system, i'm squemish. another boy got turners syndrome, about the female reproductive system. he switched with me. i know that it has to do with having an extra chromosome, but are there anymore differences other than one is female, other is male?

with turner syndrome the females actually have 1 less chromosome not an extra one, or sometimes only part of the X chromosome is missing. The reproductive system in turner syndrome is only 1 small part of the condition. They tend to have non functioning ovaries. Womb, cervix and vagina are usually quite normal.
Turner syndrome girls have short stature which is helped by giving daily growth hormone injections until final adult height is achieved (around 16-18yrs of age) it's not unusual these days in the UK to start this treatment aged 18 months.
estrogen treatment is given around the age of 12/13yrs to give the girl puberty changes, then progesterone is added to give the girl a monthly bleed (period)
other problems that may be present is
heart problems (surgery needed)
kidney problems
thyroid problems
frequent ear infections
lymphodema , swelling of feet and hands, which is often how a new born is diagnosed
small lower jaw
high arched pallet in the mouth causing feeding problems
infertility due to the non functioning ovaries
each girl will be different, not all have the same symptoms, in the main they look very much like other girls so it can be hard to tell a girl/woman has turner syndrome.
there can be some learning problems but mostly that is very mild and most will attend mainstream school.  (+ info)

Where do they sell those sandwich turners?

At one time they sold on TV, they are kind of like two egg turners with a spring. Where can I get one?

Had one a few years ago...as seen on TV...Hated it, tossed it!
Bought it at Bed, Bath & Beyond!  (+ info)

Can ultrasound show if your baby has Down syndrom?

I don't want to get amnio because of the risk of loosing the baby due to amnio. Is there any chance they could tell from the ultrasound if the baby has Down syndrom? He has two possitive "soft markers" for down syndrom. Has anyone been through this and then had a healthy baby? I am scared and need to hear something possitive.

No the Ultrasound can not tell because the ultrasound is not 100% its don with sound waves to there is never a solid anwser. Your best bet would be the amnio I know that you dont want to but if you really need to know before that baby comes then that is the best way. Now my mother had an Amnio done in her 5 month and they left a hole in her uderuse and she was on bed rest for 3 month and then they diliver my brother 5 weeks early and he is a heathy 21 year old going to college so loseing the baby does not always happen when there are complications. Good luck and I hope that your baby is very happy and healthy!!!!  (+ info)

How many people know what turners syndrome is?

Hey everyone. I am a 13 year old girl. I have turners syndrome. It was discovered Dr.Henry Turner. It is a rare condition any females can get but it makes you very small does anyone on here know what it is??
And yes i know what tuners syndrome is but I was wondering does anyone else!!

I'm 37 and was diagnosed w/ TS when I was 11. If you have any questions you can message me if you want.  (+ info)

all listen please i have been researching sbs which is commonly called shaken baby syndrom what can we do?

SBS (shaken baby syndrom) what can we do to help the future leaders of america from being murdered due to anger and stupidity?

all we can do is further educate people on the dangers of shaking their child up whenever they feel stressed or angry and hope for the best. its sad but thats the only thing we can do just keep putting the message out there that it's wrong.  (+ info)

When do you get the down syndrom screening?

Just wondering when they do the down syndrom testing. Is it just a blood test? thanks ladies! ;)
The point is to prepare yourself!, to get educated on how to raise a child with DS. I WOULD NEVER ABORT no matter or no matter what circumstances!

I did have the test done 10 days ago when I was around 15 or so weeks pregnant. Mine was a blood test. I had the quad screening done. It is done around 15-18 weeks pregnant but can not do it over 20 weeks because it is less accurate at that point.

I, like you, had it done just to prepare myself which is what my doctor recommended. I definitely wouldn't have the amnio done unless it was medically necessary because of the chance of losing the baby. I would never abort either.

I got my results back a week ago and everything is perfect based on the blood results.

Good luck!  (+ info)

How to deal with a 6 year old Down Syndrom boy on the bus?

Im a special needs monitor on a school bus i have a 6 year old down syndrom boy on the bus, He loves to take his boots,socks and the insoles out of them then say ME GO HOME!!!!!!! he acts up big time and he thinks by doing this he gets to go home. Any sugestions on how to get him to stop and also how to stop his bad behaviour as he thinks the reward is he gets to go back home to his mommy and brother. I think hes jelious of his 2 year old brother as he gets to stay home with mommy while he has to go to school. He has major seperation anxity it breaks moms heart to leave because he is screaming yelling crying kicking wont sit down he doesnt want to get on the bus he doesnt want to go to school. Im only 20 i dont have the mother skills to know what or how do do things, I would LOVE your suggestions and comments. I LOVE MY JOB!! i have other special needs children on the bus. I want to better my knowledge on how to deal with childs needs.. Thanks so much

The best thing to do is educate yourself more on children with Down Syndrom. Also, explain to him that no matter how he behaves he will not get to go home, he's going to school regardless. His mom should really explain this to him as well. Also, tell him that he's going to school to learn and make friends and how fun and exciting it is.

Also, try to look up games that you can play on the bus with the children that won't get them too riled up and encourage him to participate.  (+ info)

What is good medicine for irritial bowel syndrom?

I am only 21 and I have ibs whenever I am in social settings, even if I did not eat much. I am scared to go in long car rides with others or sit through a long class.
My symptons are more mild, like bloating.

Go to a doctor. There are too many causes of IBS, most of them are serious, considering your age. It is important to get checked out, and checked out early.  (+ info)

I would like to know with having Turner Syndrom if it causes you to stay sick alot cause it seems like I do?

I am 35 and i was 15 when i found out I had Turner Syndrom but since I was a child i have stayed sick alot. I would just like to know if it because of having Turner Syndrom does it cause you to have a low immune system

from what I have read about this no this has nothing to do with you being sick alot.  (+ info)

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