FAQ - Ulnar Neuropathies
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I banged my elbow really hard & I think I have injured my ulnar nerve. How serious is this & what should I do?

5 days ago I banged my arm really, really hard against my bed. My elbow was in constant pain for the first day, and ever since then I have had an extreme tingling sensation down my arm and my pinky finger and ring finger are numb and tingly. When I bend or twist my arm a certain way or put pressure on it, my entire arm hurts very badly. I'm a little concerned that the tingling sensation and pain have lasted for 5 days, I thought it would be better by now. I believe I have injured my ulnar nerve. Is this serious enough where I should call my doctor? Is there anything my doctor can even do or will it go away on its own? Is there anything I should do to make it feel better?

My husband did something similar. It got so bad he lost a lot of his grip strength and couldn't hold a cup of coffee, the phone, etc. It started out like his arm was asleep. He had an ulnar nerve entrapment, and it had to be surgically repaired to release the nerve.Don't worry - it was a simple, quick outpatient same day surgery thing. That was over a year ago, and he still does not have full grip, but it is better. He just waited too long (stubborn). Get it checked - the doc will probably order an EMG to confirm it. Don't put it off too long.  (+ info)

How much is a ulnar nerve surgery worth in work comp in nh?

back in April 09 I told boss had numbness and tingle in rgt hand small finger , hospital said carpal tunnel ( told my boss I had that in mid 1990 )was confirmed 3 months later a cubital tunnel so work comp denied..any idea if I win how much it's worth

a lifetime of wearing a cast while working and getting retrained for a different job.  (+ info)

I damaged my ulnar nerve. Will I be able to play guitar again?

I got whacked in the ulnar nerve really hard a couple of days ago and now my hand feels really weak and in a sense retarded. I love playing guitar and now I can't play because I don't have the strength to grip the neck with my affected hand. Will I make a full recovery and be able to play guitar again the way I used to? Should I get surgery?

How do you know you damaged your nerve? Did you see a doctor? If your hand feels really weak then you need to see a doctor. You could have damaged the nerve, broke a the ulna bone or something completely different.

As for recovery, if you can still use your hand, I'd expect you to eventually recover IF you go to a doctor and take care of it.  (+ info)

Can subcutaneous ulnar nerve transposition surgery be arthroscopic?

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I have ulnar nerve entrapment, do i need surgery?

I found out that i have ulnar nerve entrapment. I cant really use my arm. It's hard for to bend my elbow. I started a brace on my elbow. Do I need surgery.

surgery will solve the issue  (+ info)

what happens after you have ulnar nerve transposition surgery?

i am having ulnar nerve transposition surgery and i was wondering if anyone knew what the treatment will be for after the surgery

I had this surgery in April. I had immediate pain relief after the surgery, however the pain at the site of surgery has lingered for some time. It is very important not to bend your elbow after surgery. It is also important not to rush fully using the arm you had the surgery on. I was worried about my cardio workouts so I started my rowing routine about 4 weeks after surgery. I am now waiting to have repeat surgery to place the nerve in muscle this time so it will be more secure. I am going to have a full splint for 6 weeks this time just to make sure! This seems like a long time but it will be better than suffering if the nerve would break loose again. You also have to keep the surgery site and splint dry. To be able to shower I found using a trash bag or drycleaning bag works great with large rubber bands to hold it on.
Please everyone, learn from my mistakes. Take it slow and easy on rehab. Don't use your arm until your doctor approves and by all means don't lift anything heavy or do repetative type work until approved by the doctor and physical therapist, this includes surfing the web.
Sleeping was a chore as it is hard to get comfortable with a big splint getting in the way but the end result will be worth it when you are able to function without pain or numbness.  (+ info)

Resting on my elbow, did I damage my ulnar nerve for life?

I was resting on my elbow and my pinky and the finger next to it feel tingly. Now it's been 2 weeks and they still feel a little numb. Did I damage my ulnar nerve for life or will it go away on it's own? I'm worried.

I've never heard of a injury from just resting on your elbow. It's probably not a good thing that it's still numb though. Go get it checked out!  (+ info)

Is there any alternative treatments for pain management in scoliosis and/or axilary neuropathies?

You can often get short-term pain relief for scoliosis from a chiropractor or massage therapist. I've used both. Short-term means a few days to a few weeks.

Long-term or permanent relief requires addressing the real problem of scoliosis, which is muscle imbalances. Some muscles on one side of the scoliotic back are stronger and tighter than the opposing group, alternating sides at three or four levels of the back. Exercise therapy offers the most viable solution, but unfortunately there aren't many specialists for this outside Germany, and doctors will tell you it doesn't work. (They are wrong, and can't prove their case.)

The Schroth method is exercise therapy developed in Germany in the 1920s. There are a couple big German clinics devoted to it. There are a few small Schroth clinics in the US now, started by physical therapists who got specially trained. Even a non-Schroth-trained physiotherapist ought to be able to help you if she/he is smart and specializes in spinal issues. If the first PT doesn't pan out, or gives you exercises that hurt, drop her and try another.

There was a very good article on Schroth treatment of scoliosis pain published in 1993 but it's not indexed online. See Sources below.  (+ info)

Has anyone had ulnar nerve surgery on their wrist?

I'm wondering a few things...how long does it take to get in to see the surgeon and then how long until surgery. How long until I can spend significant time on a computer again? Has anyone had to have the surgery on their wrist as well as their elbow? I'm concerned my entrapment is in the Guyon space in the wrist as well as in the elbow.

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Median and ulnar nerve lesions do not lead to absence of reflexes. Why?

brachial plexus lesions do not lead to absence of reflexes. Why?

Where did you get this info?

Median nerve lesion
Sensory supply

* lateral palm and lateral fingers

Sensory loss

* as above

Area of pain

* thumb, index and middle fingers
* often spreads up forearm

Reflex arc

* finger jerks

Motor deficit

* wrist flexors
* long finger flexors (thumb, index and middle)
* pronators of forearm
* abductor pollicis brevis

Causative lesions

* carpal tunnel
* direct trauma to wrist

Ulnar nerve lesion
Sensory supply

* medial palm
* 5th finger and medial half of ring finger

Sensory loss

* as above but often none at all

Area of pain

* ulnar supplied fingers and palm distal to wrist
* pain occasionally occurs along course of nerve

Reflex arc

* nil

Motor deficit

* all small hand muscles except APB. However injury at elbow seems to preferentially affect first dorsal interosseus muscle
* flexor carpi ulnaris (clinical evidence of involvement unusual)
* finger flexors (medial 2 fingers). Again clinical involvement unusual

Causative lesions

* elbow: trauma, bed rest, # olecranon
* wrist: local trauma, ganglion of wrist joint  (+ info)

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