FAQ - Uterine Prolapse
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Have you ever expieranced uterine prolapse at a young age and what did you do about it ?

I am expierancing this and my doctor told me the only thing to fix it is hystorectomy and he suggested not to do that were i am only 23 years old . I am in pain all the time though exceisive activity will make me bleed and i am in so much pain that sometimes i cannot even walk . What have you done besides surgry to make it bareable to go on with your daily life ?

It's rather unusual at such young age so I don think you will find anybody here with this problem.I am a doc and I have dealt with some cases. Surgery is the only definitive treatment. IN case surgery is deterred due to any reason, ring pessary may be tried.
Why your doc advised you against it, I cld not understand. Do you wish to have children? Does he/she advise you to go for a pelvic floor repair preventing prolapse and after you have issues, hysterectomy can be done? Anyway, best of luck!  (+ info)

Can a woman get pregnant if she has a vaginal or uterine prolapse?

yes pregnancy is possible under these circumstances ,  (+ info)

Can anyone explain the pains they experienced with a drop bladder or uterine prolapse?

My uterus fell after 3 large babies. My bladder had fallen under the uterus. (Came out its hammock* Ligaments*)
I had surgery at age 25. So a few years ago lol. But I do remember my back hurt and I felt like I had to urinate all the time. It hurt to have sex. But not all the time.
Mine never went all the way down like other women i have known with this. I caught it soon after i had my son.
Good luck  (+ info)

Can skipping (jumping rope) lead to or cause uterine prolapse after pregnancy?

I gave birth to a 7 pound baby 3 months ago and I'm desperate to start working out more regularly (been doing 'powerwalks' till now, very infrequently). Jumping rope is by far the best method for me to lose weight but is it true that it can cause uterine prolapse?? i've been doing my Kegel exercises since delivery albeit not so regular in the last few weeks. can someone please advise me..i'd really really appreciate it! thanks in advance

I don't think jumping rope would cause prolapse-exercise helps. If you are concerned about the gravity or bouncing pulling your organs, try cycling or walking instead, for peace of mind. And keep up those kegels! It takes a while to build those muscles up.  (+ info)

Can a 12 year old have a uterine prolapse?

* not 15, 12
I'm 15. Virgin, good weight, good health. When i put a tampon in tonight, it was really hard and I didn't know why. My cervix or whatever felt really close to the opening, and I'm scared. About a week ago I read about a woman whose "bits" fell out. But she had been pregnant and stuff. Can this be happening? How can I prevent it?

  (+ info)

Question about uterine prolapse?

I just read this article about a woman who had uterine prolapse, and it really scared the wits out of me. I am a teenager - and I am wondering what the chances of me getting this could be? Or does it only happen after you've had children or are older? Thanks.

It is unlikely to happen to a teenager, don't worry. The risk factors are as you said, having children and being older, among other things.  (+ info)

If i have a uterine prolapse, can i get pregnant.............?

If i have a uterine prolapse, can i get pregnant... can anyone tell me cure to uterine prolapse other than getting operated...

  (+ info)

what is Uterine prolapse ? what are the causes and Symptoms?

Uterine prolapse

Uterine prolapse is falling or sliding of the uterus from its normal position in the pelvic cavity into the vaginal canal.
The uterus is held in position in the pelvis by muscles, special ligaments, and other tissue,. The uterus drops into the vaginal canal (prolapses) when these muscles and connective tissues weaken.
Uterine prolapse usually happens in women who have had one or more vaginal births. Normal aging and lack of estrogen hormone after menopause may also cause uterine prolapse, Chronic cough and obesity increase the pressure on the pelvic floor and may contribute to the prolapse.. Uterine prolapse can also be caused by a pelvic tumor, although this is rare.
Chronic constipation and the pushing associated with it can worsen uterine prolapse.

- A feeling as if sitting on a small ball
- Difficult or painful sexual intercourse
- Frequent urination or a sudden, urgent need to empty the bladder
- Low backache
- Pain during intercouse
- Protruding of the uterus and cervix through the vaginal opening
- Repeated bladder infections
- Sensation of heaviness or pulling in the pelvis
- Vaginal bleeding or increased vaginal discharge
Many of the symptoms are worse when standing or sitting for long periods of time.  (+ info)

Will a CT Scan reveal a uterine prolapse?

I suspect that I may have a minor uterine prolapse. I have no pain but see a very slight bulge. I had a ct scan of my pelvis and abdomen done. Would that have shown a prolapsed uterus? I can't see a gyn for another two months (earliest appointment I could get). Also, in the meantime if it is a prolapsed utereus, is it something that I could live with if it isn't severe? Will I be able to function normally?

A CT scan will NOT be able to see a uterine prolapse. CT scans are not indicated for uterine prolapse. Ultrasound can help and more importantly a physical exam by a doctor. You should be able to live with it unless you have some of the rare complications associated with it such as infection, infarction or obstruction but you would be in real bad pain or with high fever.

Good Luck  (+ info)

Am I dealing with Uterine prolapse?

During my period I had trouble putting in my tampon. Like I hit a wall. I inspected and I felt what seems to be my uterus extending down into my vaginal canal about 1/1 1/2 inches. I know that isn't normal. I know I am swollen, but I have never had that happen before. I have been told I have endometriosis and my periods get worse with age. The cramps are unbearable. What could be going on?

it is seen in women who have many children or post menopausal women usually....

nulliparous no children woman seen but about 2% only.......

is it getting increasing size by coughing/straining
and decreased when lying down?feel a lack of support there?

has any backache in evening?
any discharge from vagina?is there any urinating problems?frequent urination?or incomplete urination like feeling?

sexual difficulties?orgasm lacking?

if u have any of these consult a gynec doc these are the symptoms of prolapse...plus a mass coming down the vagina....

hope this helps  (+ info)

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