FAQ - Vascular Headaches
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Why do I keep getting headaches after doing intense exercise under the sun?

I've been getting headaches after intense exercises under the sun especially after playing football(soccer).Usually the headaches come about half an hour after I stop playing.It takes about 30 minutes of play for me to get headaches.However,I can play at a high level of intensity indoors for about 2 hours with a short break and not experience anything after that.Usually the aches are in the back of the head and around the temples.The headaches last for a day and they severely restrict my ability to concentrate on work.My doctor told me that it is due to dehydration but I drink lots of water before,during and after play and don't experience any symptoms of dehydration such as dizziness or nausea.What could be causing these headaches and how can I prevent them?Recently,I have also experienced minor and short headaches during school time.Usually at the end of a long day.

I agree withyour doctor that it might be dehydration. it takes 72 hours to properly hydrate. When exercising that intensely you might consider drinking something like Gatorade or any of the Electrolyte replacement drinks out there. When you sweat that much you are losing more than just water you need to replace the salts and minerals too. The heat acts to make your body work that much harder to cool you offf. the body cools you off by dilating the veins. This allows more blood flow and lets more of the heat escape.
The description of the headache makes me wonder if you are prone to migraines. Do you drink much caffeine? If so you might want to cut back which if you have been drinking it for a while...will give you a headache as you go through withdrawls....about 10 days  (+ info)

What are differences between all the different headaches and migraines?

I get all kinds of headaches ALL THE TIME. Several times a week. I get so confused about the different kinds of headaches. I know I get migraines every 2 months or so, I get tension headaches, sinus headaches, and caffeine headaches. Can someone sum the symptoms up for me so I can clearly tell what kind of headache I have and maybe some tips on how to get rid of them?

join the club- i have a migraine every other day, and then other sorts of headache everyday- the only thing that realy helps for me is to massage my neck at the back- and then take a Migril and go to sleep- then you also get this pounding on your temporal lopes (the veins) -bad ! very painfull- the only way to release pain is to put pressure (with massage on it)
the next day you will feel like you been in a train crash, but that is better than this headaches ! God bless  (+ info)

What kind of headaches comes from performing a physical pressure and then a nerve near my right ear twitches?

These headaches first started one day after laughing a lot, the headache just started after laughing hard. Then after that these headaches came on and off. Sometimes when I bend over to get something from the floor or when i make an effort to pick something up I feel the pain in my right side of my head and then the nerve twitch near my right ear that comes and goes.

This is not my area of expertise, but you should go check it out now! it could be nothing major, like high pressure, or you could have a burst capillary (small blood vessel) in the brain which is very dangerous!  (+ info)

How come some people are more vascular then other?

BTW vascular is when you have veins popping out of your skin. Why do some people have more visible veins the other? Is this good or bad?

thinner more transparent skin, genetically larger veins...I don't think it is bad, just the way some people are built.  (+ info)

What are the main differences between Vascular Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease?

A member of my family has been diagnosed with Vascular Dementia so the more detail someone can give me, the better. Many thanks.

Vascular dementia is caused by narrowing arteries cutting off oxygen supply to the brain cells - proper medication can really help/even improve mental function IF brain cells haven't been impaired by a stroke. No one yet knows what causes Alzheimer's, but there are connections to the brain not being able to rid itself of waste materials the same way "normal" brains do and that's what many of the meds work on. An Alzheimer's diagnosis is more discouraging because the medications are still all pretty new/experimental and only slow down the progress of the disease, at best. Chances are, with Vascular Dementia, if your family member is able to exercise a little, gets really good nutrition and treatments that clear out arteries, there's a chance for a better quality of life than with Alzheimer's. Good for you for caring enough to search out answers!  (+ info)

Which eye drops contain a vascular constrictor in them?

I've done a little research and heard that you can make the whites in your eyes whiter by using eye drops with a vascular constrictor in them. The only problem is, i don't know which eye drops contain a vascular constrictor. Can i please get some products and stores where i can purchase them? That'd be great!

The active ingredient in Visine eye drops is Tetrahydrozoline HCl which is a vascular constrictor. You can buy Visine at any drug store such as CVS or Walgreens.  (+ info)

How can i get rid of headaches that i have everyday thats not over the counter drugs?

right now i believe im having problems with allergies but whats bothering me the most is headaches everyday. I dont know if its a sinus headache interfearing with my allergies or is it more serious than i think. When im not sick i have a least one headache a day. What should i do about it?

I had headaches everyday too and remember how incredibly horrible it was. For me, they were chronic daily migraines, with no other underlying problems. Unfortunate for some of us, there's no good reason for having headaches. My neurologist told me to not even bother keeping a journal because there was likely no trigger. You're right that otc drugs are bad to take. They can really hurt your body if you take then long-term. I use anti-convulsants (that have to be prescribed) to prevent them. The other two classes of medications used to prevent headaches are anti-depressants and blood-pressure medications. In addition to these, I use ice on my neck/nape of my skull, I drink hot tea, I get at least 8-9 hours of sleep a night, do yoga, and take prescribed pain killers when things get really bad. I would really advise going to a neurologist. They'll be able to make an informed decision about whether they should do an MRI, PET, or CT or whether you're probably just having migraines. If you think its just allergies causing your headaches, I would see an allergist. Some common, weird things about migraines that might scare people into thinking there's something else wrong: the pain often spontaneously switches from one part of the head to another, pain behind the eyes, visual disturbances, and intense nausea.  (+ info)

What causes frequent headaches and sudden mood swings?

I am a little worried about my boyfriend. He has been having painful headaches and they cause him to cry. The headaches are sudden after being angry or having sex. Anybody have any ideas?

Hm it sounds to me like he is maybe having some postpartum depression or maybe stages of it did he ever suffer any sort of trauma in his life recently or throughout his life? & also the headaches may be migraines not headaches themselves I unfortunately have the pleasure (sarcasm Haha) of having migraines & suffer from them it's really horrible pain & I often cry about it because no pain pill works I have taken some extremes when it comes to my migraines, from normal ibuprofen to Excedrin to Tylenol 3 nothing works. My suggestion is maybe having him see a doctor to tell him what is causing his pain & see if the mood swings are something worse.

I wish you luck.  (+ info)

What painkiller should I take for headaches?

I get a fairly bad headache at least once a day and Tylenol and Advil are just not helping anymore. I also get migraines and headaches that make me feel dizzy and nauseated. I have been living on Advil and Tylenol for quite a while now and both of those are starting to lose affect. Is there a really great headache medicine out there that I haven’t discovered yet? Or am I just going to have to live with these?

My best friend has severe headaches all the time and she doesn't go anywhere without her Excedrin. I can't speak from experience because I have never used it but she lives by it. There are alot of new prescription meds out there that you can take at the onset of a migraine that work well and do not have that adverse effect that narcotics have. If you are having this many headaches then I would see my family physician. It could be something serious. Good Luck.  (+ info)

what is a vascular growth in the uterus that was found during an ultrasound?

My daughter is expecting her 3rd child late this fall and has been experiencing severe back and leg pains. During an ultrasound it was discovered that she has what is referred to as a growth in her uterus....it is not a fibroid tumor apparently because it is vascular. Has any one had any experience with this or know something of what it is an indicator of? Is this something to be overly concerned about either for the baby or the mother? Thank you for any input you can give me.

She didnt ask her doctor? Have her call up her doctors office and get a complete explanation.

Its not okay in any situation for a patient to go home without every question they have answered. You or your insurance are paying those medical professionals for their services, theyre not doing you a favor. Not getting all you need from them is like sitting down a diner and not getting any food.

If she's not getting the information she needs, or her docter is making her feel too rushed to ask, then she needs to switch doctors.

Things that involve your unborn childs health are so incredibly important, and there is never an excuse for a doctor or nurse to not explain what theyre finding at the time that they find it.  (+ info)

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