FAQ - Venous Insufficiency
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diastolic pressure is the minimum pressure exerted on the venous or arterial walls?

Which one is diastolic pressure defined as the time during the heart beat when there is minimum pressure exterted on the venous walls, or when there is minimum pressure exerted on the arterial walls?

The diastolic pressure (DBP) is the minimum arterial pressure when the heart is relaxed when the ventricles are filling with blood.  (+ info)

How much does a low venous oxygen saturation affect judgement?

When brought to the ER with liquid in her lungs (pleural effusion as a result of terminal metastatic breast cancer) my late wife's venous oxygen saturation was measured as 46% (as recorded on hospital file). Just then, in my absence, a relative got her to sign a will and now claims it's valid. Less than two days later she died, but had time to tell me that she shouldn't have signed anything when she was feeling so 'agitated'. I calmed her, telling her I would take care of it, and not to worry.

Does anyone out there have the medical know-how to tell me whether I am well founded in contesting the will, and that its worthwhile (despite my state of bereavement) to start looking for lawyers and expert witnesses?
A note for "biomed": You may have jumped to conclusions - as father of our infant daughter, I have to make sure that her mother's bequethment to her is protected. As much as I would just like to say 'to hell with this head-ache', I am motivated by parental responsiblity, rather than greed, to find a just solution.

Was the signature notarized? If not, it may not be legal. Assuming it was - I think you certainly could argue that your wife was not of sound mind when she signed that document. You have the medical records to back you up. 46% is very low and can cause confusion. You also said mets breast ca - did she have brain mets? If so - there's another claim that perhaps your wife was not of sound mind. I also assume she was on pain meds - again, I would question whether or not she was of sound mind.

I'm not a lawyer, but I am a health care provider who all too frequently sees "well meaning" relatives crawl out of the woodwork when someone is on their death bed, especially when there is money involved. You never see these relatives when these patients really are very sick and could use them to help get them to appointments or just be there for them.  (+ info)

Could a progesterone insufficiency cause late miscarriage ?

I know this is a common cause of early miscarriages, but have you ever heard of it causing an early second trimester miscarriage, about 16 weeks or so ?

No. I have low progestrone too. Your placenta takes over progestrone levels and it evens out. It's only dangerous before 12 weeks.   (+ info)

How respiratory pump influence the venous return?

can someone explain to me how inhale and exhale give effect to
venous return?how it occur?

Well it's easy if u use ur imagination .... the heart is inside the thoracic cavity which is a closed cage ... now when u inhale this closed cage becomes bigger with an increase in volume ( try deep inspiration infront of a mirror ) this causes a negative pressure to build up inside the thoracic cavity and this pulls up the blood from the lower venous system

cheeeeeeeeeeeeerio  (+ info)

What is the major vein that empties venous blood into the heart? the descending aorta,the ascending aorta the?

inferior vena cava or all of the above?

Inferior and superior vena cavae.  (+ info)

anyone know of a way to relieve pain from venous ulcers?

on foot, just below the ankle. already using surgical stockings, for about 2 wks now, but still hurts like hell.
any helpful suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
thank you--and my friend with the ulcer thanks you!

Have her ask her doctor about using part of a lidocaine patch directly above the ulcer, a couple of inches away. The theory is that it helps block the pain impulses.  (+ info)

can a venous ulcer lead to a staph infection?

I have a friend that has a venous ulcer on his leg and now he has a staph infection. Could one be caused by the other. Also if he knowingly goes around people when he is contagious and causes someone else to get sick can they sue him?

Yes. Any open wound is at risk for becoming infected and staph is a common culprit for wound infections. It is unlikely for the infection to spread unless he touches his leg and shakes your hand. Direct contact is necessary for spread and since the infection is on his leg it is unlikely. He should wash his hands well after touching the ulcer and keep it covered when around others. In terms of the legal issues I don't think he can be sued as you would need to prove that he was the one that gave it to you and that may be difficult.  (+ info)

How often should you get a venous doppler?

had a dvt ultrasound less than a month ago on both legs. It came back clear this has been my fourth dvt ultrasound as i have a weird OCD fear of dvt. Should i still be worried, if the pain came back today?? i had it less than a month ago.. please help!!

Take a deep breath & relax. This is the the 6th+ similar question in 3 hours.

Have you talked to your doctor about what the risk factors are for DVT? If you don't have them, the odds of a DVT are quite low.

If you've had the pain 4 times, had 4 negative ultrasounds, and the pain is back, It's NOT a DVT.

BTW, repeating the question numerous times could be considered SPAM by the community guidelines. Be careful.  (+ info)

I have a developmental venous anomoly...Does anyone else out there have ths that i can talk to?

I was recently diagnosed with developmental venous anomoly.which is a certain kind of enlarged vein in brain that normally causes no threat or harm..and i was told its nothing to really worry about and that theres a very low percentage that it could become a problem. has anyone reading this been diagnosed with this? And if so were you told the same?

  (+ info)

What are the clincal differences between arterial and venous thrombosis?

Blood clots in the deep vein, that is your big one that runs through your body is called Deep Vein Thrombosis and those are the serious ones that can go to your heart or lungs and sometimes kill you. Blood clot in the Arterial Veins are in the little veins that run through your body and they can hurt just as much and need to be treated also, but they can not break off and go to your heart or lungs. I have had both.  (+ info)

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