FAQ - Vitamin B6-brist
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Is it better to take a B vitamin complex rather than vitamin B6 on its own?

I want to take vitamin B6 to help with hormone in-balance. Is it ok to take it alone or is it safer to take the B vitamin complex?

Yes B Complex. Taking B6 alone will cause a B2 deficiency. They work together.  (+ info)

what is the dosage for vitex and b6 vitamin?

I am going to try using vitex and b6 vitamin this cycle to see if it helps lessen spotting before my period. I do not know how much to take of either each day. I see people talking about vitex in a liquid form, but the local GNC only has it in pill form. Each pill contains 500 mg. Is one a day enough? WHat about the b6 vitamin?

here is a website that should help you i started using this vitex receipe a month ago hope it helps!!! http://www.womens-place.com/ttc/vitex.php  (+ info)

How do I lengthen my luteal phase? Prenatal vitamins or vitamin B6?

Hey guys I'm trying to lengthen my luteal phase. I'm taking prenatal vitamins. Is that ok since it has vitamin B6 and B12, or do I have to take vitamin B6 by itself or in additon to? Also, is this the only way to lengthen my luteal phase? From charting I found out I have 8-9 day luteal phase. Pls help TTC, any advice. Thanks!

Check the dose of B6 in your prenatal vitamin. It may only be around 2.5mgs which is the RDA. To lengthen the luteal phase you need to be taking around 60mgs per day, so you would have to take an additional tablet. You can also try progesterone cream, this is commonly used to lengthen the luteal phase, but is uneffective in some women.  (+ info)

What are the benefits of vitamin B6, B12, and folic acid?

My friend in MLM nutritional supplement tells me to take vitamin B6,B12, and folic acid on a daily basis, he says it prevents heart disease, stroke and mental depression. Is this true? Any scientific evidence?

There are many health benefits of folic acid, as well as other B Vitamins, and it is an essential part of a heart healthy diet. Lack of this important vitamin can lead to a host of problems including heart disease.
Folic acid also known as Vitamin B9, it plays an important role in facilitating many body processes. Among them are cell maintenance and repair, synthesis of DNA, amino acid metabolism and formation of red and white blood cells....the benefits of folic acid include inhibiting colon cancer as well as preventing heart disease..........................
In addition to high cholesterol levels, an equally important risk indicator of heart disease is increased homocysteine, an abnormal protein byproduct. One of the benefits of taking folic acid and other B Vitamins is that they help remove homocysteine from your blood. Too much homocysteine can cause serious artery damage. Fruits, green leafy vegetables and yeast are all foods containing folic acid in the form of folate. However, studies show that it is actually better absorbed by the body in supplement form. It is almost 50% less available from food sources, so it is probably wise to supplement to maximize Vitamin B benefits.
In addition to folic acid (B9), Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12 are important for maintaing cardiovascular health. Vitamin B benefits include metabolizing carbohydrates and lipids (B6), helping red blood cell production and enhancing folic acid utilization (B12), and also maintaining homocysteine levels (B6, B12).

I hope this help;)  (+ info)

Is taking 100mg a day of vitamin B6 pushing the limit?

Supposedly Vitamin B6 is supposed to help with one's attention span. I am taking 100mg a day. But I have heard that taking too much can seriously effect one's health. Is this true?

Am I taking too much? What is the acceptable amount to take? Thanks.

Its alot of B6! About 5000 times minimum daily requirement. But not an overdose. B6 is a water soluble vitamin and, therefore, any excess ingested over what you assimilate and need is rapidly expelled in the urine. The only thing you might be hurting is your wallet!  (+ info)

Flax seed oil interferes with vitamin B6 absorption - so how much B6 should I take?

I recently read that if you take flax seed oil you need to take vitamin B6 supplements because the oil contains a factor which interferes with this vitamin. I take 20 - 25 ml a day and I'm about 145 lb / 66 kg. How much vitamin B6 should I take?

Thats not true...flax seeds are naturally high in B6...google it....  (+ info)

How much vitamin B6 should I take daily?

If I wanted to take a B6 vitamin/supplement, how many milligrams is sufficient?

If you are female and between the ages of 19-50, the recommended daily allowance is 1.3 mg. You can read more about vitamin B6 including sources here

http://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/vitaminb6.asp  (+ info)

How much vitamin b6 can I safely take?

I have read that megadoses of vitamin B6 can help to regulate mood in some people and I would like to try it for this purpose, so I want to take more than the FDA's minimum recommended daily amount, but I don't want to take an extremely high, dangerous amount.

How much can I safely take?

200mg is the therapeutic dose. Take it with Vitamin C. It helps Vitamin B absorption. Some B Vitamins come with Rose Hips or something similar. Be sure you aren't taking the whole complex to get 200 mg. You could poison yourself with B3 or B2 that way. Be sure you are just taking B6.  (+ info)

Does Vitamin B6 help you to remember dreams ?

I want to remember my dreams more often, because I think they tell you a lot about your inner feelings. Does Vitamin B6 work ?

A dream is a story shared by the unconscious with you - and if it has enough energy, you will remember it. If it doesn't have enough energy, you forget it.

But your unconscious goes on dreaming whether you're awake or not - and no amount of vitamins or anything else can change much. Just give your dreams a thought when you wake up - and you'll remember as much as you're allowed to. If there's something the unconscious wants you to know - believe me - you will remember the dream.  (+ info)

Is it possible to take too much vitamin B6?

We are TTC and i have been on prenatals for about 3 months. I have been reading that B6 will help with regular cycles and boost my chances a little bit. I have been taking the target brand up &up brand prenatals and they do have B6 in them. So can you take to much of this vitamin or am i ok taking the prenatal and the B6?

I would just stick with PN that might be a little too much for your body! But call CVS and just make sure hun I hope to find out if I'm PG by the 7th yay!  (+ info)

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