FAQ - Vitamin D-brist
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Why doesn't the UK add Vitamin D to milk as is done in the USA and Canada?

Why doesn't the UK add Vitamin D to milk as is done in the USA and Canada? The USA and Canada have recognised the health benefits of this for years but not the UK.

Because Europe doesn't remove all the nutrients from its food and doesn't sell genetically modified food like the US does. Their milk naturally has more vit d than the US without having to artificially add it back in like the US does to all its food products. Even our orange juice has to have vitamins added back into it! OJ cartons say Vitamin D added or Calcium enriched. Calcium in OJ? That was weird the first time I saw it but if our cheese has little calcium they have to stick some in our fruits i guess.

Edit to Steve Law - I would disagree because California, Florida and most states get way more sunlight than rainy UK. I mean we're the skin cancer capital of the world and can't go out without wearing sunblock SPF 50.

Edit to Mande957 - Fluoride in water is BAD. It is a toxic chemical that leads to low thyroid levels that are rampant in the US, scrapes the veneer of the tooth leading to decay and has been proven to cause certain types of cancer, which is why one should never drink tap water in the US (see links).  (+ info)

Is vitamin D additive in milk made out of animal skin ?

I recently got to know that all milk has vitamin D added to it and this comes from cow/pig/goat skins and by law, it is not necessary to declare this. Is this true ?
Plesley - I'm talking about USA. Daffyd- thanks for the link.


You can get good old fashioned vitamin D from the sun.

In the 1920s, vitamin D2 was discovered through exposing invertebrates, such as fungi or plants, to ultraviolet. Pharmaceutical companies patented the process. Vitamin D2 is not made naturally in vertebrates, or animals with an internal skeletal system. Vitamin D2 is better than vitamin D3 at absorbing ultraviolet radiation.

D-3 (cholecalciferol) is derived from lanolin (from sheep) or fish. D-2 and D-3 are both used to fortify milk and other dairy products. Some D-3 vitamin supplements are made with fish oil.  (+ info)

How long does it take for ones vitamin D level to be normal?

avrage range is 30-70 mine is 16
now takeing 50,000 units of vitamin d every other week,.. causes little nausea? why?

You are taking too much at one time - try about 2000 - 4000 per day. And take D3 as it gets absorbed and used by your system more effectively.  (+ info)

How can Vitamin D deficiency lead to iron deficiency?

Wikipedia says that "iron [is] often found to be poorly regulated or even deficient in Vitamin D deficiency." Does any one know why that is, how it happens?

Vitamin D absorbs the Iron, so with little vitamin D most iron would just pass though your system.

It's the same with Calcium, Vitamin D is needed to absorb it.

Although you get Vitamin D from foods (the usual suspects those fruits and vegtables) you also get it from the suns rays.

It is also mandatory in Britain for Vitamin A & D to be added in margarine

Hopefully I got that right. It's almost 2 in the morning.  (+ info)

How much vitamin D is a "very healthy" amount?

I want to take enough vitamin D each day that would represent sitting in the hot sun for like, 2 hours. How many UI would that be?

Check out the articles at Mercola.com
2000iu a day is an average for the winter months, but you could boost this to 20,000 if you're sick. Your body makes about 10,000 in 20 minutes if you're half clothed in the sun in summer. The max. you can absorb at any one time is 20,000.  (+ info)

What are the benefits of Vitamin D? What are the risks of Vitamin D level being low? How can I bring it up?

My male friend recently went to have a physical. His vitamin D levels are extremely low and we are trying to find out how this may effect him.

It's becoming an epidemic. U.S. RDA are much too low & the prescription vitamin D supplements are the wrong type (ergocalciferol ). Luckily you can buy vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) and the upper limits are extremely high. Current recommendations are for 35iu per pound - a 200# person needs minimum of 7000iu per day & the rda is 400iu. This amount is for minimal needs and does not account for depleted stores. Right now (March) is when our stores are at their lowest.

I personally have been doing 30,000-50,000iu per day for the past month trying to refill my stores. It is highly recommended that you have your vit.D levels tested but my research shows toxicity only at outrageous, long term levels.

Low Vitamin D levels greatly increases your risk of cancer, diabetes, MS & heart attack.  (+ info)

Can low vitamin D levels in your body cause fatigue?

I have a pretty low vitamin D count (its in the low end of the inefficiency level) and I am wondering if this can cause fatigue because I am always tired. Anyone know?

Yes it can
we need Vit D to absorb calcium. try taking a multi vit and see how you feel. Also 15 min of sunlight on exposed skin everyday will get you enough vit d.  (+ info)

If I need 400 IUs of vitamin D milk each day how many ounces should I drink?

On WebMD I was reading Six super foods every woman needs. #5 was Vitamin D fortified lowfat milk or orange juice. The amount we are supposed to have says 400 IUs each day. That doesn't help me since you can't easliy convert IUs to ounces. Everywhere I have tried it says an IU is different for each vitamin, so I needed help finding out what they meant when I am to drink 400 IUs.

Hello =)

I provided you with a link to a website that gives you a lot more information and food choices to get your Vitamin D but I will answer your question also =)

Each cup(8oz) of milk contains 98 IU's of Vitamin D so you would need to drink about 4 cups(32 oz total ) a day.

Orange juice isn't a good source of vitamin D, unless they are referring to the type with Added vitamin D(Tropicana), which has about the same as a cup of milk.  (+ info)

Can i give my 3yr old vitamin d to fight off phlemn in her throat?

She does take a vitamin everyday but she might need more vitamin d.What can i give her,and how much?I dont want to rely on milk.

take er out in the sun a couple minutes a day, that the best source of vitamin d.

here is a site all about vitamin d including sources, plus risks of getting too much of it.  (+ info)

Is it safe to take calcium and vitamin D while on The Pill?

I am currently taking Yaz (drospirenone/ethinyl estradiol) for birth control and to treat PMDD. I've been taking it for almost eight months and thus far, I've had no unpleasant side effects.

I want to start taking calcium and vitamin D supplements, but I'm uncertain as to how much might be too much. Can anyone tell me if the effectiveness of birth control in general, or Yaz in particular, is affected by calcium or vitamin D?


think of it this way; can you drink milk while taking Yaz? Milk has both calcium and vitamin D. Does your package insert warn you to stay out of direct sunlight while taking this medication? Sunlight has vitamin D too. You should be okay taking a calcium, vitamin D supplement.  (+ info)

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